• 战争结束曾经剧院地方建起了一学校

    After the war, a new school building was put up where there had once been a theatre.


  • 政府没有真正充分考虑一旦战争结束打算什么

    The administration has not really thought through what it plans to do once the fighting stops.


  • 战争结束后,所有的奴隶都获得自由。

    All slaves were set free when the Civil War ended.


  • 在,艾丽娅等待着战争结束,梦想着和平和一座新图书馆。

    Now Alia waited for the war to end and dreamed of peace and a new library.


  • 然而大多数工作母亲战争结束离开工作岗位期望实现了一部分

    However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their jobs at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled.


  • 乔克韦战争结束和平再次回到邦达兰。

    Peace returned to Mbundaland again after the war with the Chokwe.


  • 多年以来,针对核武讨论当中,广岛长崎的蘑菇云促进了战争结束观点一直都存有争议。

    For many years the argument that the clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki quickly ended the war has been a stock in trade of discussions over the role of nuclear weapons.


  • 大多数认为犹太战争结束于74年,因为最终之战发生于74年,最后攻下据点马萨达。

    The end of the Jewish war is dated by most people to 74, because that's the time when the final battle took place, and the fortress that fell was called Masada.


  • 战争结束军人终于得以回家家人团聚战争中牺牲的军人得以安葬伤兵得以照料

    When the war is over, when the troops are finally home and reunited with their families, when the dead have been buried and the wounded cared for — then comes the reckoning.


  • 孩子名字纸片,把纸片放入瓶,最后邻居院子里,以便战争结束家长们能够找到孩子

    She wrote the children's names on slips of paper and buried them in jars in a neighbor's yard as a record that could help locate their parents after the war.


  • 战争结束成为泰晤士报》临时经济社论主编,随后加入大型企业英国煤炭局,并在那儿工作直到退休。

    After the war, he became briefly chief economics editorial writer for the Times before he joined the National Coal Board, a large organisation where he spent most of the rest of his working life.


  • 因此战争结束对于美国普通民众而言也许并不明显尽管使命名称自由伊拉克行动”变为“黎明行动”。

    So the end of the war may not be apparent to ordinary Americans, despite the change of the mission’s name fromOperation Iraqi Freedom” to “Operation New Dawn”.


  • 实际上关于如何照顾战后受到创伤儿童以及如何带领他们走出创伤的激烈争论早在战争结束已经开始

    In fact, the intense debate about how to care for children and bring them whole out of the war's devastation was already underway before the end of hostilities.


  • 他们一直生活我们中间。战争结束世界拯救了,他们回到家乡和平国度里四散开来

    They walked among us for a very long time; the war ended, the world was saved, and they came home and blended into a nation at peace, and often there was no way for us to ever know.


  • 意大利1916年德国宣战Kraepelin马格里奥尔湖畔别墅曾查抄,在战争结束后物归原主。

    When Italy declared war on Germany in 1916, Kraepelin's vacation home on the shores of Lake Maggiore was confiscated, although following the armistice his property was returned.


  • 伊利诺伊州参军,参加了整个内战,都没有发现战争结束男人身份,继续生活50

    She enlisted in Illinois and she fought the entire Civil War without being discovered and ended up living out the rest of her life as a man for another fifty years.


  • 盖世太保好像失去了兴趣,使得以悄悄到了北海一个小岛上她祖父母的家里,并在那里一直到了战争结束

    The Gestapo seemed to lose interest in her, and she slipped away quietly to her grandparents' home on a North Sea island, staying there until the war ended.


  • 让人感到悲哀是,战争结束20多年来,很多人仍然看到大门模糊轮廓,就像是透过薄雾般的面纱去看道门。

    Sadly, after over twenty years have passed since the war ended, many can still only vaguely see the contour of that door as if looking through a veil of mist.


  • 但是一旦战争结束那些行使权力性格国家建国文件中的话语之间重要区别成为更加引入关注问题

    Once the fighting stops, however, the personalities of those who wield power, and important differences over the wording of the country’s founding documents, will become much more compelling issues.


  • 战争结束这个夏天邓普希跃入了美国人的视线。炎热74日,俄亥俄州托莱多,他威拉德那里夺过冠军头衔

    The summer after the war ended, Dempsey burst onto the national scene, winning the heavyweight title from Willard on a scorching July 4 in Toledo, Ohio.


  • 这项命令使得美籍人日本人或者祖上日本血缘美国人中大约120000种族意义的日本收容所被迫待到了战争结束

    The order led to the internment of Japanese Americans or AJAs (Americans of Japanese Ancestry) in which some 120, 000 ethnic Japanese people were held in internment camps for the duration of the war.


  • 华尔街充斥着悲观预测,伴随着新型美国住房购买经常性物品订单下降提醒着投资者即使战争结束经济也会继续保持不振

    A dip on Wall Street undermined sentiment, with declines in new U.S. home purchases and durable goods orders reminding investors that the economy would continue to struggle even after the war.


  • 1802对于纳来说令人兴奋的年。拿破仑欧洲战争结束了。这意味着透纳可以第一出国旅游,到法国瑞士游山玩水

    1802 was an exciting year for Turner, a long end of Napoleon into the wars in Europe meant he could travel abroad for the first time and see the landscapes of France and Switzerland.


  • 在1992—1995年战争结束大多重建工作已经结束许多建筑拔地而起,其中还有计划建成巴尔干地区的一座最高楼。

    Most reconstruction after the 1992-95 war is over and many new buildings are going up, including one that is planned to be the tallest in the Balkans.


  • 不错多年以色列埃及之间关系逐渐冷淡,2008年以色列与哈马斯之间的加沙战争结束,以色列与土耳其之间的关系逐渐疏远。

    Over the years, it is true, the peace between Israel and Egypt grew cold. After the 2008 Gaza war between Israel and Hamas a frost settled on relations between Israel and Turkey as well.


  • 过去——通常战争结束之后——国家摆脱庞大债务负担,靠的男人资源得以冲突中解脱,被投入更具生产性的工作当中。

    Nations have recovered from huge debt burdens in the past, often in the aftermath of wars, when men and resources were released from conflict and put to more productive work.


  • 这种盲目愤怒”的文明无知不觉停留在了“坠落无论如何也无法阻止的坠落,似乎从此不再未来,不再有和平了,即便战争结束之后。”

    Theblind rage” that our civilizations unknowingly harboredhurls down . . . whatever bars its way, as though there were to be no future and no peace after it is over.”


  • 据联合国儿童基金会记录2003年2008年底超过6000名儿童反叛者抓去。猜测,战争结束最后几个月数据猛增

    From 2003 to the end of 2008, Unicef recorded more than 6,000 cases of child recruitment by the rebels but the number is thought to have soared in the final months of the war.


  • 据联合国儿童基金会记录2003年2008年底超过6000名儿童反叛者抓去。猜测,战争结束最后几个月数据猛增

    From 2003 to the end of 2008, Unicef recorded more than 6,000 cases of child recruitment by the rebels but the number is thought to have soared in the final months of the war.


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