• 土地所有人执意要求高标准景观美化

    The landowner insisted on a high standard of landscaping.


  • 公众成员迫不及待地抓住机会成为公司部分所有人

    Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation.


  • 这些言论不是我们所有人看法

    Those comments do not represent the views of us all.


  • 如今似乎所有人离不开汽车

    These days it seems we must all submit to the tyranny of the motor car.


  • 拟议中的计划不会所有人满意

    The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone.


  • 所有人牵涉到这起诈骗勾当之中了。

    Everyone was involved in this web of deceit.


  • 所有人单程收高

    There are hefty charges across the board for one-way rental.


  • 我们所有人来说最难熬时期

    These are trying times for all of us.


  • 他们取得的成就向他们所有人表示祝贺

    I congratulated them all on their results.


  • 不出意料并不是所有人同意事情变好

    Unsurprisingly, not everyone agrees that things are better.


  • 我们所有串通一气,把神化一流

    We all colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman.


  • 宣布移民澳大利亚时,所有人惊呆了

    Everybody was flabbergasted when I announced I was going to emigrate to Australia.


  • 欺骗我们所有, 令我们所有人失望至极。

    He has deceived and disillusioned us all.


  • 所有生活饥饿痛苦欲望束缚之中。

    All people, she said, lived their lives in bondage to hunger, pain and lust.


  • 他们当中并非所有行动都是出于利己的目的。

    Not all of them were acting out of self-interest.


  • 布罗善于摆布他高手欺骗所有人

    Jean Brodie is a manipulator. She cons everybody.


  • 他们遵守那条约束他们所有的不成文规定不许说话。

    They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them allno talking.


  • 葆拉习惯在后台换衣服所有都色迷迷看。

    Paula is not used to everyone ogling at her while she undresses backstage.


  • 哈哈,”所有人都大笑起来。“是维夫出奇制胜招啊。”

    "Ha, ha," everyone guffawed. "It's one of Viv's shock tactics."


  • 越来越证据表明一生我们所有有时体内都会出现癌细胞

    An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives.


  • 父母决心些什么帮助这种所有人都容易感染疾病受害者

    Her parents were determined to do something to help other victims of this undiscriminating disease.


  • 丑陋美国一词语来自去国外旅行的美国认为所有应该一样的态度

    The term "Ugly American" comes from people travelling with the attitude that people are, or should be, the same everywhere.


  • 所有人提供最好医疗服务

    It delivered the best health-care for all.


  • 调解确保所有遵循解决方案

    The mediator makes sure the persons follow the solution.


  • 几乎他们所有人50以上。

    Nearly all of those aged over 50.


  • 并非所有人认同这种双赢说法。

    Not everyone buys the win-win rhetoric.


  • 我们采访所有对此表示满意

    All the people we interviewed expressed almost total satisfaction with it.


  • 有人都抱怨这块石头。

    All the people complained about the stone.


  • 们是我们所有人的伟大榜样。

    They are great role models for all of us.


  • 米是我们所有人的榜样。

    Amy is an inspiration to us all.


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