• 停下来时候发现手掌被蹭掉了

    Skin tore away from the heels of my palms as I slid to a stop.


  • 可能由于手掌继续生长衬底被拉伸

    It may be that the hands continue to grow, resulting in the pads stretching out.


  • 佛陀脚底手掌八条辐轮线也是它们其中之一。

    The lines of the eight-spoked on the soles and palms of a Buddha are among them.


  • 已经使用手指潦草地写手掌最后

    He had used his finger to scrawl his final words in the palm of her hand.


  • 他们大部分重量放在手掌后跟部,手掌粗糙而且

    They put much of their weight on the heels of their palms, which are rough and calloused.


  • 正中动脉向下延伸手掌374标本占3.74%。

    In 3.74% of 374 sides the median artery extends into the palm.


  • 使用正确技术开始,你就感觉手掌压力很小。

    When you change to a good technique and start to pull the water back behind you - helping it on its way - you could well feel less pressure on the palm.


  • 光敏元件的作用是监测手机用户触摸手掌位置手机屏幕进行相应操作。

    Light sensors are used to monitor where a user moves their hand on their palm and presses the screen on the phone accordingly.


  • 练臂力的石锁、练功的梅花桩、练手掌沙袋、练眼睛的风筝、练腰墙壁

    Wang Ping: They have stone locks to train ann strength, Mci Hua stakes to train leg skills, sandbags to train palms, kite to train eyes and walls to train the back.


  • 这个记忆如此鲜明现在还不时想起鼻尖枕套,手掌感觉

    Thismemory is so distinct, I often remember her apex nasi now, being separated by a pillowcase, feeling withstanding my palm.


  • 有啊!练臂力的石锁、练功的梅花桩、练手掌沙袋、练眼睛的风筝、练墙壁

    Mci Hua stakes to train leg skills, sandbags to train palms, kite to train eyes and walls to train the back.


  • 也许的小伙伴水晶手掌纹路,也许是叶子,来设法告诉你的未来

    Maybe someone you know has tried to tell your future with a crystal ball, or the lines in your palm, or tea leaves.


  • 要使肘关节保持手掌上方将会避免肩关节的转动磨擦从而预防减轻疼痛

    Maintaining the elbow over or outside the hand will prevent this rotation and friction, hence preventing or relieving pain.


  • 前面房间维罗尼卡算命营业室,摆水晶塔罗牌还有手掌示意图

    The front room is Veronica's fortune-telling parlor, equipped with crystal ball, tarot CARDS, and a map of the palm of your hand.


  • 这时看见手掌叶片阳光下,闪烁无数光点,像清晨微波湖面磷光

    At this time, I saw it was like palm leaves in the sun, blinking out of countless points of light, like dawn suffused with the lake of the phosphorescence microwave;


  • 他们试图占有,他们有所求有所期待,那样溢出手掌一样,身边流走

    They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.


  • 十八世纪中叶解剖学家们为不同物种之间潜在的相同特质所着迷。比如蝙蝠的翅膀就具有人类手掌所有组成部分。

    Anatomists in the mid-1800s were fascinated by the underlying similarities of traits in different species - the fact that a bat's wing, for example, has all the same parts as a human hand.


  • 通过身体接触进行交流另一种重要非语言行为每次都把手伸出来与对方握手。经典正确握手方式是手掌手掌的完全接触。

    Communicating through touch is another important nonverbal behavior. Always put your hand out to shake hands. A classic good handshake is one with full palm to palm contact.


  • 人们他们遇到时犯最大错误…他们试图占有,他们要求,他们期待,那样溢出手掌水一样,爱会身边撤退。

    This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love... they try to posses it, they demand, they expect... and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.


  • 人们他们遇到时犯最大的错误…他们试图占有,他们要求,他们期待,那样就像溢出手掌一样,从你身边撤退

    This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meetlove… They try to posses it, they demand, they expect… and justlike the water spillin out of your hand, Love will retrieve fromyou.


  • 这位老师名字呀、相貌呀、脾性什么的,没有任何记忆了。对于他那分量极重的忠告分量更重的手掌印象现在仍然还消失

    I have no recollection of the name, features or disposition of this tutor of ours, but the impression of his weighty advice and weightier hand has not yet faded.


  • 人们他们遇到时犯最大错误…他们试图占有,他们要求,他们期待,那样溢出手掌水一样,爱会身边撤退。

    This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love… They try to possess it, they demand, they expect… and just like the water spilling out of your hand, Love will retrieve from you.


  • 通过位置跟踪获取操作者手掌姿数据采用数据分解矩阵变换的方法将其映射虚拟手掌在虚拟现实环境中的位姿,实现了对虚拟手的准确控制。

    The gestures of real palm that obtained by position tracker are mapped to the gestures of virtual palm in the virtual reality environment by data mapping and transfer matrixes.


  • 可以通过使用适当手势强调你要说的话,摇动拳头、一个下去的手势都有助于强调信息还有一种将拳头击手掌的手势也可起到相同作用。

    A shaking fist or a slicing gesture with one or both hands help emphasize a message. So does pounding your fist /into/ the palm of your hand.


  • 手帕包扎那流血手掌保护

    She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm in an effort to protect it.


  • 手帕包扎那流血手掌保护

    She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm in an effort to protect it.


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