• 1951年保守党再度执政

    In 1951 the Conservatives were returned to power.


  • 早期结果预示这个政府重新执政

    Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.


  • 大选之前过渡阶段由副总统执政

    The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election.


  • 尽管遭到强烈反对,执政还是获胜了。

    Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.


  • 直言不讳地批评执政一个人

    She is one of the ruling party's most outspoken critics.


  • 目前选举法依然非常有利地倾向于执政

    The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.


  • 执政中的资深官员们深谙安抚批评者之道。

    The ruling party's veterans know how to calm their critics.


  • 执政可能放开政策,吸纳迄今排斥在外的人士

    The ruling party is likely to be opened up to let in people hitherto excluded.


  • 执政保守党中的40名成员倒戈投票反对政府方针

    Forty members of the governing Conservative party rebelled, voting against the government line.


  • 昨天私自占地者警察野蛮冲突使这座城市的执政联盟破裂

    Brutal clashes between squatters and police yesterday ruptured the city's governing coalition.


  • 执政反对税收管制

    Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation.


  • 纳粹执政年后,1936年奥运会德国柏林举行

    The 1936 Olympics took place in Berlin, Germany, three years after the Nazis came to power.


  • 国际标准衡量英国之所以落后是因为我们地方政府软弱以及税收反对积极支持市场执政党的监管

    That the UK lags behind is due to our weak, by international standards, local government, as well as the opposition to taxes and regulation of our aggressively pro-market ruling party.


  • 选民们希望表达他们执政党的不满

    Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.


  • 执政军事政权不得民心,镇压人民。

    The military regime in power was unpopular and repressive.


  • 该党执政十八年后赶下台。

    The party was ousted from power after eighteen years.


  • 他因受到贪污执政不善指控去年12月被捕

    He was arrested last December, accused of corruption and misrule.


  • 这些美国律师大部分都是共和党执政时期的留任者。

    Most of the U.S. attorneys are holdovers from Republican days.


  • 现在清楚这个批判多大程度上源自执政内部

    It's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party.


  • 恐吓执政当局先前温和批评形成了鲜明的对比

    The threat contrasted starkly with his administration's previous muted criticism.


  • 执政期间,无限扩大总统权力

    During his administration, he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidency.


  • 西班牙重新掌权之前英国统治持续10个月执政时间很短

    Lasting only ten months before Spain resumed control, Britain's rule was of short duration.


  • 法国议会一轮选举中左翼反对派联合击败了总统雅克·希拉克保守派执政联盟

    The combined left-wing opposition in France has defeated President Jacque Chirac's ruling Conservative Coalition in the first round of the country's parliamentary elections.


  • 国家至少三种社会阶层上层阶级执政),中产阶级(商人管理者下层阶级(农民,工人)。

    States had at least three social levels, usually, an upper class of rulers, a middleclass comprised of managers and merchants, and a lower class of crop producers and agricultural laborers.


  • 近年来,随着美国标准考试成绩下降一些执政认为学生需要教室花费更多时间而不是操场上。

    With standardized test scores in the U.S. dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.


  • 近年来,随着美国标准考试成绩下降一些执政认为学生需要教室花费更多时间而不应该操场上。

    With standardized test scores in the U.S. dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.


  • 埃洛普执掌诺基亚一天公司市值都缩水了2300万美元,从数据上看,是史糟糕的首席执政之一

    Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia, the company's market value declined by $23 million, making him, by the numbers, one of the worst CEOs in history.


  • 过去那些关系一直非常具有挑战性因为他们(执政)不想让那样关系发生

    In the past those relationships have been quite challenging because of the influence of the non - physical negative beings because they did not want those relationships to happen.


  • 权力,把这些替身心灵感应可能远远超出那些经常执政超过补偿缺乏任何物理攻击能力

    The powers of these avatars of psionic might extend well beyond those of the regular archon, more than compensating for their lack of any physical attack capability.


  • 权力,把这些替身心灵感应可能远远超出那些经常执政超过补偿缺乏任何物理攻击能力

    The powers of these avatars of psionic might extend well beyond those of the regular archon, more than compensating for their lack of any physical attack capability.


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