At this time, people Sally captain must have a good grasp of time, the time is coming in stealth points, looking for a place to hide.
I was not taking the time I needed to be "down" - reading some fiction, sitting on the porch, working on hobbies, enjoying the outdoors.
Maybe college did that with good intentions. They may hope every students learn to value time studying.
Secondly for battery charging time should be grasped, carefully chosen charger, charging can't too often.
Penguin : a similar hard game on the game, against a good grasp of the time, cyclists son fight Heck, Xiaobian The result is 750 meters, Kazakhstan Ha!
Today is Monday the. Start their new week, a good grasp of their time each day.
Went all out in work one year, hope everybody holds the precious study time of good sprint phase, strive for last victory is won on examination room.
Most of the time I was happy, but I could never be sure I was as good as I wanted to be.
In his good works, an artist should seize the subtle balance between clarity and obscurity, just like a forger to seize the right time to quench steel.
We're given more responsibility than ever, having to manage our time well, possibly having to pay our own bills or make the grade to keep that scholarship.
My motto in life there are three, one is】 【Time is life, "We are human beings, can not last forever, so a good grasp of every minute, with time to experience the pleasure of life."
My motto in life there are three, one is】 【Time is life, "We are human beings, can not last forever, so a good grasp of every minute, with time to experience the pleasure of life."