• 如果别人而活自己的需求放在一边那么一定会崩溃的。

    If you are living for others before yourself and pushing your own needs aside, eventually you will crumble in some way.


  • 参加这个项目老师们描述了他们是如何发现自己很难他人的即时需求放在一边以便有足够时间增强自己反思技能

    The teachers in the program described how they found it difficult to put aside the immediate demands of others in order to give themselves the time they needed to develop their reflective skills.


  • 左轮手枪放在一边发抖孩子领到楼上

    Putting his revolver aside, he led the trembling child up-stairs.


  • 铲子草地上划出花园轮廓孩子可以草皮拉开,放在一边用作堆肥。

    With a good shovel, you can cut an outline of the garden in the grass. Your child can then pull the sod away and set it aside it for composting.


  • 不安放在一边:”我们现在需要放下起落架!“

    I put aside my uneasiness and said, "We need to put the landing gear down now!"


  • 每个统治者面前鞠躬,金子放在一边银子放在一边,这样就交当年个人所得税。

    Each person bowed before the ruler, his gold went onto one hip, his silver went onto another hip, and in this way he paid his income tax for the year.


  • 个例子,如果只有一端支撑放在一边,没有支撑的一端会自身重量变形的一端变平,变形。

    If you leave, for example, a bar of ice supported only at one end, the end, the unsupported end will deform under its own weight, it'll kind of flatten out at one end, get distorted, deformed.


  • 复习时候一样,你遇到困难放在一边以后来复习。

    Just like when you were reviewing, put away the problems you're having difficulty in and come back to them later.


  • 几乎经济上的担忧放在一边,差不多忘记了赚更多钱的重要性。

    He almost put aside his financial worries and nearly forgot the importance of making more money.


  • 因此不妨偶尔关掉电话电脑电视烦恼暂时放在一边,和自己(或是你同伴)约个会, 至少完整的

    So every once in a while, turn off your phone and laptop, switch off the TV and lay your worries temporarily to the side.


  • 接着发明惯性滚屏效果其他一些东西就想,‘啊,我们可以发明手机,’于是我们平板放在一边,开始着手开发手机。

    He then got inertial scrolling working and some other things, and I thought, 'My god, we can build a phone with this,' and we put the tablet aside, and we went to work on the phone.


  • 关注放在一边,这预算劳动力市场短期预算来看以一可接受成本提供了一个必要推动

    That concern aside, this budget provides a needed lift to the Labour market at an acceptable cost to the short-term budget picture.


  • 决定什么型号汽车适合,你就必须个人感情放在一边专注搜索相关的信息,比较不同型号的汽车,评估真正的需求

    To determine which vehicle is best for you, you should set emotion aside and focus on doing your homework, comparing different models, and assessing your real wants and needs.


  • 我们非常清楚这个世界正在发生什么但是为了公正对待我们的员工,我们必须那些事情放在一边;我们相信,员工们危机中的表现令人钦佩。”温尼亚尔说

    "We're very aware of what's going on in the world but we have to trade that off with being fair to our people who, we believe, have performed admirably throughout this crisis," said Viniar.


  • 因此继续不断地号召众议院分歧放在一边这些法案送到办公桌上以便我马上签署

    So I'm going to keep calling on both parties in Congress to put aside their differences and send these bills to my desk so I can sign them right away.


  • 其实可以别人的头上高升然后更多,你也可以诚实正直放在一边不顾一切获取大的权利

    You could always step on other people to rise and make more money. You could always put honesty and integrity aside and do whatever it takes to gain more power.


  • 想起之前说的:希望自己更加有耐心,更加珍惜现在,所以关掉了电脑,文章先放在一边然后朝着我儿子走去。

    Remembering my own desire to be more patient, more present, I shut it all down and put it all away and headed out with my son who wanted and needed me.


  • 以前一样,或者可以对铃声放任不管,或者可以任由进入语音答复系统,因此今天或许能够邮件放在一边直到做好准备去对付它们

    Just as in the old days you could either ignore a ringing phone or allow it to go on to the answer machine, so today it's quite possible to put your emails to one side until you're ready for them.


  • 摒除恶劣天气借口,暂强差人意数据放在一边显然还是一个巨大的冲击

    Yet despite the excuse of bad weather and the flakiness of the figure, it still came as a palpable shock.


  • 幸运是,我们领导人猜疑不信任放在一边,留出机会共创美好未来传统

    Fortunately, our two countries have a tradition of leaders who put suspicion and mistrust aside to take a chance on a better future.


  • 下菜单是要求调味料放到一边如果要求酱汁和调味料放在一边,你可以控制你所用酱汁或调味料的总量

    Order sauce and dressing on the side - If you ask for sauces and dressings on the side, you can control the amount that you eat.


  • 真正拥护的乃是,暂且那些老套的问题(魁北克加拿大关系放在一边,转而着手处理别的事情

    What he really advocates is setting aside the stale argument over Quebec's relationship with Canada and moving on to other matters.


  • 因此,接下来的分钟,我们平时这些生物感觉放在一边谈谈几种真正”的动物

    So for a few minutes, let's put aside our usual feelings about invasive species, and just talk about some really cool animals.


  • 因此,接下来的分钟我们平时这些生物的感觉放在一边谈谈几种真正”的动物

    So for a few minutes let's put aside our usual feelings about invasive species and just talk about some really cool animals.


  • 我们暂时争论放在一边重要信息,我们人类对于各种的天然的热爱是有问题的。

    Controversy aside, the important message here is that our love affair with ALL kinds of sugar is problematic.


  • 幽默放在一边银行必须制定内聚的一致方法来进行核心系统更新工作

    All humor aside, Banks must develop a coherent and consistent approach to core systems renewal.


  • 假如后面,你就变得很忙耗尽时间去做它。事情放在一边,一天其他时间就会变得沉重

    If you put them off to later, you will get busy and run out of time to do them. Get them out of the way, and the rest of the day is gravy!


  • 由于这些儿童年龄已经不适合婴儿使用的注视点研究方法,他们却不能回答“某物有多少”的问题,研究者一些计数器它们放在一边后研究者要求这些儿童跟着他们做。

    Since the children were too old for the baby-staring trick, but unable to answer the question: "How many?", researchers laid out counters, then put them away and asked the children to "do as I did".


  • 由于这些儿童年龄已经不适合婴儿使用的注视点研究方法,他们却不能回答“某物有多少”的问题,研究者一些计数器它们放在一边后研究者要求这些儿童跟着他们做。

    Since the children were too old for the baby-staring trick, but unable to answer the question: "How many?", researchers laid out counters, then put them away and asked the children to "do as I did".


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