• 拆开子句应该包含索引

    Reference should be contained in the clause that ravel.


  • 允许拆开所有功能

    It allows you to disassemble all functions.


  • 达里安拆开只小船,包尔波亚把拆开大山

    Four small ships were taken apart at Darien, and Balboa caused the pieces to be carried over the mountains.


  • 我们房子里第一顿饭比萨饼大家坐在还没拆开的箱子上啃着的比萨。

    Our first meal in the red house was pizza, eaten cold as we sat on packing boxes.


  • 小时候学习读书迟钝喜欢东西拆开承认从来不善于拆开的东西装原样。

    As a small boy, he was slow to learn to read but liked to take things apart though he confesses that he was never very good at putting things back together.


  • 洛克·史密斯先生脱去帽子手套,安然地在桌边坐下,拆开文件整齐依次一一过目

    Relinquishing his hat and gloves, Mr. Rokesmith sat down quietly at the table, arranged the open papers into an orderly heap, cast his eyes over each in succession.


  • 当然它们也许圣诞节早上(其他庆祝节日)拆开礼物那么有趣然而长久的目光看,它们更有价值

    Sure, they might not be as fun to open on Christmas morning (or whatever other holiday you might celebrate), but in the long run, they'll value these gifts more.


  • 废弃的拆开电器加热1300摄氏度这个温度下,可以提炼出19种(到目前为止)不同金属

    Disused, dismantled electronics are heated to 1,300 degrees Celsius, at which point 19 different metals (so far) can be extracted.


  • 这辆实在是了,看看居然标配带有速切换模式的7.5V8火箭发动机,再看看第三排座椅上拆开天窗

    It wasn’t the optional 7.5-liter Rocket V-8 with a Hurst-shifted four-speed that made this car so cool. Or the forward-facing third-row seat waaaaaaay in the back.


  • 妈妈生日当天收到拆开巧克力作为礼物,感觉倍受冷落。呼吁其它女性讲出自己收到糟糕礼物痛苦经历

    A mother who was left cold after receiving an 'unwrapped' box of chocolates for her birthday has urged other women to share their worst present horror stories.


  • 是的舅妈,”伊丽莎白,“可是这次不是碰巧分开的,都怨年轻人管闲事朋友是他们格莱先生拆开的。”

    'Yes, aunt,' said Elizabeth, 'but in this case it was not chance, but the young man's interfering friends, who separated Jane and Mr Bingley.


  • 如果大大提高这辆车的性能,我就拆开重新组装。

    If I wanted to improve the car significantly I would have to pull it apart and start again.


  • 施乐公司展开一项逆向工程他们日本机器拆开调查了日本的工厂清楚他们怎么生产出了如此了不起的产品。

    Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.


  • 封信不是写给的,然而出于好奇把拆开了。

    The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.


  • 真正地了解一个设备,最好办法就是拆开看看是什么驱动它工作的。

    The best way to really appreciate an appliance is to pull it apart and see what makes it go.


  • 五十年前好学孩子们可以拆开一个闹钟收音机摩托车清楚怎么运作的,甚至能把它重新组装起来。

    Fifty years ago inquisitive children could take apart a clock, radio set or motorbike, figure out how it worked, and even put it together again.


  • eval所在语句拆开看看什么

    Let's break the eval statement apart and see what it's doing. The first thing it's going to do is.


  • 意思是在圣诞节早上我会孩子们一起打开节日礼物,我会他们拆开礼物时的画面。

    I mean, Christmas morning, I'm going to open presents with my kids. I'm going to take pictures of them opening the presents.


  • 的仆人必将木料利巴运到海里,扎筏子,海运所指定地方在那里拆开,你就可以收取,你也要成全我的心愿,将食物给我的家。

    My men will haul them down from Lebanon to the sea, and I will float them in rafts by sea to the place you specify. There I will separate them and you can take them away.


  • 本来应该足够常识,在拆开电线之前先电源切断。

    You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.


  • 拆开的那套银餐具,拿出叉子小心地戳起一个馄饨

    I unrolled my silverware, picked up my fork, and carefully speared a ravioli.


  • 如果查找邮件发现一封来自熟人的真正信件包裹拆开这份珍贵礼物感到兴奋不已。

    When you check the mail and find a real letter or package from someone youknow, excitement overtakes you as you tear into this rare gift.


  • Cp变量可以构建行上,但是为了说明所需不同JAR文件我们将其拆开分行显示。

    The CP variable could be built on a single line, but we broke it up to show the various JAR files required.


  • 父母亲总是很兴奋看到他们孩子拆开他们礼物欢快表情

    Parents are always excited to see the cheerful faces of their children at the moment they open their gifts.


  • 没有什么拆开买来商品大片大片的塑料来取出东西让人沮丧的了

    There's nothing more depressing than unpacking acres of plastic from a new purchase to get to the contents.


  • 铃木对于和100多人体育馆里感到很失望把他找到纸箱拆开,在他们毛毯周围围起来,这样能够创造了私人空间

    Frustrated with living in a gymnasium with more than 100 people, Suzuki broke down as many cardboard boxes as he could find and built walls around their blankets, creating some privacy.


  • 铃木对于和100多人体育馆里感到很失望把他找到纸箱拆开,在他们毛毯周围围起来,这样能够创造了私人空间

    Frustrated with living in a gymnasium with more than 100 people, Suzuki broke down as many cardboard boxes as he could find and built walls around their blankets, creating some privacy.


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