• 轻而易举地打败了挑战的人。

    He handily defeated his challengers.


  • 政府面临多重挑战表现得很出色。

    The government performed competently in the face of multiple challenges.


  • 主队68:47击败前来挑战的客队。

    The home team saw off the challengers by 68 points to 47.


  • 未来带来许多挑战

    The future is going to be one that presents many challenges.


  • 逗着十个好动的七岁孩子玩真是一种挑战

    It was a challenge, keeping ten boisterous seven-year-olds amused.


  • 难缠”的病号会冒然挑战他们医生决定

    "Difficult" patients have the temerity to challenge their doctors' decisions.


  • 哈佛取得领先地位,经过再三挑战仍然镇定自若

    Harvard took the lead and remained unperturbed by the repeated challenges.


  • 凯利一生遭遇了种种艰巨任务挑战成功了。

    All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.


  • 布什共和党11月中期国会选举面临艰难挑战

    Bush's Republican Party faces a tough challenge in midterm congressional elections in November.


  • 美国人来说,最大的挑战在于理解东欧思维方式

    The greatest challenge for the Americans is understanding the mindset of Eastern Europeans.


  • 越来越葡萄酒商开始接受种植“黑比”葡萄的挑战

    Increasingly, more winemakers are taking up the challenge of growing Pinot Noir.


  • 息阿觉得长笛吹得阿波罗好,便这位发出挑战

    Marsyas thought he could play the flute better than Apollo and challenged the god to a contest.


  • 一种感觉这个挑战吸引所需要只是一点说服。

    I had a feeling that the challenge appealed to him. All he needed was a nudge.


  • 第3总统候选人上场郑重发出挑战这次竞选充满悬念。

    A third presidential candidate emerged to mount a serious challenge and throw the campaign wide open.


  • 佩恩女士荣幸接受一任命,期待所带来的挑战

    Ms. Payne said she was honoured to accept the appointment and looked forward to its challenges.


  • 强劲的挑战德克萨斯州民主党人马丁·弗罗斯特已经退出竞选

    The strongest challenger, Texas Democrat Martin Frost, has withdrawn from the race.


  • 每当他们达到目标,他们就加高要求,他们自己设置越来越复杂挑战

    Whenever they reached their goal, they upped the ante, setting increasingly complex challenges for themselves.


  • 有时这份工作而感到忧虑如此,我还是蛮喜欢的,因为这一个挑战

    I sometimes get worried in this job. Having said that, I enjoy doing it, it's a challenge.


  • 1987到1990年期间,施特菲•格拉芙很大程度上抵挡住了纳芙拉蒂洛夺冠挑战

    Between 1987 and 1990, Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova's challenge for the crown.


  • 桑普拉斯以6比1、6比2和6比1战胜了卡尔-尤韦·斯蒂布,证明了挑战冠军头衔合理性

    Sampras beat Carl-Uwe Steeb by 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to underline the legitimacy of his challenge for the title.


  • 这次紧张的竞选几乎上个月佐治亚州南达科他州选举翻版,由共和党挑战竞争一个现任的民主党人。

    The tight race is almost a duplicate of the elections in Georgia and South Dakota last month that pitted a Republican challenger against a Democratic incumbent.


  • 事实证明那个挑战极其艰巨复杂

    That challenge has proved to be singularly exacting and complex.


  • 面临许多前所未有的挑战

    It is faced with many unprecedented challenges.


  • 接受挑战克服了它们

    He took up the challenges and overcame them.


  • 喜欢任何人挑战权威

    She does not like anyone challenging her authority.


  • 尖锐的大会主题发言中接受挑战

    She picked up the gauntlet in her incisive keynote address to the conference.


  • 这个项目旨在教育学生使其一个具有挑战职业做好准备

    The programme aims to educate and prepare students for a challenging career.


  • 试试网球羽毛球帆板运动而言之,任何挑战的东西。

    Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging.


  • 豪华轿车生产商捷豹公司通过提供市场最佳的保修服务竞争对手们发出了挑战

    Luxury car firm Jaguar has thrown down the gauntlet to competitors by giving the best guarantee on the market.


  • 个人电脑上这个游戏具备一切虚构故事人物充满挑战的可玩性以及质量的画面

    On PC, the game had it allimaginative story line and characters, challenging gameplay, superb graphics.


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