• 船厂损坏原因可以接受并合符逻辑的。

    The cause of damage as stated by the shipyard is acceptable and logical.


  • 分析式压缩机机械密封损坏原因提出改进措施

    Analyzed breakage causes of mechanical seal in liquid ring compressor, and introduced measures for improvement.


  • 作者通过纤维微观组织观察分析找出损坏原因

    The causes for damage have been found after the observation and analysis of the fibre microstructure.


  • 中心末端调节阀开大时,中心管损坏原因主要高温氧化

    When the control valve at the end of center pipe was widely open, the pipe failure was mainly caused by high-temperature oxidation.


  • 介绍锻模损坏原因损坏形式以及延长锻模使用寿命的措施

    The paper introduces the cause of forging die breakdown and the measure of extending the service time.


  • 分析了旋转接头运行中的损坏原因,对结构进行改进,问题得到了解决。

    The reason of damageable rotation connector of cooling water in converter is analysed, Meanwhile, its structure is improved and the problem is solved.


  • 锅炉结构改进损坏原因以及目前夹套锅炉应用情况进行了论述

    An exposition is given of the structure, improvements made and causes for damage of the jacket boiler and its present use.


  • 在分析隔膜计量隔膜损坏原因基础上,泵的补油系统进行了改进

    Some improvements of the slippage systems of the daiphragm meter pumps were made based on the damage causes of the daiphragm sheets.


  • 冷冻品主要损坏原因温度控管,其他照明冲击湿度也是影响因素

    The key factor that can damage cold goods is temperature, but other factors like light, shock, and humidity can also harm cold products.


  • 阐述了测试射孔联作施工中,由于射孔造成压力及时损坏原因解决办法

    The mangle reason of pressure gauge and clock caused by perforation in testing the construction with perforation and the solution ways are described in this paper.


  • 轧机轴承损坏原因进行论述并用机构原理轧机工作辊辊机构进行了分析

    The damage of mill bearings are discussed, and working rollers system of four roller mill is analyzed in mechanics principle.


  • 通过漆膜损坏原因分析解决漆膜脱落方法研究确定选用磷化底漆弥补人工除锈不足

    Through the analysis of the failure of paint coating and study of the techniques to prevent the coating from spalling, the phosphorus-based prime coating was selected to solve this problem.


  • 本文介绍采用通过化学成分分析硬度测定金相组织检测等手段,对轴承损坏原因进行分析情况。

    This paper has described and analyzed the reason of the damaged bearing by means of chemical analysis, the determination of the hardness as well as the metallographic analysis.


  • 本文重点对柴油机轴瓦工作特点及其损坏原因进行了分析阐述了故障轴瓦修配时应注意事项

    This paper analyses the working principle of bearing insert and some cause of the damage, meanwhile, some points needing attention in repairing fault bearing insert are also given.


  • 剖析德国Fuchs美国PTI喷枪保护套结构特点损坏原因后,研制出可拆分体式喷枪保护套。

    After dissecting the structure characteristic and the damage reason of the ejector sleeve from FUCHS in German and from PTI in America, we develop a new type of ejector sleeve.


  • 通过发动机曲轴轴颈轴承损坏原因分析,重点阐述了发动机使用维修预防损坏的措施和方法。

    By analyzing reasons for break of engine crankshaft journal and bearing, this paper describes mainly some countermeasures they are break in use and maintenance.


  • 通过对已有植草停车场铺面系统调查,对损坏原因进行分析,提出了改进施工方法,可供类似工程参考

    Through the investigation of pavior system with grass-planting bricks of a parking garage, damage causes are analyzed and an improving construction method is provided in this paper for reference.


  • 介绍密封压缩机使用及损坏过程分析了干气密封的损坏原因提出了使用过程中的注意事项。

    The dry gas seal of compressor is presented and the course of its failure was introduced. The cause was analyzed, and the measures we must take were brought forward.


  • 也是比较容易损坏部件常见损坏原因锈蚀特别是一些老表,锈蚀造成表把杆变细折断

    The table is easily damaged parts, damage is the most common cause of meter bar corrosion, especially some Laobiao, corrosion may cause thinning and break a table.


  • 涡轮增压器离心压气机高速旋转机械,在运行过程中经常遭遇叶片损坏事故叶片损坏原因各异

    Turbocharger compressor is a kind of rotary machine with high speed, leaf destruction accident which have different reasons is very common when it is running.


  • 介绍船用Z推进装置主要零备件损坏原因以及进行零备件国产化过程中的方案制定设计原则修理方法

    Causes for damage of main parts of Z — type Marine propulsion unit are introduced in this pa - per. it also gives the making of plan. design principle and repair methods.


  • 介绍磷酸中间磷酸洗涤液中间槽损坏原因采取的维修方法详细介绍了一种简单易行打夹子维修方法。

    The damage and maintenance of intermediate tank and intermediate washing tank in WPA are introduced and a simple method, double patching method, is described in detail.


  • 通过探讨分析焦炉炉头墙面损坏原因针对性采取科学合理措施有效地降低头墙面损坏挖补频次。

    Thtrough analysis the damage causes of coke oven end-flue wall, scientific and rational measurements are adopted to decrease the frequency of wall damaging and its repairing effectively.


  • 首先广泛调查桥面铺装损坏类型损坏原因基础上,本文提出了桥面铺装防水粘结铺装层混合料的技术要求

    Firstly, basing on the investigation of damage styles and reasons of deck pavement, the paper presents the technical requirements of water-proof binder coat and deck pavement.


  • 设备结构操作使用两方面,分析石化装置火管式废热锅炉损坏原因。介绍了锅炉修复过程修复时应注意事项

    The failure reason of firetube waste heat boiler in a petrochemical device was analyzed from equipment structure and operation. The repair process and attentive events were introduced.


  • 本文针对高锰钢损坏原因进行了分析,指出了锰钢材料作为衬板的不适应性,并低碳低合金钢机上的试验使用情况作了介绍。

    This results in large liner consumption. In this paper the abrasion reason of high-manganese steel liner is analyzed. The result indicates inapplicability of manganese steel to making liner.


  • 法院推翻陪审团决定因为法院认为铁路的疏忽只是造成最近建筑物损坏直接原因

    The court overturned the jury's decision because it argued that the railroad's negligence was the immediate cause of damage only to the nearest buildings.


  • 过去中断可能原因意外损坏故障这些通常可以迅速处理

    The most probable causes of interruption in the past have been accidental damage or breakdown, and these can usually be dealt with expeditiously.


  • 专家这个认知重要因为这种原因引起许多问题可以治好记忆力损坏也能修复——然而医生常常难于诊断出他们

    That's important to realize, experts say, because many of these problems can be cured and the memory damage reversedyet doctors often fail to diagnose them.


  • 专家这个认知重要因为这种原因引起许多问题可以治好记忆力损坏也能修复——然而医生常常难于诊断出他们

    That's important to realize, experts say, because many of these problems can be cured and the memory damage reversedyet doctors often fail to diagnose them.


- 来自原声例句

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