• 政府开支控制坚定支持者

    He's a staunch supporter of controls on government spending.


  • 双方支持者体育场外打了起来。

    The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium.


  • 支持者都被强行法庭驱走。

    Supporters were forcibly removed from the court.


  • 演说受到支持者热烈欢呼。

    His speech was received with rapture by his supporters.


  • 政府政策热烈支持者之一

    He's been one of the most ardent supporters of the administration's policy.


  • 支持者们听到这个消息兴高采烈

    His supporters have reacted to the news with elation.


  • 1000名支持者体育场他们加油。

    A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on.


  • 该队受到了上千欢欣鼓舞支持者的欢迎。

    The team were greeted by thousands of jubilant supporters.


  • 于是法院大楼出来支持者表示感谢

    She then emerged from the courthouse to thank her supporters.


  • 支持者想要民间腐败的大整顿

    His supporters want a clean-up of civilian corruption.


  • 街上挤满了支持者

    Supporters crammed the streets.


  • 随着的名望下降,他的支持者渐渐他而去。

    His supporters fell away as his popularity declined.


  • 哈尔西认为是进步教育价值观首要支持者

    Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.


  • 支持者一直口号统一”。

    The catchword he and his supporters have been using is "consolidation."


  • 死刑支持者辩称,死刑可以阻止罪犯携带枪支

    Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.


  • 民主党共和党在讨好以前罗斯·佩罗支持者

    Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.


  • 他们都是佛朗哥坚定支持者,”赖尔主动说道。

    "They were both great supporters of Franco," Ryle volunteered.


  • 这位首相最初部长任命没有所有支持者满意

    The prime minister's initial ministerial appointments haven't pleased all his supporters.


  • 反对派支持者攻击依然持续,程度竞选猛烈

    Attacks against opposition supporters are continuing at levels higher than before the election.


  • 支持者抱怨白宫看起来毫无条理也没有沟通策略

    Supporters complained that the White House seemed unorganized and without a communications strategy.


  • 选后民调显示文特先生受到了所有年龄段支持者拥护。

    Exit polls showed Mr Ventura was backed by supporters of all ages.


  • 告诉支持者即使总统竞选中处于优势也不要松劲。

    He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.


  • 宪法支持者不得不消除人们对贵族阴谋窃取革命成果恐惧

    Supporters of the constitution had to quieten fears that aristocrats plotted to steal the fruits of the revolution.


  • 爱国阵线”自从外国支持者遗弃之后就已经没有任何政治意义了。

    The Patriotic Front has been a political irrelevance since it was abandoned by its foreign backers.


  • 总统支持者几乎肯定认为这次投票继续进行经济改革授权

    The president and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.


  • 这次投票结果解释宪法支持,这也是支持者今天结果所做的诠释宣传。

    He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today.


  • 垂直农场支持者声称系统有许多潜在优势

    The supporters of vertical farming claim many potential advantages for the system.


  • 支持者火坑吃着成堆胸肉棉花糖

    Supporters ate piles of beef brisket and toasted marshmallows at the fire pit.


  • 礼仪而言一直妇女解放运动支持者

    As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of women's liberation.


  • 因为人口控制支持者推行计划方式引起了严重质疑

    For the way the proponents of population control have gone about pushing their programs raises serious doubts.


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