Data definition language (DDL) statements are not statements that can be rolled back.
Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator. A data definition language is used for this purpose.
SQL has two main components: a Data Definition Language (DDL) and a Data Manipulation Language (DML).
It's also pretty simple, and the data definition language (DDL), which is the language you use to create structures in SQL, is in Listing 4.
Even still, with physical data models you can reverse engineer from the actual database or from the data definition language (DDL) file.
The data Definition Language (DDL) part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted.
The set of statements, expressed in data definition language, that completely describe the structure of a data base.
You can refer to the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements in Listing 1 to create the database and table for the sample application.
根据创建数据库所使用的数据定义语言 (DDL)模式文件,可以确定正在使用的锁类型。
You can determine the types of locks being used from the Data Definition Language (DDL) schema files used to create the database.
此项目还包含用于DB2和Oracle的客户表的数据定义语言 (DDL)文件。
This project also has the Data Definition Language (DDL) files for the customer table for both DB2 and Oracle.
This enables administrators to use familiar SQL data definition language (DDL) statements to create database objects for persisting their XML data.
You can also create database - level triggers that fire in response to data Definition Language (DDL) statements.
You can execute both data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) statements, and obtain and display the results using this tool.
In our model, report data definition language and report format description language are used with interpreters to interpreter them.
According to UDT, we extend the SQL (Structured Query language) in three aspects: data-control language, data-defined language and data-manipulated language.
A physical data model can be used to generate data definition language (DDL) statements which can then be deployed to a database server.
For example, for information technology systems, a change control system can include the specificationsscripts, source code, data definition language, etc. for each software component.
For example, for information technology systems, a change control system can include the specifications scripts, source code, data definition language, etc.
For example, for information technology systems, a change control system can include the specifications (scripts, source code, data definition language, etc.) for each software component.
db2look工具能够从一个数据库中提取数据定义语言 (DDL)语句,以便在测试数据库中复制产品数据库的数据库对象。
The db2look tool can extract data definition language (DDL) statements from a database in order to reproduce the database objects of a production database on a test database.
Using this tool, you can capture the data definition language (DDL) for such objects in the source database, and apply it to recreate those objects in the target database.
而且,通过自动构建来运行它,您就可以轻松地从您的版本控制库中检查数据定义语言(Data Definition Language,DDL)的最新显示。
What's more, by running it with an automated build, you can painlessly check the latest representation of the Data Definition Language (DDL) from your version-control repository.
通常,当一位dba提议更改时,他使用数据定义语言(Data Definition Language,DDL)提供脚本—比如alter语句—来执行那个更改。
Typically, when a DBA proposes changes, he provides scripts with data definition language (DDL), such as ALTER statements, to execute that change. To create DDL, do the following.
该样本代码提供了组成该结构的数据定义语言(Data Definition Language,DDL)和集成交换格式(Integration Exchange Format,IXF)文件。
The sample code provides the Data Definition Language (DDL) and Integration Exchange Format (IXF) files which make up the structure.
举例来说,如果运行下面的数据定义语言(data definition language,DDL),首先会创建2GB大小的dbspaceDbdbspace,然后在dbspace Dbdbspace中创建数据库sampledb。
For example if you run the data definition languages (DDLs) mentioned below, dbspace Dbdbspace of size 2 GB would be created first, and then database sampledb is created in the dbspace Dbdbspace.
URI在 mddl.org域中;mddl.org是维护市场数据定义语言(Market Data Definition Language)这一XML词汇表的组织,custodian 是该词汇表中众多元素中的一个。
The URI is in the mddl.org domain; mddl.org is the organization that maintains the Market Data Definition Language, an XML vocabulary in which custodian is one of many elements.
But it also typically contains definitions of displayable text or other data that needs to vary by language.
而消息是用XML定义的——XML 是一种数据格式,其本身就与编程语言和操作系统这些考虑事项无关。
The messages are defined in terms of XML -- a data format that is itself independent of programming languages and operating system considerations.
In general, WSDL provides an abstract language for defining the published operations of a service with their respective parameters and data types.
可是不易处理的问题是,应用软件期望这个数据结构用 COBOL语言来定义。
The tricky issue, though, is the fact that the PhoneBook application expects the data structures to be defined in COBOL language.