This function is included in the aggregation function in Figure 1; its purpose is to present only data that is semantically relevant.
You can see some of the figures from the report in the chart at right, where unit Labour costs are broken down into the contributions from wages and productivity.
Developers, testers and managers can search this database by use case name and view the related sequence diagrams in a browser.
The decentralized approach can combine mixed format data, such as customer ODS with related contract documents or images.
Figure 1 shows a data catalog called manufacturing for organizing all manufacturing-related data models, such as orders and order status.
Data used in FIGURES 3 and 4 use broader, six-digit HTS data and include electrical and other componentry that are associated with photovoltaic solar panels (8541.40).
If you look at Figure 4 again, you'll see that the values are in red, indicating an error, even though the NFInput method associated with the NF button accepted the data.
Figure 1 shows that multiple applications using the application-specific drivers that are shipped as part of the IBM data Server driver Package can communicate with various IBM databases.
The relevant to the emission file of greenhouse gas, include the production flow chart, energy flow chart, and information flow chart of greenhouse gas which must cover over one year.
By researching into relevant data model of geological section and integrated data model of geological map and bores, this paper establishes the spatial database of drawing geological section.
The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to correctly apply EWMA charts to a process with serial correlation in the data.
This system mainly gains the pumping unit merit chart and the operating mode parameter change trend curve for the oil field correlation department provides the data.
Then comes the introduction of the relative theories on the embedded mobile database (EMDB) and power line patrolling flow and the defect disposal method in detail.
The first page or pages on a log print, which include information about the well, the survey, the mud properties and other relevant data.
A way of data flow chart is adopted, and the design of the trigger is given by a concrete development example.
The load operation of a three-phase induction-voltage regulator is presented briefly. The related data, phasor drawing and parameters in secondary circuit, primary load circuit and imput are analyzed.
The dendrogram was constructed from the agarose gel data, while the information of alleles was from PAGE gel.
Combined the data of 20 mini tailings dams that take out randomly in one area, the hazard of mini tailings dams is analyzed in the way of the analysis of the matrix of risk assessment code.
Based upon texture feature and whole interrelation of, pixels in local region, an iterative algorithms of approximation to known pixels was performed to restore the damaged data.
To estimate data dependent jitter(DDJ)in high speed serial links, a new method is proposed for extracting contour of eye diagram directly.
This paper finally produced the conelation service algorithm and the flow chart, as well as database foundation and safe migration realization.
Five part of thesis to is it spend from marketing data warehouse start with to link mainly, have refined out the relevant theme and star mode picture of the course on the basis of OLAP.
On the software design, modularized program has been used, the procedure flow chart is introduced, and explanation on digital processing is given.
Soil unit map, climate zones and land unit map of Pujiang were produced using GIS technology and expert knowledge, based the data collected.
Without criterion of relative rural cadastral database and mapping, though many tests, rural cadastral mapping criterion of 1:2000 finally has been worked out.
In this paper, based on the idea of engine torque control, after analyzing the practical physical model and some of the engine runtime map data, a nonlinear engine model was built.
The system also provided strong graphical display functions, which made users analyze data using histogram, pie, star chart, relative graph and graph.
In the fifth chapter, experimental data and procedures for all compounds is presented.
GIS database building and map making are of major importance in practical production. They are large correlation in production, although there are very obvious different between them.
The Influence diagrams identify the important aspects of the decision, what data is relevant to the decisions and to what aspect of the decision making it is related.