这样的风暴有时会包围整个地球,并改变大气层的特性,使得 EDL更加棘手。
Such storms can sometimes envelop the entire planet and change the characteristics of the atmosphere, making EDL far trickier.
For more than a century, Tyrannosaurus rex has been the King of Dinosaurs, the carnivorous symbol of an entire age in the history of life on Earth.
Newton, siting for many years under an apple tree, eventually figured out one of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe.
If an impact is large enough, it can disturb the environment of the entire Earth and cause an ecological catastrophe.
Yet Rampino and others question one of the traditionalists' basic assumption: the periodic occurrence of glaciation throughout Earth's history.
What's commonly called global warming isn't going to make the whole Earth uniformly warmer.
These are Light Codes that will activate and energize the processes of Renewal on the Earth.
Archimedes had a very prominent saying: give me a fulcrum and I can pry up the whole earth.
Forams thus play a significant role in the carbon cycle. (Magnification 75x)
随着植物遍布整个地球,它们从大气中吸收CO 2并释放O 2。
As plants spread over the planet, they absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere and released oxygen (PDF).
When it comes to climate change, either both sides win or both sides — and the planet — lose.
The earth is going down and I'm part of the earth and I'm shaking this earth up and down by simply playing with this ball.
But if the grain were given directly to people, there'd be enough food to feed the entire planet.
The researchers calculated how this would affect the rotation rate of the whole planet, which would compensate to conserve angular momentum.
Whereas a handful of Western countries were once at it, a whole planet has started to join in.
Someone or some country, he says, could one day find itself capable of setting the temperature for the entire planet.
If you removed those slime molds, the whole earth's ecosystems would be very different, "Dr." Stephenson said.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would.
Within 30 minutes, the great forests that covered North America were ablaze and half the planet was shaking like a jelly.
The little things that you do to save fuel all adds up not only for your wallet, but for future generations and the planet Earth as well.
Even more important, the policy-ramp prescriptions seem far too much like conducting a very risky experiment with the whole planet.
The colourful wildlife found in tropical humid forests makes up more than half of the animal and plant species on Earth.
The colourful wildlife found in tropical humid forests makes up more than half of the animal and plant species on Earth.