• 文中应用有限元分析软件ANSYS型钢混凝土梁构件施工荷载作用进行模拟

    Applying finite analysis software ANSYS, this paper simulates construction load of SRC beam.


  • 对称形式施工荷载对悬臂施工阶段大跨径预应力混凝土刚构桥稳定性更为不利

    The unsymmetrical construction loads is dangerous to the stability of long-span prestressed concrete rigid-frame bridge during cantilever construction phase.


  • 建立了地面新施工荷载对地铁隧道影响分析计算模型采用有限差分进行求解

    A numerical model was established for analysis of their effects, and the problems were solved by use of finite difference method.


  • 提出多层钢筋结构施工期间,施工荷载在各相关楼层分配承载力安全性复核方法

    This paper proposed the methods for distribution and safety check of bearing force of multi-layer reinforced concrete structure in construction and construction load in related floors.


  • 应力-应变曲线基本符合混凝土材料理论变化规律,对高墩墩施工荷载控制具有好的参考价值

    The stress - strain curve of concrete materials, broadly in line with the theoretical variation of the construction of high-Pier Top load control has a good reference value.


  • 当需要采用空间构架承受施工荷载直接悬挂模板时,本文建议施工和使用两个受力阶段进行设计计算

    The spatial steel frame bearing construction loads and directly hanging formwork must be calculated by two stage design method recommended in this paper.


  • 结合以往的研究经验本次试验总结规律,得出砌体结构房屋的施工进度施工荷载应当加以控制结论。

    Combining with previous studies and the test results, suggestion was proposed that both construction schedule and working load should be controlled during the construction of masonry buildings.


  • 施工时变结构体系弹性特征拆模时间影响楼层承担最大施工荷载比率荷载比率定义为结构承担荷载与楼板自重的比值);

    The elastic characteristic value of time-dependent structures and the time of shore removal, both have effects on the ratios of maximum construction loads borne by floors.


  • 同时,考虑到隧道选线经济合理性,提出爆破施工荷载作用下隧道顶板厚度设计参考值进行验证,类似工程具有一定的指导意义

    Then, the design rock cover is steady under such explosive load. At the same time, the referenced rock cover is offered in view of the economical factors, and the value is testified finally.


  • 设计运用将“单元逐次激活技术结构整个施工过程刚度荷载变化情况进行模拟

    The technique to reactivate the "dead" element step by step is employed in the design so as to simulate the changes in stiffness and load of the steel structure in the construction process.


  • 由于标准图集是某个系列分格大样图并未注明该图施工接受荷载所以不能作为制造装置查验的依据。

    Because the standard atlas is just a series of window type lattice drawing, does not indicate the load according to the drawings which can be accepted, it is not as manufacturing, device, check for.


  • 结果表明不管采用哪一种施工顺序,中均受偏压荷载作用并埋深较倾斜。

    The result shows that on matter which construction order is adopted, the midwall will always slant to the side of shallower depth of cover.


  • 结构施工过程中,结构受力体系边界约束条件荷载分布不断改变

    In the process of structure construction, the structural system, boundary constraint conditions and load distribution are constantly changing.


  • 本文论述温度应力、温度荷载取值,并根据实际情况提出结构设计施工时裂缝控制构造措施

    This paper states the temperature stress and load value, puts forward the conformation measures of crack control in structural design and construction.


  • 介绍了某工程采用模板支架设计要点一些特殊节点所采取的构造措施基础处理荷载试验以及施工所取得的效果

    Author introduces the design key points, construction measures at some special joints, basement disposal, load tests, and construction effect of a gate scaffolding applied in a project.


  • 按照实际施工过程考虑不利计算荷载根据截面假定分别钢梁单独受力-混凝土组合梁两种工况进行计算。

    Following the process of construction, considering the worst loads, according to the assumption of plane section, the steel girder alone and the composite girder are computed respectively.


  • 工程横向荷载轴压共同作用楼面施工缺陷发生初始挠曲

    Initial deflection of the floor beam of a project by lateral loads and co-axial role occurs because of the construction defects.


  • 输油管道跨越河流时,其自重荷载、设计跨度特点工程设计和施工带来诸多问题

    In oil pipeline's river crossing, the characteristics of heavy load of pipeline's dead weight and large span of design will bring many problems to engineering design and construction.


  • 钻孔钻孔灌注桩后压浆技术在施工工艺不同荷载传递性状有差异

    The construction process of drilling and fluid compress pile and that of drilling and grouting pile are different, so the load transfer behaviours between pile and soil are also varied.


  • 介绍插口构造在高层建筑施工中的使用方法荷载计算操作要求等

    The paper mainly introduces the structure of spigot frame, and the use, load calculation and operation requirement.


  • 成桥荷载试验结果表明互通立交桥施工质量完全符合设计要求

    The results of the field load tests prove that the construction quality is fully accord with the design requirements.


  • 本文结合工程实践通过现场试验分析研究提出锚杆极限荷载直接间接确定方法提出了合理的施工方案。

    The direct or indirect method to determine ultimate uplift load of anchored rod pile is proposed herein based on field tests in association with engineering practice.


  • 东海大桥采用施工桥梁台,海上施工条件恶劣施工中的台套箱除受自身荷载作用将受到波浪水流共同作用。

    The sleeve box of base slab under the construction is not only borne by itself loading action, but also borne by common action of wave and flow because of bad construction conditions on sea.


  • 通过力学模型探讨高压注浆土钉抗拔荷载传递机理,简单介绍施工工艺。

    Based on mechanics model of pullout, the transfer mechanism of pullout load of high-pressure grouting soil nailing is discussed.


  • 另外作为能量可控瞬态冲击荷载强夯施工可以作为个可控的动力学原位试验

    On the other hand, as an instant impact load with controllable energy, dynamic compaction is a good test in-situ for the study of soil dynamics.


  • 对于整体式衬砌,多年来均荷载结构进行结构检算,计算中考虑施工支护受力当前的标准图均按此法编制。

    Load structure method has been applied in analysis of integrated lining structure analysis for many years without considering supporting force on the structure.


  • 参照结构正常使用阶段荷载标准值取法,给出钢筋混凝土结构施工荷载标准值的建议

    Referring the method of choosing the standard value of loads in service phase, the standard value of live loads during construction is suggested.


  • 目前,我国地铁车站设计普遍采用一次加载计算模式,也没有考虑盖挖施工临时路面体系传递的竖向荷载

    Presently, the complete loading calculation mode is widely used as the design method of the metro station, but the vertical load from the temporary road surface system isn't taken into account.


  • 本文正在施工中的连续刚构桥汽车荷载作用下动力反应进行了分析

    This article analyzes dynamic responses of a continuous rigid frame bridge under construction with high piers and long span under the vehicles loading.


  • 本文正在施工中的连续刚构桥汽车荷载作用下动力反应进行了分析

    This article analyzes dynamic responses of a continuous rigid frame bridge under construction with high piers and long span under the vehicles loading.


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