• 需要时刻保持清醒头脑因为太多事情需要

    I need to always keep a clear head, because there are so many things to do.


  • 我们知道咖啡我们白天精神百倍,让我们时刻保持清醒

    We are all aware that coffee gives us a boost during the day and of its well known immediate effects on keeping us alert.


  • 一项充满挑战危险的体育项目,因此学习跑酷时必须时刻保持清醒敏感

    Parkour is a challenging and demanding discipline, therefore learning Parkour must always be approached with sensibility and caution.


  • 但是进行召唤的时候时刻保持清醒否则只是通过自己的意识进行召唤。

    But you'd have to be lucid at the very minimum in order to make this call, otherwise you're just making the call inside your own subconscious mind.


  • 当然对于我们最大挑战就是时刻保持清醒的头脑,懂得何时要与随大流人群分道扬镳。

    The challenge for all of us, of course, is paying enough attention to know when it makes sense to break away from the herd.


  • 学习时刻保持清醒头脑着眼于全局工作内容按照重要程度截止日期排序,有效提高工作效率

    Learn to keep a clear mind, focus on the overall task at hand and rank assignments according to their importance and urgency. In this way, it will help you greatly improve your work efficiency.


  • 病人往往最后时刻保持清醒有些人表示会视觉黄绿色,伴随耳鸣

    Patients often remain conscious until the very end. Some victims complain of yellow-green vision and tinnitus.


  • 其次清醒意识时刻保持警觉。

    Second, you must be aware of your surroundings-there's never a casual or relaxed moment when you're undercover.


  • 版面上使用图片后,文本方向走向变得复杂读者时刻保持大脑清醒才能找到下段文字在哪里

    they complicate the orientation between the textblocks as soon as you use pictures in your layout, forcing the reader to find out where the text continues on a conscious level.


  • 设计师必须同时保持清醒麻木错误时刻怀着清醒的状态扼杀你的灵感天赋

    Designers must be both conscious and unconscious at the same time. Clear thinking at the wrong moment can stifle inspiration and talent.


  • 一个已知时刻保持清醒知道身体发生什么我们脑中保持第一位,这样我们就可以看到它,感觉到它,甚至交流

    We begin by staying conscious in a given moment about what's going on inside of us-and allowing it to stay in the forefront of our minds so that we can see it and feel it and even dialogue with it.


  • 平时绝不喝酒的,时刻保持清醒头脑大年喝酒也就故意放松自己吧!

    Usual I am do not drink, frequently maintains the sober brains, the bumper year is drinkingalso intentionally relaxes oneself!


  • 我们保持清醒时刻关注内心动态并停留意识前沿这样我们才能看到它,感觉到它,甚至对话

    We begin by staying conscious in a given moment about whats going on inside of us-and allowing it to stay in the forefront of our minds so that we can see it and feel it and even dialogue with it.


  • 具有爆炸危险性的反应器的操作者必须坐在凳子上保持时刻清醒

    Operators of explosives reactors had to sit on a one legged stool to ensure that they stay awake!


  • 我们保持清醒时刻关注内心动态并停留意识前沿这样我们才能看到它,感觉到它,甚至对话

    We begin by staying conscious in a given moment about what's going on inside of us-and allowing it to stay in the forefront of our minds so that we can see it and feel it and even dialogue with it.


  • 认为受伤之前的水平差距并不棒了,我必须时刻保持头脑清醒理智来面对一切

    I don't think I am far away from being back to my old self, which is good, and I've just got to keep myself level-headed about everything.


  • 认为受伤之前的水平差距并不棒了,我必须时刻保持头脑清醒理智来面对一切

    I don't think I am far away from being back to my old self, which is good, and I've just got to keep myself level-headed about everything.


- 来自原声例句

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