Reflecting a bright column of sunlight, the sea also appears golden, with the horizon marked by the city of Portsmouth.
The bright sun was sinking behind the walls of the Colosseum, turning the golden light to pink.
Gray old men talk about the bright southern sun over Calradia, but no one believes them.
Can be used might say: Today's day is so high, blue sky, wisps of white clouds floating in the bright sun in the sky, to the late autumn brought infinite warmth.
They walked over a pavement of the same green marble, and where the blocks were joined together were rows of emeralds, set closely, and glittering in the brightness of the sun.
After the Lion had rested they started along the road of yellow brick, silently wondering, each in his own mind, if ever they would come to the end of the woods and reach the bright sunshine again.
Red and brown dwarfs are smaller and cooler than our Sun and do not shine brightly.
It is called the bright-young-Sun solution, according to which the Sun would have provided enough heat for the water on Earth and Mars to be liquid.
The streets were hot and dusty on the summer day, and the sun was so bright that it even shone through the haze over Coketown, and could not be looked at steadily.
And yet the shadows are always darkest where the sun shines brightest.
Red and brown dwarfs are smaller and cooler than our Sun, and do not shine brightly.
They think maybe it was a meteor. Some people saw a column of blue light, nearly as bright as the sun, moving north to east.
That will happen on Dec. 21, 2012, when the sun appears to rise in the same spot where the bright centre of galaxy sets.
When the sun rose the world was radically different. We were in California now: big, bright landscapes with busy skies, hard-edged buildings and palm trees.
As the sun passed overhead then sank into the west it burned a bright path across the middle of the sky in this long-exposure image.
About a billion years from now, some scientists say, the sun will be too bright for comfort, and our formerly hospitable planet will no longer be able to support life.
Artists could make their pictures better if they kept this in mind - only those parts of the moon which are lighted up by the sun are bright.
The inability to channel electricity to the shore has created serious problems keeping beaches well-lit and safe past sun down.
In 2004, the barely functioning electrical grid on this small island was reinforced with a solar array and rechargeable batteries to keep the lights on.
From ancient times, the Japanese have worshiped the Sun, appreciated its blessings, and strived to live round and bright lives.
The Sun was the brightest I have ever felt and the Dogs were happy to run.
On the horizon, the bright blue glow-called airglow-shines just before sunrise over the Golden State.
Bright light which incorporates short wavelength rays - that is sunlight - is known to have the greatest impact on our body clocks and our mood.
Artists could make their pictures better if they kept this in mind—only those parts of the moon which are lighted up by the sun are bright.
In the top image, a bright mass of charged particles loops from the Sun's atmosphere.
The bright smudges are dusty cocoons containing massive embryonic stars, which will grow up to 10 times the mass of our sun.
The Earth could find itself with a 'second sun' for a period of weeks later this year when one of the night sky's most luminous stars explodes, scientists have claimed.