The company does not accept liability for fragile, valuable or perishable articles.
Unlike perishable agricultural products, oil can be stored in the ground.
This is because the mentality of perishable, and reverse market operations.
For instance, if an item is perishable the quest can only be completed during the time the item is still good.
In addition to cut flower sales in the Netherlands, Dutch auctions have also been used for perishable commodities such as fish and tobacco.
These items need to kept away from cooked and other perishable items to avoid contamination, the best place to place raw foods is the bottom of your fridge.
Food processing converts relatively bulky, perishable and typically inedible raw materials into more useful, shelf-stable and palatable foods or potable beverages.
Not just music and video discs have been added, but also consumer electronics, jewellery, clothing and, most recently, groceries (largely non-perishable packs of items).
Actual experience shows that on the average the price of wheat and other nonperishable crops remains the same all year round except for an allowance for storage, interest and insurance charges.
Give gifts with thought: When giving food as a gift, avoid highly perishable items and make an effort to select foods that you know the recipient will enjoy rather than waste.
"The same black MDF material, being dyed in the mass and less prone to surface chipping compared to tainted or lacquered wood, is also used for the stairs, " said f+f architectes.
同肇始于1636年冬天的荷兰郁金香泡沫不同,当时在荷兰,这种易腐烂的商品价格戏剧般地飞涨,一度郁金香鳞茎可以卖到别墅的价格。 “葡萄酒价格的暴涨完全是一夜之间发生的。”
Not since the winter of 1636 — in the midst of tulip mania in Holland, where for a time bulbs traded for the price of houses — has the price of a perishable product escalated so dramatically.
Article 16 for vessel holds or containers used for carrying perishable foods, the carrier or the organization using the containers shall apply for inspection before loading.
Since fish are perishable, any that cannot be sold will have to be dumped into the sea.
收益也不是一成不变的 :对于易腐烂商品来说,买一送一或买二送一的交易没有听装食品来着实惠。
The benefits vary: BOGOF or three-for-the-price-of-two deals are less valuable for perishable foods than for tinned goods.
Do not add meat, fish bones or fatty food wastes to the compost mixture. Protein materials do not readily decompose and they will bring animals.
Much needs to be done in improving transportation and marketing systems for deciduous fruit, all of which are more or less perishable.
Article 18 for vessel holds or containers used for carrying perishable foods, the carrier or the exporter using the vessel holds or containers shall apply for inspection before loading.
In most cases like this, where perishable goods are involved, the bakers dozen rule applies, i. e. most is supplied on the basis that a number of percentage will not make the journey.
Article 18 for vessel holds or containers used for carrying perishable foods, the carrier or the organization using the containers shall apply for inspection before loading.
At the same time, with activation of fungus and yeast, fruits and vegetables are easily rotted.
Where the goods are perishable or the expenses for keeping such goods would exceed their value, the carrier may apply for an earlier sale by auction.
Where the goods are perishable or the expenses for keeping such goods would exceed their value, the carrier may apply for an earlier sale by auction.