• 1953年,奥黛丽·赫本获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员

    In 1953 Audrey Hepburn won her best actress Oscar.


  • 可是想知道得了最佳演员最佳女演员最佳影片奖

    I think I'm addicted to finding out who's in the Best Actor, Best Actress or Best Picture categories.


  • 精湛演技让她多次获得最佳女演员赢得了著名导演们广泛认可

    Her superb mastery of acting has gained numerous Best Actress awards and won wide appreciation from famous directors.


  • 法国演员玛丽昂·歌迪亚因玫瑰人生奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。

    French actress Marion Cotillard won the Oscar for best actress in "la Vie en rose".


  • 这部电影被证明一个极大成功获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员

    This film turned out to be a big success as she won an Oscar as Best Actress. This gained her enormous popularity and more roles.


  • 朱丽安娜马古利斯因电视剧妻子中的出色表演连续第二获得了最佳女演员的称号。

    Julianna Margulies was named best actress in a drama series for the second year running for her role in the Good Wife.


  • 钱宁凭借喜剧片TonyAward中的出色表演得了最佳女演员

    Channing also won best actress in a comedy Tony Award for her portrayal of Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly!


  • 例如去年中国演员倪萍凭借雪花那个中的角色而获得最佳女演员

    For example, last year Chinese actress Ni Ping won a prestigious Best actress award for her role in "Snow in the Wind."


  • 好莱坞影评人大卫·普兰德预测不仅提名奥斯卡最佳女演员而且一定二月抱得金人归

    Hollywood handicapper David Poland predicted that she would not only get nominated for the best-actress Oscar, but that she'd win the statuette in February.


  • 届时将会颁发一系列奖项包括最佳影片最佳演员最佳女演员最佳剧本等等

    The best of the best will be awarded general as well as genre-specific awards, including best Picture, best Actor, best Actress, best Screenplay, and many more.


  • 最佳演员最佳女演员一直保密直到某些嘉宾打开信封宣布获奖嘉宾。

    The Best Actor and the Best Actress are in a mist until certain guests open the envelope and announce the award winner.


  • 获得无数荣誉包括印度国家电影最佳女演员奖项,以及印度电影观众奖的项大奖。

    She has received numerous accolades, including a National Film Award for Best Actress and Filmfare Awards in four categories.


  • 2002年《生活》独揽第六上海国际电影节最佳影片最佳女演员最佳摄影三项大奖

    His film LIVE SHOW in 2002 won awards for Best film, Best Actress and Best Photography at the 6th Shanghai International film Festival.


  • 担任该片主角的法国演员班华-马殊麦尔依莎贝荷拔分别获得最佳演员最佳演员奖。

    The film also took home awards for best male and female acting given to France's Benoit Maginel and Isabelle Huppert, respectively.


  • 玛拉获戛纳电影节最佳女演员发行人哈维·韦恩斯坦确保不是《卡罗尔》获得的最后殊荣

    Mara Shared in the best actress award at Cannes, but distributor Harvey Weinstein will ensure that's not the last honor for "Carol."


  • 星期日举行电影协会颁奖礼上,娜塔莉波特曼芭蕾相关题材的电影天鹅当中的表演获得了最佳女演员奖。

    At the Screen Actors Guild awards on Sunday, Natalie Portman was named best actress for her role in ballet drama Black Swan.


  • 此前,已经凭借此片荣获2004年欧洲电影最佳演员奖,以及洛杉矶影评家协会年度最佳女演员奖。

    She has recently been named best actress at the European Film Awards and best actress by the Los Angeles Film Critics and the New York Film Critics Online.


  • 决赛选出最佳演员以及最佳女演员名。 最佳演员获得MOP 500八百伴代金券一张

    In the final round, a best actor and a best actress will be selected, and the best actor will receive aMOP500 Coupon of New Yaohan; and the best actress will receive a MOP500 Coupon of SASA.


  • 章明执导的《郎对门唱山歌成为当晚最大赢家,一举获得了最佳编剧最佳音乐最佳女演员三个大奖。

    The Young Man Sings Folk Song in the Opposite Door by Chinese director Zhang Ming became the biggest winner of the night, the film was awarded Best Screenplay, Best Music, and Best Actress.


  • 不少明星获得电影界最高荣誉——奥斯卡最佳女演员后发生婚变,这就是好莱坞众所周知“奥斯卡魔”。

    Shortly after many actresses win the movie industry`s highest honor, their most important relationships fall apart in what has become known in Hollywood as the " Oscar curse ."


  • 不少明星获得电影界最高荣誉——奥斯卡最佳女演员后发生婚变,这就是好莱坞众所周知“奥斯卡魔”。

    Shortly after many actresses win the movie industry's highest honor, their most important relationships fall apart in what has become known in Hollywood as the "Oscar curse."


  • 本年度最佳演员拉塞尔·克劳最佳女演员朱莉亚·罗伯茨那些从未获得过奥斯卡演员有望多活左右。

    Crowe and best actress Julia Roberts can expect to live almost four years longer than performers who have never scooped an Academy Award.


  • 桑迪·纽顿凭借《快乐追击最佳女演员艾什莉·珍森领回了《贝蒂》的最佳电视节目, 魔域?服。

    Thandie Newton won best actress for The Pursuit of Happyness and Ashley Jensen was there to accept the best TV show prize for Ugly Betty.


  • 获得金像奖最佳女演员次数最多凯瑟琳·赫本。她分别1932、1967、19681981年次获得小金人

    Katharine Hepburn the actress with the most Academy Awards for Best actress is Katharine Hepburn, who won four of the golden statuettes in 1932, 1967, 1968 and 1981.


  • 相反最佳女演员获得者凯莉麦丽歌(CareyMulligan拥有几十时装设计师争相出租礼服配饰给出席奥斯卡

    By contrast, with her Best Actress Oscar nomination for "An Education" this week, Carey Mulligan has dozens of fashion designers vying to lend her baubles and gowns for the Oscars.


  • 音乐剧《红磨坊惊险片其它》中扮演的角色赢得了关键欢呼现在广泛地被认为有望入围明年奥斯卡最佳女演员

    She won critical acclaim for her roles in the musical 'Moulin Rouge' and the thriller 'the Others,' and is now widely tipped for a Best Actress Oscar next year.


  • 音乐剧《红磨坊惊险片其它》中扮演的角色赢得了关键欢呼现在广泛地被认为有望入围明年奥斯卡最佳女演员

    She won critical acclaim for her roles in the musical 'Moulin Rouge' and the thriller 'the Others,' and is now widely tipped for a Best Actress Oscar next year.


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