• 觉得今年赢得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

    Who do you think is going to win the Oscar Award for Best Actor this year?


  • 觉得今年赢得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

    Who do you think is going to win the Academy Award for Best Actor this year?


  • 影片《林肯》中扮演林肯刘易斯获得最佳男主角奖

    Daniel Day Lewis won the best actor Oscar for his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln in Lincoln.


  • 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥有望首次获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

    Leonardo DiCaprio is expected to take home his first Oscar, for best actor.


  • 西恩-潘凭借《米尔克》获得第二个奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

    Sean Penn has his second best-actor Academy Award with his win in the title role of "Milk."


  • 拉塞·克演技很棒,可惜今年没有获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

    I thought Russell Crowe did well in the movie, but it's a pity that he didn't get the Best Actor Award at the Oscars.


  • 1985年主演电视剧徐悲鸿》获第三电视金鹰奖最佳男主角奖

    Due to star in TV series in 1985, "Xu" was the third TV Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor.


  • 1957年,吉尼斯凭借《桂河大桥中的角色获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

    Guinness won the Academy Award as Best Actor in 1957 for his role in Bridge on the River Kwai.


  • 前者《血色至》一片夺取最佳男主角奖;而后者以《迈克尔·克莱顿获得最佳配角

    He won best actor for "There Will be Blood"; she won best supporting actress for "Michael Clayton."


  • 年纪最大最佳男主角奖获得者亨利·方,1982年凭借《金色池塘》获奖76岁。

    "The oldest best actor winner was Henry Fonda, for" on Golden Pond "in 1982." He was 76.


  • 对于传记类电影角色特别的嗜好,曾凭借《巴斯德传》(1936)荣获奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

    He also had a penchant for biographical parts, winning an Oscar for "The Story of Louis Pasteur" (1936).


  • 是的作为名演员白兰度才华无与伦比。1972年。凭借教父中的出色表演获得奥斯卡最佳主角奖

    Right. As an actor, Brando's talent was unparalleled. He won the Academy Award for Best actor in 1972 for his outstanding performance in Godfather.


  • 科林•费斯因在《国王的演讲》扮演口吃乔治六世国王获得最佳男主角奖,《国王的演讲》摘得最佳原创剧本奖。

    Colin Firth was named best actor for his role as stammering King George VI in "The King's Speech," which also claimed best original screenplay.


  • 神秘》相似,一部关于罪恶悔恨复仇的影片。由于出色表演威尼斯电影节上授予最佳男主角奖

    Like "Mystic River" it's about guilt, regret and revenge, for his performance he was awarded Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival.


  • 你们胜过棒球! ”——《绝命毒师》主演布莱恩·克兰斯顿接受剧情最佳男主角奖妻子罗宾女儿泰勒说。

    "I love you more than baseball," Bryan Cranston, speaking to his wife, Robin, and daughter, Taylor, while accepting the award for lead actor in a drama, "Breaking Bad."


  • 第八十八届奥斯卡一次让全世界欣喜若狂包括中国人他们莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥奖获得最佳主角奖而激动不已。

    The 88th Academy Awards, once again thrilled people around the world, including the Chinese, who were excited about Leonardo DiCaprio winning the Best Actor award.


  • ?克罗斯第三次最佳主角提名955在前拍摄的《淑女表演成功,他同时获得全美电影评议会最佳男主角奖

    Penn croce third won best actor nomination 955 years, he is in the year before the shooting in the van door lady "in performance was successful, he also won the council's best actor film."


  • 如果今年提名最佳男主角奖,那么这场竞赛非常有趣因为另外一位有望获奖演员也是这种类型。他就是主演《疯狂》的杰夫·布里奇斯

    If he's nominated, the best-actor race could be particularly interesting, because another likely frontrunner, Jeff Bridges of "Crazy Heart," is that sort of actor too.


  • 该片获得其他三个奖项:扮演一家之主的任达华获得最佳主角奖,饰演十几岁儿子李治廷最佳新演员奖,该片还获得了最佳原创电影歌曲奖

    The film won three other awards: best actor for Simon Yam for his role as the family's patriarch; best newcomer for Aarif Lee as the teenage son; and best original film song.


  • 该片一举拿下了最佳影片最佳导演最佳原创剧本最佳原创音乐最佳摄影最佳服装设计奖项。同时,主演让-杜雅尔丹获得最佳男主角奖

    It won awards for best film, best director, best original screenplay, best original music, best cinematography, best costume design as well as a performance award for leading actor Jean Dujardin.


  • 年华似水,洛克终于把自己塑造成为了一真正优秀演员——凭借《摔角王》中的惊艳一瞥几乎摘得2009年奥斯卡最佳主角奖(洛克凭借这个角色成为金球奖影帝——译注)。

    Over the years, Rourke has established himself as a pretty decent actor -- with occasional glimpses of extraordinary talent -- and almost won a Best Actor Oscar in 2009 for his role in The Wrestler.


  • 获得最佳主角奖次数最多凯瑟琳•赫本,她1934、1968、1969以及1982年四次摘得此奖项。丹尼尔•戴•刘易斯是摘得最佳男主角奖次数最多的演员,一共获得了3次

    The star with the most acting statuettes is Katharine Hepburn, who won best actress in 1934, 1968, 1969 and 1982. Daniel Day-Lewis has three best actor Oscars.


  • 你们可能从来没有看过这部电影猎鹿获得了1978年奥斯卡最佳画面奖,雷德诺克里斯沃肯扮演剧中的主角。 这部戏讲述的不是什么轻松愉快的故事。

    There is probably not one of you graduates who has ever seen this film but the “Deer Hunter” it won best picture in 1978 Robert De Niro, Chris Walken, not funny at all.


  • 金球奖那群这次为了改变做了点正确的事情:他们提名哈维最后机会】的主演--达斯丁霍夫曼艾玛汤普森分别为最佳主角最佳女主角。

    The Golden Globes people actually did something right for a change: They nominated Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson as best actor and best actress in a comedy for Last Chance Harvey.


  • 最佳剧情主角奖美国演员米基·洛克获得,电影《贫民富翁》则一举囊括包括最佳剧情类影片在内的4项大奖

    US actor Mickey Rourke won the best dramatic actor award and "Slumdog Millionaire" got 4 awards including best drama award.


  • 你们可能从来没有看过这部电影猎鹿获得了1978年奥斯卡最佳画面奖,雷德诺克里斯沃肯扮演剧中的主角。这部戏讲述的不是什么轻松愉快的故事。

    There is probably not one of you graduates who has ever seen this film but the "Deer Hunter" it won best picture in 1978 Robert De Niro, Chris Walken, not funny at all.


  • 迈克尔以下这部影片演出夺得金球奖奥斯卡金像奖最佳主角。他贪婪的丑恶演绎入木三分。

    Michael's performance in this next film earned him the Golden Globe and the Oscar, the Best Actor and turned greed into a four-letter word.


  • 希望汤米•琼斯拿到最佳主角,也祝愿这部影片拿到本次威尼斯电影节金狮奖再接再厉冲刺奥斯卡奖项。

    We'll miss it if Tommy Lee wins best actor and the film goes on to win an Oscars as well as the Golden Lion itself.


  • 希望汤米•琼斯拿到最佳主角,也祝愿这部影片拿到本次威尼斯电影节金狮奖再接再厉冲刺奥斯卡奖项。

    We'll miss it if Tommy Lee wins best actor and the film goes on to win an Oscars as well as the Golden Lion itself.


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