• 多时候,我给我最好的朋友打电话,谈论我们的美好时光或一些有趣的事情,我在不知不觉中就感觉好了。

    Very often I call my best friend and we talk about our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.


  • 来到加拿大,生儿育女组织家庭时,人生最好时光

    When we came to Canada and started a family, that was the best time of my life.


  • 对于沃尔特·克朗凯特来说,一生中最好时光不是新闻编辑部中的,或是追踪一则新闻故事

    THE best hours of Walter Cronkite's life were not spent in a newsroom, or in pursuit of a story.


  • 如果跟上摇滚下一个潮流,或者只为寻找美好时光,西南偏南音乐节都绝对美国最好音乐盛事之一

    If you're hoping to catch rock's next great thing or simply looking for a good time, South by Southwest is definitely one of the USA's best music events.


  • 一段愉快少年时光,准确地说是年级美丽聪明最好是,她常常因我的笨拙笑话而乐不可支

    It was the halcyon years of my youth, seventh grade to be exact, and she was beautiful, smart, and, best of all, she laughed at my clumsy teenage boy jokes.


  • 我们这里安全平静,我们现在有着伯利恒最好时光

    We have security, we have calm, we have now the best situation in Bethlehem," he said.


  • 世界最好工作”的英国得主已于本周三抵达澳大利亚风景如画的汉密尔顿开始这个热带天堂岛屿为期半年休闲般工作时光

    The Briton who won a competition for the "Best Job in the World" arrived on Australia's idyllic Hamilton Island Wednesday to begin his leisurely six-month Posting in the tropical paradise.


  • 于是意识到思维在别处的时候,我错过孩子相处的最好时光没有真正享受每一天的美好。

    Then I realized: while my mind is elsewhere, I'm missing some prime moments with my kids. And not really enjoying my day.


  • 闹哄哄的酒吧里小时快乐时光”,商店里有假冒名牌包袋,T恤上粗话使希望自己最好不懂英语拥挤不堪的海滩上到处是垃圾。

    There are loud bars where Happy Hour is every hour, shops selling fake designer handbags, tee shirts with slogans so offensive that make me wish I didn’t speak English and a dirty over-crowded beach.


  • 迪斯尼乐园最好消遣时光就是寻找隐藏起来米奇

    One of the most enduring free pastimes in Walt Disney World is the search for Hidden Mickeys.


  • 如果时光倒退复制这份好运,那就要记住,寻找优秀的,而不一定最好工作

    If I could go back and say, I want to replicate that luck, it would be, where are we going to find the best people, not necessarily where you're going to find the best job.


  • 当众人离开了,这时候就是最好的享受科诺渔村时光

    When the crowds have departed, it is then that Mykonos can best be enjoyed as the tiny cycladic fishing village it has always been.


  • 当时位于旧金山最好地段之一家中家人一起欢度时光

    We were sitting in his beautiful home in one of the best areas of San Francisco. He was spending a lot of quality time with his young family.


  • 一个病患说,婚姻最好时光发生乳腺癌的时候,”Ludwig

    "One patient told me the best time in her marriage was when she had breast cancer," says Ludwig.


  • 培训公司高管员工做励志演讲,“提醒他们最好时光在将来,”三洋人力资源负责人JunNakamura

    At the retreats, executives give pep talks' to remind them their best years are still ahead, 'says Jun Nakamura, Sanyo's head of human resources.


  • 有点19世纪70年代,无衰退英国二级银行业危机余波简直是无业游民和恶棍们的最好时光

    It will feel a bit like the 1970s, when the endless recession and aftermath of the secondary banking crisis in Britain made it a high time for spivs and villains.


  • “早晨是最好的,这样不会干扰到睡眠,”Jayabarathan医生,“使这段黑暗的时光保持相当好的状态。”

    “You’ll produce more melatonin, ” says Dr. Jayabarathan.It will keep you feeling quite well right through thosedark times.


  • 健康这样东西它使感到现在一年之中最好时光

    Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.


  • 他们:‘如果有下辈子我会改变命运的’,他们只有20岁,处在人生最好时光

    They say 'maybe I'll do it in my next life', but they are in their 20s, their best time.


  • 希望其中一年会最好时光使阿森纳从中受益

    I hope that one or two those are his best years and that Arsenal benefits from it.


  • 萨布莉尔说:“我们四处站着绿酒,吃着精美形状胡萝卜装着我们正在享受最好的时光。”

    We will all stand around drinking green absinthe and eating carrots cut into elegant shapes and pretend we're having a marvelous time.


  • 孩子长大离开了,反而是男人女人婚姻最好时光

    After the kids are grown up and move out of the house, the marriage between a man and a woman should be at its best.


  • 最好地方去过的地方。最好的时光,是时光

    The best place, is the place where haven't been to. The best time, the time is don't come back.


  • 那是一些体会到最好的时光开始的地方

    Thats where some of your best moments are yet to be realized.


  • 可帮不了时间调慢点儿但是可以保证,你经历最好时光

    I cannot help you to slow or speed the process of time, but I can promise that the time you are living in now is about to become a good one.


  • 假如记错,阶段正是网络小说出书最好时光

    If I was not misremembered, that phase is network novel give the time with best book.


  • 我们使用一生最好时光来为他们完备珍贵自由福祉

    We have spent the prime of our lives in procuring them the precious blessing of liberty.


  • 我们使用一生最好时光来为他们完备珍贵自由福祉

    We have spent the prime of our lives in procuring them the precious blessing of liberty.


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