• 生命最美好的一天

    Greatest days of my life!


  • 今天一生最美好的一天由于目前在一起。

    This is the maximum wonderful day of my life, since I'm ITe with you now.


  • 生命最美好的一天永远不会忘记我们一起谈过的话

    It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget the conversations we Shared.


  • 首歌关于出院愿望觉得出院的是他最美好的一天

    It's also about his longing to get out and the day he got out of the hospital would be the best day ever.


  • 今天醒来时候忽然意识生命中从没有过的、最美好的一天

    Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever!


  • 能够回到赛场参加100米自由泳比赛这个赛事最美好的一天

    Being able to come back and do that 100 free, that was the best day of my meet here.


  • 笑话这样讲,生日有时被叫做年内最美好的一,生日后一天则是一最糟糕一天因为到下一次生日还有一年呢!

    There is a joke I say, birthday, sometimes called the best day within a year, the birthday is the day after the worst day of the year, because there are birthday next year?


  • 加里走进了的世界,触动了我,每天早晨成了最美好的时光。

    Gary reached out to me, touched me and made my morning the best part of the day.


  • 当中最美好的时光说话读书整个世界融化字里行间。

    This is the best time, talking and reading, the world melting away into words, although sometimes a phrase is so beautiful I have to walk around a little just to let them settle in.


  • 一天最美好的时刻清晨黄昏影子长,可以形成对比、提供庇护、勾勒轮廓。

    The most beautiful times of day are dawn and dusk when shadows are long, offering contrast, refuge and form.


  • 一天祈祷,为生命叩谢上苍,为你许下最美好的愿望祈求赐予幸福健康

    Every day, I pray for you, give thanks for your life, wish you the best, ask the heavens to bless you with good health and happiness.


  • 永远都不会忘记,那一天同学们尽情欢笑彻夜欢歌生命中留下最美好的回忆。

    I will never forget that day, that day me and my classmates have a laugh, sing, the night life was the most pleasant memories.


  • 我们自己忧虑但是依然珍惜一天最美好的时光,我们依偎被窝里,谈论我们未来孩子彼此浓厚的什么都可以。

    We had our worries, but we still treasured our very favorite part of the day when we'd snuggle under the covers and talk about our future, the kids, and how much we loved each otherno matter what.


  • 每次一家人下来一起吃饭时,可以分享每个人一天件事,或者感恩一件事的家庭仪式

    Starting a family ritual of sharing the best moment of each family member's day and one thing they are grateful for every time your have a sit down family dinner.


  • 家庭仪式来分享一个家庭成员一天感恩的一件事每次家庭聚餐时

    Starting a family ritual of sharing the best moment of each family member's day and one thing they are grateful for every time your have a sit down family dinner.


  • 回首时,惊讶地发现那些奋斗日子是最美好的。——奥地利精神分析学家弗洛伊德

    One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. ― Sigmund Freud.


  • 繁忙学习经常操场上跑步,我觉得最美好的时光,我喜欢这项运动,因为4岁那个时候,我为了乐趣而没有任何目的

    After busy studying, I usually run on the playground, and I think that's the most wonderful time in a day. I love this sport since I'm 4, but at that time I only run for fun without any purpose.


  • 每天从对那些生命事物感恩开始这样有可能恰当视角来看待即将到来的挑战

    Starting your day by saying 'thank you' for the good in your life makes it more likely that you will approach the day's challenges with the proper perspective.


  • 我们度过很棒的希望能陪伴朋友度过一个愉快生日,送给最美好的祝福。

    We all have a great day today and what we want is bringing a happy birthday to my friend. Best wishes for him.


  • 这个教师节虽然仍然开心因为送给老师最美好的祝福通过这个教师节学到终生受益知识

    Thee teachers' day, though on a day of class, but I still very happy, because I am the teacher gave the best blessing, and I also learn lifelong learning through the teachers' day.


  • 在这一天要向生命重要的最美好的事物表达感恩之情

    It's about expressing your gratitude to the important people and all the good things in your life.


  • 泼水节一般持续人们视为、最吉祥日子

    Songkran generally continued for three days, it is this day as the most beautiful, the most auspicious day.


  • 一直以为自己赢,直到看着镜子,才知道自己输了,最美好的时候,我最喜欢都不在我身边

    I thought I was the winner until one day I looked into the mirror and saw the face of a loser. I failed to have the person I loved most to be with me in my best years.


  • 永远都不会忘记,那一天我和同学们尽情欢笑,彻夜欢歌生命中留下了最美好的回忆。

    I won't forget the day which was rooted in my life. On the day, I and my students were laughing and singing from darkness to down.


  • 永远都不会忘记,那一天我和同学们尽情欢笑,彻夜欢歌生命中留下了最美好的回忆。

    I won't forget the day which was rooted in my life. On the day, I and my students were laughing and singing from darkness to down.


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