• 最佳一个男生有些不舒服回到,“下来茶喝了。”

    A schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach. "Well, sit down and eat your tea, " said his mother.


  • 但是喝了海水使得感到有些不舒服仍然非常开心

    But I also drank lots of salt water. It make me sick. But I still fell very happy.


  • 可是第三天时有些不舒服,可能是吃坏肚子了,晚上好了。

    However, on the third day of traveling in the city, I felt sick. I think I had something bad to eat, but it passed by the evening.


  • 在起初时候,也许还是有些不舒服,但明白所经历释放自我的事情之一。

    She reported that while, at first, it was uncomfortable it was also the most liberating experience she had ever known.


  • 之后商场的侍从附近是否急诊室个小时商场觉得有些不舒服

    In the end he asked the valet guy if there's an emergency room around the area because he feels sick from shopping for 2 hours.


  • 医生我们来看先生近来是精神有点好(身体有些不舒服

    Doctor:Right. Well, we'll just have a look. Uh, Sir, has he been a bit off colour lately.


  • 为了避免被人看出目光闪烁,一些说谎者故意他们目光停留长时间因而让人有些不舒服

    In an attempt to avoid looking shifty-eyed, some liars will purposefully hold their gaze a touch too long, so that it's slightly uncomfortable.


  • 脸上手上一点点寒意感觉有些不舒服全身上下的衣服厚了许多难以抵挡早晨寒风

    The wind hits, in the face begins on the little chill in the air, lets you feel that some are uncomfortable, whole body clothes thick many, but still with difficulty resisted that morning's cold wind.


  • 一些睡觉区域看起来有些不舒服一些则让非常的印象深刻,这你很知道孩子们是如何摆出这些姿势的。

    While some of the sleeping areas look a little uncomfortable others are down right impressive and will leave you wondering how the kids got into that position.


  • 处于这样年纪想到我之后某个家庭成员发现一本载有我的错误厚厚的日记时,这感到有些不舒服

    I'm at the age where the notion that, after my demise, a family member would find a fat journal devoted to my mistakes makes me a little uncomfortable!


  • 怎么,在目光感到有些不舒服:“世界只有非常会患上这种病,所有这些人里面,又是特殊的。”

    I felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze, somehow. "There are very few people in the world who have it, and of all those people, you're special."


  • 奇怪的却是,这个炎热的天气里,身体感到有些不舒服有时候甚至感觉如何被一个隐形箱子里面感到呼吸过来

    Ridiculously strange, my body still feels quite uncomfortable in this heat. Sometimes I even felt like I was threw into an unseen box and that made me breathless.


  • 对于整个过程感到有些舒服好我是训练有素的杂食动物。12的时候我认为我必须强壮起来。而且有些动物就是要成为人类食物

    I was a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing, but I was a well-trained omnivore, and by age twelve I knew I had to be tough and that certain animals were put here for humans to eat.


  • 已经几个曾经得到类似伤病球员法布雷加斯罗西基他们我会最初一周感到膝盖还有些不舒服但是没有感觉到有这个问题

    I have spoken to a couple of the players who have had similar problems - Cesc Fabregas and Tomas Rosicky - and they said I would feel it for the first initial weeks but I haven't felt the problem.


  • 我们坐的韩国航空原本以为飞机我会一直紧张,飞机起飞一瞬间,我的头的确好晕,有些不舒服,所以就眼睛起来休息,没想到连续熬好几天夜的我就这样睡著了!

    It is Korean Air that we took. At first I thought I would stay nervous on the plane, but it turned out that while the plain was taking off, I felt dizzy and closed my eyes.


  • 有些认为人们在电子邮件中容易撒谎理由是:欺骗人感到舒服,所以使用电子邮件这种间接媒介,让谎言容易说出口。

    Some expected e-mailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment of emailing would make it easier to lie.


  • 有些妈妈喜欢纤维比较多食物,这样可以减少孕期常见不舒服症状比如便秘的机会。

    Some moms go for fiber to help decrease some of the more common but uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy like constipation.


  • 有些使脱落,但这些退掉的毛可以穿透人体皮肤有非常舒服的感觉。

    Some tarantulas can also shoot the "hairs" off their legs which can Pierce human skin and cause great discomfort.


  • 孩子需要毫无顾虑父母寻求建议指导即使有些情况父母感到不舒服

    Children need to feel free to go to parents for advice and counsel even in situations that may make a parent uncomfortable.


  • 池水清清挤满成千鲤鱼有些鲤鱼看起来就像其他鲤鱼上面,一定不舒服

    The clear pond here is full of thousands of red carp that seem to swim on top of each other quite uncomfortably.


  • 但是有些小事让她舒服例如知道衣服有没有污渍,挑选贺卡的时候需要别人帮忙

    But little things rankle, like not knowing if clothes are stained and needing help shopping for greeting CARDS.


  • 然而《肠子恶搞研习营》中最黑暗最有趣令你舒服故事有些当众朗读

    And 'Guts' is by no means the darkest or funniest or most upsetting story from the novel Haunted. Some, I didn't dare read in public.


  • 科学家随后要求参加者进行项让人舒服任务,一共有两种情况:有些些人要求一杯健康、但是很难合的音频(和吃药多);而另外一些则被要求把手伸冰水里面。

    The scientists then asked each group to participate in one of two unpleasant tasks. Some were told to finish a healthy but ill-tasting drink (akin to taking one's medicine).


  • 有些客户表示他们舒服年轻工人由于切断红色英勇勋章”,或者话说居住生活

    Some older clients state that they do not feel comfortable speaking to younger workers, because of a disconnect of the "red badge of courage," or in other words, living life.


  • 图形让人很舒服的亮度缺乏细节有些质地(比如)看起来很丑

    There is something unpleasantly bright in the graphics, they lack detail, and some of the textures (like on the trees) simply look ugly.


  • 图形让人很舒服的亮度缺乏细节有些质地(比如)看起来很丑

    There is something unpleasantly bright in the graphics, they lack detail, and some of the textures (like on the trees) simply look ugly.


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