• 保持强壮有力的肌肉有助于防范

    Keeping your muscles strong and in tone helps you to avoid back problems.


  • 改革进行有力辩论

    She argued powerfully for reform.


  • 需要有力法律措施保护消费者

    Stronger legal safeguards are needed to protect the consumer.


  • 环境保护运动议会缺乏有力的支持者。

    The green movement lacks effective representation in Parliament.


  • 安乐死支持反对者都有力论据

    There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.


  • 有力证明他们的花费可能超出预算

    He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.


  • 总统争辩来自中央的强有力统治一种必然

    The president pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a necessity.


  • 破裂家庭仍然是一个持续分裂社会有力象征

    The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.


  • 我们前一,团组可以社会化有力动因

    As we saw in the preceding chapter, groups can be powerful agents of socialization.


  • 他们体制似乎同时具有有力政府比例代表制两种理想状况。

    Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.


  • 教练昨天是取得奥运代表队里一个席位的一有力的竞争者。

    Her trainer said yesterday that she would be a strong contender for a place on the Olympic team.


  • 市民论坛》支持魁北克特殊权力但是主张保留一个有力中央政府

    The Citizens' Forum supported special powers for Quebec but also argued for the retention of a strong central government.


  • OHA 对此进行了有力的反驳。

    The OHA has vigorously disputed this.


  • 有力跳动着,浑身都伤疤。

    It was beating strongly, but full of scars.


  • 批驳有力,句句中的

    The refutation is forceful and every word hits home.


  • 有钱出钱有力出力

    The rich will be asked to contribute money; the strong to contribute Labour.


  • 书法苍劲有力

    His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.


  • 耸肩耷拉着脑袋有力地暗示着这个是否快乐

    Hunched shoulders and a hanging head give a powerful indication of whether the person is happy or not.


  • 交叉双臂表示放松有力表明无聊。

    Crossing your arms may indicate relaxation, but it can also powerfully show you are bored.


  • 罗马陶器直接、最有力的特点一贯的品质

    What strikes the eye and the touch most immediately and most powerfully with Roman pottery is its consistent high quality.


  • 运行良好壁炉至今仍是住宅公寓一个有力卖点

    But functioning fireplaces remain to this day a powerful selling point in a house or apartment.


  • 毫无疑问,伊萨克·牛顿爵士英国有力头脑之一。

    No doubt, Sir Isaac Newton is one of Britain's most powerful minds.


  • 我们记住我们手中掌握人类所拥有有力工具

    Let us remember that we hold in our hand the most powerful instrument which man owns.


  • 我们认为这种广告会破坏环境采取有力措施加以制止

    We view this kind of advertising as environmental damage and will take strong action against it.


  • 美国分裂既有学术,也有个人的,争论有力判断平衡

    The Disuniting Of America is both academic and personal, forceful in argument, balanced in judgment.


  • 一个有力教训,告诉我们准确地相互沟通多么重要

    That's a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately communicate to each other.


  • 想让女儿变得强壮有力。我担心粉色不能帮助她们变成那样

    I want my daughters to be strong and powerful. I'm worried that pink will not help them with that.


  • 气候变化正在发生证据有多有力确实我们需要担心的事情。

    How strong is the evidence that climate change is happening? That is really something we need to be worried about.


  • 这些数据已经建立地球轨道变化冰期周期之间的强有力联系

    These data have established a strong connection between variations in the Earth's orbit and the periodicity of the ice ages.


  • 如果医生自己慢慢好起来那么本身就是剂强有力处方

    If the doctor says you will get better by yourself, then this is a powerful prescription in itself.


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