• 对显而易见事实的一瞥,但没有任何证据能有力支撑遗传环境论点

    It is a glimpse of the blindingly obvious—and there's nothing to back strongly either a hereditary or environmental argument.


  • 一发现有可能成为火星上寻找生命体存在了有力支撑

    If this turns out to be the case, the sites may provide a promising hunting ground for signs of life on Mars.


  • 中方正在探讨设立中国与中东欧国家合作基金双方经贸合作提供有力支撑

    China is exploring the possibility of setting up a cooperation fund between the two sides, which will provide strong support for our economic cooperation and trade.


  • 就算出口进一步走强经济增长可能不足以大幅提升收入水平有力支撑就业人数

    Even with stronger exports, growth is likely to be too sluggish to raise incomes by a lot or offer much support to employment.


  • 稳健劳动力市场应该可以有力支撑消费通胀可能对消费造成不利影响。

    Consumption should remain supported by a robust labor market, but inflation creates headwind.


  • 建设监测数据库现代监测方法手段延伸环境管理提供有力支撑

    Creating monitoring databases is the stretch of modern monitoring ways and can provide powerful support for the environmental management.


  • 针对这些关键技术进行了深入研究论述,为光电平台研制提供了有力支撑

    And the active capture laser beaconing also was researched, all these key technologies research well support develop of platform.


  • 显然削弱美元实际价值,再加上即将来临实际利率时代,金价获得强有力支撑

    This will significantly undercut support for the dollar. This, together with the ongoing environment of negative real interest rates, GFMS believes, should prove highly supportive of gold.


  • 其中一个”都产业链关键环节,都来自其全产业链布局的强有力支撑

    Each one of which is "good" is the key link of the whole industry chain, has come from the whole industry chain layout is strong prop up.


  • 现代环境立法缺乏法学理论有力支撑造成了环境法律立法司法各个环节上的不利状况

    The absence in theory prevents environmental law going a advantage situation and therefore resulted in many problems both in the legislation and the law enforcement fields.


  • 研究驾驶人交通标志信息记忆时间变化规律能够城市道路交通标志设计实施应用提供有力支撑

    To reveal the pattern the amount of drivers' memory of traffic sign information changes over time could shed bright light on the design and installation of ur-ban road traffic signs.


  • 处于有力支撑包围中的密封垫片,能承受较大流体冲击,不会泄漏两次工艺保证了密封垫片牢固

    Seal gaskets are closed in the support points of plates resist high press fluid impact and prevent leak out of fluids. Twice gelatinize technology make gasket firm connected.


  • 本文阐述了基于GPRS网络无线POS结合品牌各行业积分管理提供有力支撑系统设计和具体实现方法

    This paper based on the GPRS network and wireless POS machine combining the brand for the industry to provide strong support of integration management system designing and specific methods.


  • 针对炮掘工作面施工工艺瓦斯涌出变化规律采取相应应对措施进行综合治理,取得良好的效果,掘进面的安全掘进提供了有力支撑

    Aimed at the gas gush change law of every construction craft in the blasting driving face, the appropriate measure is adopted for gas comprehensive management.


  • 实用角度来看保护雕像,让它们不破裂心理赋予形象强壮有力感觉,这种感觉通常一个在后方支撑柱子加强

    From a practical aspect this protected the figures against breakage and psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power, usually enhanced by a supporting back pillar.


  • 一个明智护民官能够成为好的政体有力支撑

    A wisely tempered tribunate is the strongest buttress of a good constitution.


  • 每一消费者餐桌产品需要有力商业实证支撑需要检验它们的盈利能力,需要投入资本以及如何全国推广。

    Every new item that ends up on customers' trays has to have a strong business case that examines its profitability, the capital it requires, and how it can be built out nationally.


  • 北海供应中断利比亚原油出口停止有力支撑石油基准价而这个基准价用来全世界半数石油定价的。

    Supply disruptions in the North Sea and the absence of Libyan crude exports are providing solid support to the benchmark, which is used to price more than half of the world's oil.


  • 许多假设因素孤独症有关,维生素缺乏以及饮食中的谷蛋白和酪蛋白没有什么有力文献能够支撑这些假设。

    There are many hypotheses that factors like vitamin deficiencies, mercury and glutein and casein in the diet are linked to autism, but there's no strong literature to support many of these hypotheses.


  • 如果激烈竞争中获胜,那么你必须一个有力erp系统支撑来帮助你去管理公司信息规划公司资源。

    If you want get success in intense competition, you have to have a powerful erp system as your back support, help you to manage your enterprise information and plan your enterprise resource.


  • 女性具有建立有力支撑自己同性人脉的能力,正是一能力她们度过离婚过程糟心的日子

    It is this ability of women to create strong sustaining networks of female friends that gets them through the worst days of divorce.


  • 论文我们发现支撑之前英国荷兰所得出的结论并且指出目前毒品分类系统危害性没有提出有力证据的弊端。”

    "Our findings lend support to previous work in the UK and the Netherlands, confirming that the present drug classification systems have little relation to the evidence of harm," the paper says.


  • Heron首席执行官杰拉德•荣森(GeraldRonson)解释道:“风水中,龟甲代表有力支撑保护安全

    In feng shui, the tortoiseshell represents a strong back, protection and security,” explained Gerald Ronson, Heron's chief executive.


  • 彼得·德罗,阿瓦合作人公司首席市场经济学家印度稳定性表明经济动力源出现支撑美国市场也是一份有力的力量。

    Peter Cardillo, chief market economist for Avalon Partners, said signs of stabilization in India, an emerging economic powerhouse, are helping support the U. S. market.


  • 虽然五个标准侧重点不同但是不能权利位阶理论有力支撑论证

    Although the focus of five different standards, but do not give the right-to-order theory of the strong support demonstrated.


  • 背景由于很多选择没有有力证据对于双侧脑瘫患儿支撑处方面临着挑战

    Background: Brace prescription for children with diplegic cerebral palsy challenges the clinician with a variety of options and little evidence for rational decisions.


  • 数字电视服务平台数字电视端服务基础一套完善的电子商务系统可以有线数字运营商服务平台提供有力支撑

    The service platform is the foundation of DTV end to end service, an electronic commerce system with perfect function can provide the strong support for the service platform.


  • 床床靠背可以用来作为一个有力支撑因此可以舒适进食阅读同时

    The bed back rest can be used as a strong comfortable prop so you can eat or read, whilst in bed.


  • 电子商务的出现既是传统专业市场巨大挑战升级优化提供有力支撑

    To the traditional specific market, electronic commerce means not only a great challenge, but also a strong power to strengthen and update it.


  • 电子商务的出现既是传统专业市场巨大挑战升级优化提供有力支撑

    To the traditional specific market, electronic commerce means not only a great challenge, but also a strong power to strengthen and update it.


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