Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate response?
Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses.
I feel more seen than I ever have, and for the first time in my life, I have a clear-eyed view of myself that is authentic, compassionate and accepting.
The plight of the refugees arouses the compassionate old man.
My classmates and colleagues consider me kind and understanding.
Parents and teachers can set a good example of empathetic behavior by how they behave themselves.
The sympathetic widower doesn't have time to date because he's raising a kid.
Talk it out: Find a sympathetic listener and just think out loud, get it all out.
Best of all, it's lightweight and leaves lips feeling smooth, not sticky.
I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school.
Maybe the dividing line between happy and unhappy is between selfish hedonism and compassionate altruism, said another participant.
But she answered, "I cannot remain here. I will go away. Compassionate people will give me as much as I need."
But I definitely try: I'm happy, and I do my best every day to be a good father, husband, writer and compassionate person.
Maya: I I just think you make one of an interesting case study. The sympathetic widower who doesn't have time to date because he's raising a kid.
We all know that social workers are bleeding hearts and the attorney's probably never used his.
The first time I had seen him give his compassionate conservative speech in Iowa, I knew he had a chance to win.
Maya:I just think you make one of an interesting case study. The sympathetic widower who doesn't have time to date because he's raising a kid.
They are empathic when things are going well in their personal lives, but quickly become self focused when things go wrong.
KIND means forgiving, warm-hearted, friendly, of a sympathetic or helpful nature, gentle, merciful, and tender.
People tend to be sympathetic, but you start to feel bad vibrations, as if you've just told them you have a social disease.
However, the resourceful imp manages to finagle an apprenticeship out of the sympathetic Alfredo, whose adages come mostly from the pens of Hollywood screenwriters.
After being nursed back to health by Bessie Leaven, a sympAThetic nurse AT GATeshead, Jane is sent to the Lowood School, fifty miles away.
Combined growth and development interventions that help families practice "responsive parenting" have the potential to promote better psychological development, as well as physical growth.
Just leave the kids with a sitter, team up with a sympathetic friend, spouse, therapist, or journal, and let your angry animal self bellow its messages.
What the patient most need is a tactful, caring physician who is willing to take time to address their concerns and explain their illness using language they are able to understand.
Of course, the same mind-reading skills that help you be a compassionate friend and supportive partner can be used to hit loved ones where it hurts.
During the hearing, four of Roeder's friends described him as a friendly, compassionate man who became angry at the state's refusal to stop Tiller's practice.
They should also be combined with efforts to make it easier for adolescents to obtain any preventive or curative health services they might need from competent and empathetic health workers.
They should also be combined with efforts to make it easier for adolescents to obtain any preventive or curative health services they might need from competent and empathetic health workers.