A standard criticism of sociological research is that it goes to great lengths to prove what most people with common sense already know.
Anyone with the common sense will react angrily to the fact that the aggressive one who once hijacked 2 hostages was assigned to aid in a charity fair as an assistant.
Hiring pros point to professionalism and emotional maturity as skills recent graduates are lacking, so do not wait until you are hired to start acting like a polished, mature professional!
Wikipedia has strengths too, chiefly the resilient power of collective common sense.
Armed with common sense, effective release processes, and the information in this article, this balance should not be hard to achieve.
While I guess it's great that kids are so tech-savvy, the study points out that they may not be getting the "life skills" they need in other areas of their lives.
Pushkar says wise people often highlight common sense -- but what makes them different than most is how they follow their own advice.
Being a patient, playful, protective mother is largely common sense, adds Goodall, who is scornful of child-rearing books that suggest otherwise.
Despite the seeming common sense4 of Hasan's desire to leave a disaster area, many people around the world continue to live in places they know to be unsafe.
退伍军人常识组织(VeteransforCommon Sense)的执行官保罗·沙利文(Paul Sullivan)说,他和其他同事长久以来都在警告,昨天所发生的事件是有可能出现的。
Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, said that he and others had warned that an incident such as the one which unfolded yesterday had been on the cards for a long time.
And while this is common sense, ask yourself how many on your team know these things, right now?
This sounds like common sense, but many a self-confident dieter imagines that he or she should possess enough willpower to abstain from overeating in any situation.
We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge but less judgement, more experts yet more problems, more medicine but less wellness.
Next to one's own experience and knowledge of deficiencies typical of the era common sense can also be useful: to a large degree damages are brought about by the different forms of precipitation.
There was a man who has two dogs, named 'commonsense' and 'trouble'. He always brought his dogs to the park every evening.
Beyond trusting your instincts and having a healthy amount of common sense, SafeShopping. org offers the following tips for keeping your online transactions as safe as possible.
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
One day, he only brought 'trouble' to the park, and left 'commonsense' at home. while the man was so happy playing 'frisbee' with his friends, 'commonsense' disappeared.
Although I had a few encounters and experience with MLM, it's just common sense, common logic, and common thinking.
Your subconscious gets a feel for things most quickly by doing. OK, that sounds like common sense, but here are some specifics you might not have considered.
It has a glorious an and a contemptible science a magnificent common sense and an infantile logic a fine womanish chatter about life and no scholastic philosophy.
It has a glorious an and a contemptible science, a magnificent common sense and an infantile logic, a fine womanish chatter about life and no scholastic philosophy.
He is convinced that his experience and nous more than makes up for a lack of pace.
He is convinced that his experience and nous more than makes up for a lack of pace.