• 有意购买那个俱乐部作为投资

    He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.


  • 有意索取资料读者付邮资。

    Information will be sent post-free to any interested readers.


  • 政府有意选择价格上涨轻描淡写

    The government chooses deliberately to understate the increase in prices.


  • 我们打算春天法国旅游有意去吗?

    We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested?


  • 抱歉没把名单里—不是有意的。

    I'm sorry I left you off the listit wasn't intentional.


  • 了下来有意避开目光

    He sat down, purposely avoiding her gaze.


  • 他们这些危险并非有意

    They were not insensible of the risks.


  • 我们不能有意思的事情吗?

    Can't we do something more interesting?


  • 识到政治上抱负

    I didn't realize you had political aspirations.


  • 有意不去想那些愿多想的事情

    Her mind sheered away from images she did not wish to dwell on.


  • 并非有意苛刻,还是大哭了一场。

    He didn't mean to be cruel but I cried my eyes out.


  • 伦敦到处大利餐馆

    There are lots of Italian restaurants dotted around London.


  • 继续往下并非有意打断你的话。

    Please continueI didn't mean to interrupt.


  • 事情没有那么糟糕的确有意夸张

    Things aren't really that badshe does tend to pile it on.


  • 一个句子可以划分有意各个部分

    A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments.


  • 确实机敏,还实际后果

    She wasn't really with it. She hadn't taken in the practical consequences.


  • 有意谷仓大步走去

    He strode purposefully toward the barn.


  • 其他石油生产国作一比较有意思的

    Comparison with other oil-producing countries is extremely interesting.


  • 不是有意的,真的

    I didn't mean it, honest!


  • 这些数据孤立起来,否则就没

    To make sense, these figures should not be looked at in isolation.


  • 有意博取同情

    She was angling for sympathy.


  • 不是有意

    I didn't mean to bark at you.


  • 在人们看来,拒不出席宴会有意总统难堪。

    Her refusal to attend the dinner is being seen as a deliberate snub to the President.


  • 知道交朋友很有一套,”有意补充道

    "I have a knack for making friends, you know," she added meaningfully.


  • 显然,不管是有意还是无意反正得罪

    It was clear that, wittingly or unwittingly, he had offended her.


  • 结果成了一次充满激烈辩论、非常有意思的会议

    It turned out to be a very interesting session with a lively debate.


  • 同事尽管分歧但关系一直很融洽。

    His relations with colleagues, differences of opinion notwithstanding, were unfailingly friendly.


  • 不想生活中忙忙碌碌事。

    Instead of rushing at life, I wanted something more meaningful.


  • 如果假期书面形式告知我们

    If you have a complaint about your holiday, please inform us in writing.


  • 不仅给孩子们思想而且使他们玩得有意思。

    Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play.


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