• 二十世纪以前经历总数成倍的增长,但是如今活着看到三倍口增长。

    Before the 20th century, no human had lived through adoubling of the human population, but there are people alive today who haveseen it triple.


  • 明星亲笔签名那些东西这些东西签名物具同样影响力不管这些明星活着还是已经死了

    The material on which an autograph was signed, and whether the star was living or dead, could have as much of an impact as who signed it.


  • 仅此一个事实便可解释为什么成功创意一直以不停地创作来度过时日他们必须这样他们创造是因为就是使他们活着的部分原因

    That one fact alone explains why successful creative people keep creating well past the time in which it's necessary for them to do so; they create because it's a part of what makes them come alive.


  • 根据陈水华计算这种世界珍贵数量可能已经32只,活着鸟和地球密集的毗邻。

    By Mr Chen's calculation, that brings the population of what is possibly the world's rarest bird up to 32, surviving in colonies near some of the densest human populations on earth.


  • 社会不管什么层次信仰信仰没关系,活着的人只是为了自己饮食呀健康呀,只是意义

    No matter what level of people in society, faiths and no faith is not at all, live only to their diet, health, this is just a little of significance.


  • 那些渴望提升进入一步,掌握意识梦想编织们,另一个项目叫做掌握活着梦想。

    For those that desire to take the dance of ascension one step further and master conscious dream weaving, there is another program known as Mastering the Living dream.


  • 如果心理素质好的觉得活着目的的,他们也就不能谓之为思想强者

    If mentally strong people couldn't believe that there is a purpose to the world, they would never have become mentally strong.


  • 长的一段日子我们心存哀思可能钢筋混凝土城市重建这些年,我们可以通过爱身边活着来纪念逝者。

    We will mourn for a long time still, and it may be years before the concrete cities are rebuilt, but we can honor the memory of those who lost their lives by loving those who are still alive.


  • 继续上垒直到里面工作肩膀那么。出门走走,看看生活在别处的们这样或那样的活着

    Continue to work upward so that the top of the igloo is about shoulder height with the person working inside.


  • 奎师那说起话学问那些根本值得悲痛的事物而哀伤。智者不为活着事物悲戚不为死去的事物而哀伤。

    Lord Krsna said: you are mourning for those not worthy of sorrow; yet speaking like one knowledgeable. The learned neither laments for the dead nor the living.


  • 海啸飓风常年已经对在这个海岸附近活着毁灭性影响2005。

    Tsunamis and hurricanes have had a devastating impact on the population living near the coast during the year 2005.


  • 萨拉必要知道活着一个美好的,你无愧生。

    Sara: Just like I need to know that you'll go on and have a beautiful life, the one you 2)deserve.


  • 但是最后却被信了,我并不是欺骗,因为船上认识的,表示着非常快乐见到依旧活着

    But at length he was persuaded that Iwas no cheat, fo there came people from his ship who knew me, and expressed much joy at seeing me alive.


  • 工作第80警察比尔·海特曼,“知道很多来救我们活着出去。”

    "I know that the rescue people who were helping us didn't get out of the building, " said security official Bill Heitman, who worked on the 80th floor. "I know they didn't make it.


  • 工作第80警察比尔·海特曼,“知道很多来救我们活着出去。”

    "I know that the rescue people who were helping us didn't get out of the building, " said security official Bill Heitman, who worked on the 80th floor. "I know they didn't make it.


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