• 这项立法本身就是不可取的妥协。

    The legislation represents in itself an unhappy compromise.


  • 工作本身应当看作一种工作。

    Job hunting should be approached as a job in itself.


  • 房子本身层高一个庭院而建

    The house itself is three storeys high and arranged around a courtyard.


  • 小说本身异常乏味。

    The novel itself remains oddly inert.


  • 食物本身难以消化,许多队员腹泻便秘

    But the food itself was barely digestible, and many team members suffered from diarrhoea or constipation.


  • 当然美国本身贸易问题上并非完全无可指责

    The U.S. itself, of course, is not entirely blameless in trading matters.


  • 一支摇滚乐队演唱本身也是爵士乐手

    She sings with a rock band, but she's also a jazz musician in her own right.


  • 周三首映式之后气氛和电影本身一样像是沉重的喜剧

    The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself.


  • 这些本身并未参与这场冲突中,他们只是被卷进去而已

    The people themselves weren't part of the conflict; they were just caught up in it.


  • 原子本身是个整体电子、质子中子以及其他组成部分

    An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements.


  • 本身的味道浓烈所以我们苹果将其稍稍一下。

    The blackberries were too tart on their own, so we stewed them gently with some apples.


  • 自然界本身写道,是按照平衡整体原则”运转的。

    Nature by itself, he writes, runs on "principles of balance and holism."


  • 政府本身已经认识种族袭击事件发案率之令人深感不安

    The government has itself recognized the disturbingly high frequency of racial attacks.


  • 野营当地居民接触的好途径因为葡萄牙人本身就是热情露营者

    Camping is a great way to meet the locals as the Portuguese themselves are enthusiastic campers.


  • 西蒙先生说过并不反对税收本身,“确实反对以无根据不诚实理由征税,”他说道。

    Mr. Simon said he was not against taxes as such, "but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds," he says.


  • 这些批评者只是反对监管本身

    These critics just oppose regulation itself.


  • 其次新奇的事物本身经常引起怀疑

    Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief.


  • 意味着本身及其供应成本收费

    This means charging a fee for the water itself as well as for the supply costs.


  • 寿命延长正在改变生命本身叙事结构

    A longer lifespan is changing the narrative structure of life itself.


  • 弓箭发明本身车轮发现并列。

    The invention of the bows itself ranks with discovery of fire and the wheel.


  • 它们电影本身本质更加敏感

    They will give you things to develop your sensitivity toward the nature of the film itself.


  • 然而,不连续性假说本身带来问题

    However, the discontinuity hypothesis can pose problems of its own.


  • 工具本身可以说明问题

    Tools themselves can be revealing.


  • 吸收专家智慧不是技巧而是戏剧本身

    It's not mechanics, but the play itself, that absorbs the experts' intelligence.


  • 物品本身表明它们专业技术人员作品

    Objects themselves suggest that they were the work of skilled professionals.


  • 抓挠本身——养时——并无这样效果

    Scratching by itselfthat is, in the absence of an itch—had no such effect.


  • 表明自然本身可以教会我们保护环境

    He wants to show that nature itself can teach us to take care of the environment.


  • 所以这些,这些羊皮纸本身保存了下来

    So the pages, the pieces of parchment themselves, had been preserved.


  • 现实生活中的交流本身就构成诚实肯定

    Real-life communication itself constitutes a confirmation of honesty.


  • 为了阻止激光本身击中不会直接指向云层

    To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight at the clouds.


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