• 诸如强度机械特性或者诸如抗腐蚀性其它性能对于机械加工性可以可选的”。

    Mechanical characteristics such as strength, or other properties such as corrosion resistance, may be "optional" with respect to machinability.


  • 它不但具有非常好的机械加工性导电性低热膨胀系数具有优异的力学性能氧化性能和抗热震性。

    In addition to good workability, high conductivity and low thermal expansion coefficient, it has excellent mechanical properties, excellent oxidation resistance and excellent thermal shock resistance.


  • 一个问题坯料再加热过程中(Mg)(sn)结合导致强度(例如拉伸强度),以及机械加工性

    One problem was that magnesium (Mg) combined with tin (Sn) during billet reheat, which resulted in low strength, such as tensile strength, and poor machinability.


  • 结果是可以得到一种构件,其快速冷却区域具有局部强度在较缓慢冷却的区域中具有局部改变冶金性能改进机械加工性

    The result is a component with local high strength in the rapidly cooled zones and locally altered metallurgical properties to improve machinability in the more slowly cooled zones.


  • 机械工程中,对机械零件加工表面这种凹凸不平性开展研究同样具有重要的实践意义

    In Mechanical Engineering, conducting research on the roughness of surfaces of the machine element also is profoundly practically significant.


  • 功能性磷化工艺主要应用加工业机械工业复合材料加工业、涂料工业

    Functional phosphating process is applicable to cold working industry, machinery finish industry, composite material industry, coating industry and so on.


  • 轻型重型金属加工机械运营商之间很少根本没有流动性

    There is little or no mobility between operators of light and heavy metalworking machines.


  • 讨论利用机械加工技术制作传感器可能性必然性

    This paper examines the possibility and necessity of using micromachining technology for sensor manufacturing.


  • 通过电镀可以机械制品上获得装饰保护性各种功能性表面层可以修复磨损加工失误工件

    Through the electroplating, can be in mechanical products won adornment of protective and various functional surface layer, still can repair wear and processing error of workpiece.


  • 本文首先概述计算机控制系统PLC工业控制中的重要性,分析了农产品加工机械产品质量现状

    Firstly, this article summed up the importance for the computer control system and PLC in industrial control and analyzed the quality current situation of agricultural products processing machines.


  • 全部机械设计采用了强度可靠性设计方法,初步达到了高效成本生产加工的目标。

    With equal strength, reliability design for all machines, the high efficiency and low cost production process was presented.


  • 本文给出工程技术常用锥面一类曲线的展方程,供机械帚性工艺钣金加工应用

    In this paper, a cone - type curve flattening equation commonly used in engineering technology is presented for applications of sheet metal processing in mechanical manufacturing process.


  • 零件机械加工常见零件之一,工序尺寸确定在轴类加工过程中起主导性作用

    Shaft parts are one of the most common components in the machining process, determining the working procedure dimension plays a leading role in shaft parts processing.


  • 零部件电脑数控机床精密加工机械动作柔和稳定,耐久性卓越功能齐全使用寿命

    Parts are all precisely processed by computerized digital control machine tools. The mechanical action is flexible and stable, with excellent durability, complete function and long service life.


  • 三嗪系列树脂具有优异耐高温性高温有良好机械强度成型加工一类具有广泛应用前景新型热固性树脂

    Phenolic triazines resins are of excellent heat-resistance, good mechanical and process properties at high temperature. It is a new thermoset resin that has extensive applied prospect.


  • 由分析知:精米加工企业的品质管理一项系统工程,精米加工企业的品质管理是被动、机械式的检验应该是主动预防性控制

    Analysis shows that quality management in rice mills is a system engineering, it should not be a passive mechanical inspection but an initiative and preventive control.


  • 通过机械加工表面轮廓特征分析,说明表面轮廓参数测量中,消除各种误差影响必要性

    Based on the analysis of the characteristic of machined surface profile, the necessity to eliminate errors' influence on the measurement of surface profile parameters was explained.


  • 由于薄板冲压变形制造误差特征,薄板焊装夹具设计显著区别普通机械加工工件定位夹具。

    Due to forming error and compliance of stamping, the fixture design of sheet stamping assembly is different from the fixture design of common machining component.


  • 测量技术重要性进行阐述,并对其未来发展趋势进行分析使机械加工质量精度得以大幅度提高。

    The importance of measuring technique was expounded, the developing trend of it was also analyzed. So that the quality and accuracy of mechanical working was raised greatly.


  • 各类机械技术人员300名,现有员工300余名,从事渔网渔具专业性生产加工

    Various types of machinery more than 300 technical personnel, more than 300 employees engaged in fishing nets, fishing gear professionalism of the production and processing.


  • 数控编程概念以及作用进行讲解,通过实例说明参数程序机械加工中的重要性

    This article introduces the concept and role of the CNC programming, and illustrates the importance of the parameter programming in the machining with some examples.


  • 研究表明加工中心机床本体故障率最高,机械可靠性薄弱环节。

    The study indicates that the tool magazine and the mechanical arm are the weakest point of the reliability in making the breakdown rate of the host machine so high.


  • 传感器性能测试结果表明机械加工提高传感器性能的重要性

    The measuring results of the above sensors indicate that the micromachining is very important to improve their performances.


  • 分析虚拟制造中占有重要地位机械加工过程仿真讨论了铣削加工过程仿真及其实现的可能性教学中的作用做了初步的探讨。

    Meanwhile, it analyzes the emulation of milling process which is very important in virtual manufacturing, discusses the possibility of it and probes into the role of it in teaching.


  • 复合材料机械性能加工制造等过程密切相关,材料性能离散较大因此考虑不确定性因素的结构可靠性分析非常必要。

    The mechanical properties of composite materials are correlated with the manufacturing process, and their diversity is generally larger than that of metals, so the reliability analysis is important.


  • 硬质合金铰刀高效性机械加工中已得到广泛认同,由于硬质合金材料本身脆性,使其适合用于断续切削。

    Everybody knows the high efficiency of the carbide reamer, but the carbide blade is very brittle and not suit to interrupt cutting.


  • 本文一些成功流体器件的设计加工基础上,提出了一种计算机控制流量测量控制系统,对各个微机械器件做了介绍,并分析了系统的可行性。

    A computer controlled micro flow measuring and controlling system is present on the base of preparing some completed micro flow devices such as micropump and microvalve in this paper.


  • 铸铁具有优良耐磨性重要耐磨材料之一广泛应用于机械、冶金、采矿矿产品加工行业

    High chromium cast iron has high abrasive resistance and is one of the major high-abrasive materials and widely used in the fields of machinery, metallurgy, mining and mineral processing.


  • 铸铁具有优良耐磨性重要耐磨材料之一广泛应用于机械、冶金、采矿矿产品加工行业

    High chromium cast iron has high abrasive resistance and is one of the major high-abrasive materials and widely used in the fields of machinery, metallurgy, mining and mineral processing.


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