• 按租约条款支付维修费

    Under the terms of the lease , you have to pay maintenance charges.


  • 租约条款规定,无权转租房产

    Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.


  • 聘用条款应有书面协议

    The terms of engagement are to be agreed in writing.


  • 协议条款双方有利

    The terms of the agreement are favourable to both sides.


  • 他们判断提出贸易协定条款时机成熟

    They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement.


  • 辩方律师尚未同意被害人亲属支付抚恤金条款

    Defence lawyers have still not agreed to terms for payment of blood money to the victims' families.


  • 如果保修单限制这些条款有权换货退款

    If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.


  • 法律条款税收削减1975年的水平

    One provision of the law was to roll back taxes to the 1975 level.


  • 他们基本同意这项提议,我们磋商各项条款

    They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.


  • 合同一项条款保证享有一定比例利润

    He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits.


  • 联合国安全理事会任何制裁解除遵守停火条款联系起来。

    The U.N. Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.


  • 他们君主制主义者一起添加了一个条款要求问题进行全民投票表决。

    They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.


  • 其他欧洲国家移民也类似的要求有些条款甚至更加苛刻

    Other European countries laid down a similar requirement for immigrants, and some terms are even tougher.


  • 适用对象为高薪经理高管时,这些条款就会企业带来困难。

    These provisions create difficulties for businesses when applied to highly paid managers and executives.


  • 教育委员会认为种族隔离学校违反第十四修正案平等保护条款

    Board of Education that racially segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


  • 那些银行高兴能够摆脱那些过分交易起码得到些较好的条款

    Banks would love to wriggle out of the most egregious deals, or at least get better terms.


  • 希腊立法者没有批准这些条款,其中包括更多削减开支,增加税收政府资产私有化。

    Greek lawmakers have yet to ratify the terms—which include more spending cuts, tax hikes and theprivatization of government assets.


  • 大额贷款很少出现这种问题因为大额贷款通常当作商业交易处理相关条款要用书面形式落实。

    Large loans are seldom the issue; they are usually treated as business transactions, with the terms spelled out on paper.


  • 新西兰2000年《雇佣关系法》(ERA个人申诉条款禁止雇主没有正当理由情况下辞退雇员

    The personal grievance provisions of New Zealand's Employment Relations Act 2000 (ERA) prevent an employer from firing an employee without good cause.


  • 美国多数人推翻了亚利桑那州争议计划四项有争议条款中的三项计划要求地方警察执行联邦移民法

    United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona's controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigration law.


  • 该国看来正在违反公约中的数个条款

    The country appears to be violating several articles of the convention.


  • 陪审团听取306条款慷慨激昂阐释。

    The jury listened to his impassioned explication of article 306.


  • 宪法一项修订条款规定任何总统不得连任以上

    A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms.


  • 告诉诺曼只要同意一个限制性条款投资企业

    I told Norman I would invest in his venture as long as he agreed to one proviso.


  • 根据协议条款他们这个项目提供资金直到2010年为止。

    Under the terms of the agreement , their funding of the project will continue until 2010.


  • 该国似乎违反了公约中的几个条款

    The country seems to be violating several articles of the convention.


  • 目前想出什么,但是合同之前所有条款检查一遍

    Nothing comes to mind right now, but I'd like to go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it.


  • 这些租约附带了细致条款减轻北极熊物种任何可能的环境伤害

    The leases come with painstaking stipulations to mitigate any possible environmental harm to species like the polar bear.


  • 这项条款保留意见正式抗议最多来自各个国家,来自世界各地

    Reservations and formal protests against this article are the most numerous from countries, from every region of the world.


  • 这项条款保留意见正式抗议最多来自各个国家,来自世界各地

    Reservations and formal protests against this article are the most numerous from countries, from every region of the world.


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