• 所有东西都魔法做成的,包括叶子狐狸松鼠

    Everything is made out of Magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers and foxes and squirrels and people.


  • 它们一条长长的尾巴帮助松鼠一棵跳到另一棵保持平衡还有同样眼睛耳朵有力的后腿

    They both have a long tail, which helps the squirrel to balance when jumping from tree to tree, and the same large eyes, small ears and powerful back legs.


  • 世界成千上万都是松鼠们偶然地埋土里,然后小松鼠记得自己到底把这些坚果在哪里,最后才能生根发芽的。

    Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and do not remember where they were hiding them.


  • 每年几百会长出来,是因为松鼠们会忘记他们坚果地点

    Every year, hundreds of new trees are planted because squirrels forget where they bury their nuts.


  • 自然主义者临时观察员松鼠特殊关系所。

    Naturalists and casual observers alike have been struck by the special relationship between squirrels and acorns (the seeds of oak trees).


  • 松鼠这个攀登健将,突然有一天飞行班级遭受了一次挫折老师要求地面向上而不是平时那种从稍向下自由自在跳跃。

    The squirrel was excellent in climbing until he developed frustration in the flying class where his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the treetop down.


  • 田鼠已经舒舒服服地地底下楼房睡着了,猫头鹰安坐在沼地深处空心里面,兔子松鼠狐狸躲在家里安居不动。 看家的狗在火炉旁边安静地躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一声不响地站着。

    The meadow-mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


  • 放学后松鼠找到了一空心,里面铺干草,小松鼠盖完了房子完成了作业,高高兴兴地去找小猴子

    After the class, small squirrel found a empty tree, he put some leaves and dry grass in it. Squirrel finished his home work, after that he went to monkey's home happily.


  • 田鼠已经舒舒服服地地底下楼房睡着了,猫头鹰安坐在沼地深处空心里面,兔子、松鼠狐狸躲在家里安居不动。 看家的狗在火炉旁边安静地躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一声不响地站着。

    The meadow mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


  • 松鼠藏到里面了;利用洞穴'青蛙钻入泥土深处许多其它动物,则地里挖坑道。

    Red squirrels disappear inside trees, bears use caves, frogs go deep under the mud, and many other animals dig tunnels in the earth.


  • 今天看到一棵松鼠觉得可爱,过去,颗松果试图把引诱过来

    Today, I saw a squirrel besides a tree, thinking it was cute, I stepped closer, picked up a pine cone and tried to lure it to come closer.


  • 想象中球台啼叫、跳来跳去的松鼠球场地形历历在目了。

    In his imagination, every detail of the tee, the individual blades of grass, the trees, the singing birds, the scampering squirrels and the lay of the course became totally real.


  • 松鼠朋友(可靠消息来源)告诉《赫芬顿邮报》:松鼠哥们最近离婚了,还被迫要用第二抵押贷款,所以酒精中放纵自己

    A close friend of the squirrel (and totally real source) told HuffPost Weird that his buddy was on a bender, having recently gone through a divorce and forced to take out a second tree mortgage.


  • 喜鹊枝造房子松鼠来松果粮食松柏穿上厚厚的、油亮亮的衣裳叶子妈妈脚下

    Small magpie bit to stick house, the little squirrel to pinecone when food, cypress oil wear thick, bright clothes, poplar, willow leaves float to the tree mother's feet.


  • 鼹鼠兔子刺猬松鼠站在凝视着那欢呼着直到最后一道光线消失

    Mole, Rabit, hedgehog and Squirrel stood staring at the tree, enchanted, until the last of the light had died away.


  • 它们依靠长长的爪子高度灵活踝关节之间攀爬甚至还能松鼠那样

    The cat also relies on long claws and highly flexible ankles to scramble among the trees - and even shimmy down tree trunks like a squirrel .


  • 一眼人类城镇中,大叫如此的大声地以致倚靠过城镇正直的但是从不相当跌倒降低个旧的松鼠

    At the first sight of a human face in the town, he called out so loudly that the old tree that leaned over the town square but never quite fell over dropped three leaves and an old squirrel's nest.


  • 田鼠已经舒舒服服地地底下楼房睡着了,猫头鹰安坐在沼地深处一空心里面,兔子松鼠狐狸躲在家里安居不动。看家的狗在火炉旁边安静地躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一声不响地站着。

    The meadow mouse has slept in his 5 snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


  • 该新属牙齿形态显示了其松鼠特征,而且可以归入甚为稀有的巨松鼠族。

    Characters of the latter's dentition clearly demonstrate that the new-comer of ratufin is a tree squirrel;


  • 该新属牙齿形态显示了其松鼠特征,而且可以归入甚为稀有的巨松鼠族。

    Characters of the latter's dentition clearly demonstrate that the new-comer of ratufin is a tree squirrel;


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