• 警方正在档案中查阅类似案件

    The police are trawling through their files for similar cases.


  • 指控欺诈案件遵循诉讼程序

    This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.


  • 案件可能需要好几个月才能审结

    Cases can take months to progress through the courts.


  • 案件提交上级法院裁决

    The case was referred to a higher court for adjudication.


  • 案件最终作出无罪判决。

    The case resulted in an acquittal.


  • 我们作为公诉人尽量在经手案件上不带偏见

    We, as prosecutors, try to be dispassionate about the cases we bring.


  • 证词惹怒陪审员们,他们偏离案件事实

    The testimony would inflame the jurors, and lead them astray from the facts of the case.


  • 案件即将审理时詹姆斯承诺改过自新

    When his court case was coming up, James promised to reform.


  • 其中一个案件审理申辩无罪的后备役军人。

    He is one of the reservists who will plead not guilty when their cases come up.


  • 必须承认不同法官会采用不同的方法判定这些案件

    It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases.


  • 公平交易委员会最近一展雄威,腐败案件进行了严惩

    The Fair Trade Commission has of late been flexing its muscles, cracking down on cases of corruption.


  • 这个案件12月23日提交给了亨利法官,之后延期

    The case went before Justice Henry on December 23 and was adjourned.


  • 如果丈夫当选州长,伦德尔法官不得不在本州的案件中将自己撤换出来。

    If her husband became governor, Judge Rendell would have to recuse herself from cases involving the state.


  • 警察决定这个案件进行彻底审查

    The police officers decided to conduct a thorough review of the case.


  • 律师可能拒绝承办认为站不住脚的案件

    The Lawyer may refuse to undertake a case which appears to him unsound.


  • 警方决定这起案件进行一次彻底全面审查

    The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and comprehensive review of the case.


  • 大约有20个根据现有的刑事法律起诉这些案件

    Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws.


  • 这起案件源于罗尼·巴任命以色列司法部长。

    The case stems from the appointment of Roni Bar-on as Israeli's Attorney General.


  • 喜欢那个观念尤其是绝大多数体罚案件

    I don't like that idea, especially in the vast majority of physical punishment cases.


  • 量刑指南动物打斗案件已经过时了,而且非常不完善

    In the case of animal fighting, Sentencing Guidelines are outdated and extremely inadequate.


  • 大多数案件都是法院判决当时环境铁路公司有利

    Most of the cases were decided in state courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides.


  • 目的为了我们相信小张名著名的导演案件也会得到赦免。

    The purpose is to convince us that Zhang is a famous director and his case will be pardoned.


  • 康纳最高法院任职24许多重要案件中投出决定性一票

    Connor gave the deciding vote in many importance cases during her 24 years on the top court.


  • 奥康纳最高法院任职的24年里许多重要案件决定性一票。

    O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.


  • 我们更愿意关注个人自由方面案件关于言论自由问题诸如此类。

    I think we'd all rather focus on cases that deal with personal liberties, questions about freedom of speech, things like that.


  • 如果惩罚不是必须,那么只有在案件事实支持的情况下应该施加惩罚。

    Where the penalties are not a must, they should be imposed only if the facts of a case support it.


  • 它们范围故意损坏物品案件严重罪行涉及车祸抢劫银行

    They range from minor cases of deliberate damaging of things to much more serious offenses, such as car accidents involving drunk drivers or bank robberies.


  • 它们范围故意损坏物品案件严重罪行涉及车祸抢劫银行

    They range from minor cases of deliberate damaging of things to much more serious offenses, such as car accidents involving drunk drivers or bank robberies.


  • 这个案件法院一个机会控制专利使用,以保护基因工程作物其他生命形式

    This case gives the court an opportunity to rein in the growing use of patents to protect genetically engineered crops and other life forms.


  • 这种帮助至关重要的,因为照顾受害动物成本防止人们卷入虐待案件一个主要因素

    This help is critically important because the high cost of caring for animal victims is a major factor that prevents people from getting involved in cruelty cases in the first place.


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