• 大脑你的会感到饥饿的,却从不知道因为它一直想着你的梦中情人、你喜爱的明星许多诸如此类的荒唐

    Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such absurd things.


  • 自由自在的氛围弥漫梦中情人所至处空间,她如天使宁静、安详,实际上,她就是天使,悄悄地抚平昏睡者内心的创伤。 “我挽住她的腰,把她拉近我的身体,我爱她...

    The Platonic Sweetheart was weightless, serene: angelic, in facta healing angel to the troubled sleeper.


  • 这个男人梦中情人照片上抬头看了一眼专注杂志根本一点儿也不好奇这个高挑的寻常女人发现了什么好笑的事。

    The man looked up once from the pictures of his dream girl then returned to his magazine, not the least curious about this tall, plain woman and what she found so funny.


  • 假如真的找到自己梦中情人,那么,就到外面找乐子,同时目标。

    If you are really serious about finding the person of your dreams, go out and look for him or her.


  • 想一想,当遇到梦中情人时,你是不是感觉到慌张失措,说话结结巴巴,而另一个没有吸引力的人呢?

    Think about it. Do you get more flustered and tongue-tied when you meet the girl (or guy) of your dreams, or someone who is just not that attractive?


  • 不再狂热追寻复仇而是转而关注那些梦中情人未完成事情,寻找内心安宁

    She quits thirsting for revenge, instead taking care of some unfinished business with the boy of her dreams and searching for peace of mind.


  • 纸上内容像是女生想念梦中情人时胡出来的,旁边差再画上一颗写著约翰珍妮特的名字、被箭穿过的心

    The note could look like a school girl’s scrawls about her dream guy. All that was missing was a drawing of a heart with the names John and Janet written in it.


  • 以为嫁给梦中情人发现他是个真正恶梦

    I thought I married the man of my dreams, but he turned out to be a real nightmare!


  • 那些寻找爱情有时却发现自己是在上网登陆网站进入聊天室期冀遇上自己梦中情人

    People who are looking for love sometimes find themselves surfing the net, logging in some networking sites or entering chat rooms, hoping to find the person of their dreams.


  • 再三思量可以找到自己梦中情人

    On second thought, you can still look for the person of your dreams without leaving your house.


  • 事实长寿幸福不是通过非凡的事情寻找一份不可思议梦寐以求的工作或者诸如此类的,梦中情人)就能获得的。

    The truth is, a long life and happiness are not obtained by doing extraordinary things or looking for that magicaldream job” (or dream spouse, for that matter).


  • 所以尽管素昧平生,举止完全合乎自然,没有丝毫不妥,”马克·吐温在《梦中情人》中描写早年相遇的梦境。 “她没有惊讶,没有悲伤,没有不愉快,她一只胳膊放在上,仰起一张盈盈笑脸,欢迎我的到来。

    I put my arm around her waist and drew her close to me, for I loved her...my behavior seemed quite natural and right, ” Mark Twain wrote in “My Platonic Sweetheartof an early dream encounter.


  • 幻灯片时候,加速录音并不重要受试者有可能认为这个幻灯片上的就是梦中情人

    And it doesn't matter which slide he speeds up the tape of the heartbeat on, that's the one the subject is more likely to think is the person of their dreams, the person they're attracted to.


  • 在200个应征者中,只有一个被雇用了,没有解释他理由,他只是了以下的话:“医生钥匙着老人医院则留下来梦中情人一起等公车!”

    He wrote his answer without providing his reason:"Give the key of my car to the doctor, and let him take the old man to the hospital. But I wait in the stop for the bus with my dreamboat together."


  • 迈克尔:,渴望邂逅梦中情人,结婚

    Michael: I want to meet, you know, the woman of my dreams and get married. I wanna have kids, and that’s just not gonna happen for me looking like this or feeling this way.


  • 通过把魔法钥匙,程天乐进入了不同世界在那里一个巨有钱的大亨梦中情人奢侈生活

    Using the magical key, Cheng can travel into a different world, where he is a super-rich tycoon who lives a life of luxury with his dream-girl.


  • 卖掉电脑这样可以你的梦中情人戒指,此刻如此真实。

    The time you sell your computer, so you can buy a ring, for the girl of your dreams, who is now the real thing.


  • 让小李子成了全世界女性梦中情人也巩固了叫座电影明星地位

    Titanic defined DiCaprio as the dream lover for women all around the world and cemented his status as one of the most bankable actors.


  • 梦中情人有事业心社会责任心家庭责任感男子

    My in a dream lover will is occupy the industry heart, there is the man of the social responsibility and the family sense of responsibility.


  • 今天20并且已经和梦中情人订婚了。美丽聪明又万分可爱我们相处十分融洽

    I am 20 years old and engaged to the girl of my dreams. "Liza" is beautiful, smart and very loving. We have no problems in our relationship.


  • 寻找约会对象之女人梦中情人似乎一些侧重之处相貌不在列。

    It seems when looking for a date there are several traits that women look for in the man of their dreams, and looks is not one of them.


  • ,你的意识感觉饿的,但是从来都不会知道因为你总是忙于想你的梦中情人喜欢的明星记忆许多没有意义的事情

    Just like your stomach, your mind can be hungry, too, but it never lets you know because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and a number of other silly things.


  • 我们沿河走走古老的维琪奥廊桥上。据说几百年前但丁就是此桥上邂逅梦中情人

    We took a stroll by the river and turned into the old gallery bridge called Ponte Vecchio, where Dante met his dream lover at first time centuries ago.


  • 但是积极态度且事先有准备很快那个女孩或是梦中情人求爱

    But with a positive attitude and a little preparation, you'll soon be wooing the girl-or girls-of your dreams.


  • 但是积极态度且事先有准备很快那个女孩或是梦中情人求爱

    But with a positive attitude and a little preparation, you'll soon be wooing the girl-or girls-of your dreams.


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