You can configure the designer to check validity against different schemas or browser definitions.
With code generation, you can also build validation into the constructed classes, either automatically checking values when they are set or checking validity on demand.
Therefore, in general, whenever a user performs a jump, they should check the validity with regard to the business logic of the process.
If a new primary use is anticipated for a component, consider whether this creates a new trust boundary and a need for additional validity checking outside the component.
When analyzing test results, we need to examine the validity and reliability of the test results.
Somewhat obviously, they can be used to check the validity of a block of data such as a journal transaction.
The identity should be checked against the user registry to ensure the validity of the new identity.
Now, without checking the validity of what you're doing, you copy 256 bytes into a stack area reserved at only 128 bytes.
When the certificates are analyzed for validity, trust signatures are checked as well.
One of the most useful features of the BPWS4J editor is that it can check the validity of the process while it is being created.
The login module can perform validity checks on the options according to the matrix in Table 1.
一份“每日清单”看起来应该与下面这个类似:项目X每天-1.约见项目经理,2 .检查执行状况报告,3 .核实公开问题的有效性,等等。
An "Everyday" list might look something like this: Project X Everyday - 1. Meet with program managers, 2. Review active status reports, 3. Verify validity of open issues, etc.
The auditor rechecks the validity of data, making sure mistakes were not made.
This report is useful for seeing the effectiveness of turning your search results into conversions.
The fundamental difficulty with XML documents is checking their internal validity (cohesion of document logic).
您可以使用 access_ok函数在您想要访问的用户空间检查指针的有效性。
You use the access_ok function to check the validity of the pointer in user space that you intend to access.
Listed in the tuple should be two or more other validity classes; as with or, the tuple length is not currently checked.
You have an address cleansing service that checks the validity of addresses, but requires an address to be given as a comma delimited value; that is, there is an AddressCSV data type in the library.
validitycheck(默认值:basic validity check):有效性检查,验证数据模型是否遵从模型格式的语义规则。
Validity check (Default: basic validity check) : the validity check verifies that the data model follows the semantic rules for the model format.
Generate RoseScripts (accessible via the Tools menu) for automated tasks such as generating class skeletons, checking model-naming conventions, and testing model integrity and validity.
Since we want to validate the input data typed, we will now add a method, called validate, as shown in figure 29.
Check the coherence and completeness of the initial dimensional models and validation against the given end user requirements.
For example, scheduling a procedure or a test for a patient and requesting asynchronous notification of such events as availability of test results.
Considering the primary USES of components within application structures leads to more appropriate placement of data validity checking — for example, only at managed trust boundaries.
The feasibility of the order is first checked and then the customer's credit rating is assessed (we are assuming this is an order for a service which is paid monthly in arrears).
The answers to these questions are obviously important to the inspection and evaluation of the cleaning process since one must determine the overall effectiveness of the process.
This is one of a set of inline functions designed to provide type conversions and perform validity checks with minimal impact on performance.