She understands more than 100 words or phrases and her eye contact, concentration and ability to copy words or actions have all improved enormously.
While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov and his associates.
For a long time, people thought that we learned a language only by imitation and association.
These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior.
Unlike music, however, dance has a strong capacity for representation and imitation, which suggests that dance may have further served as an early form of language.
The imitative life continues long after the writer is secure in the language, for it is almost impossible to avoid imitating what one admires.
People imitate each other if they are listening, they are passionate about his voice, gestures, etc.
Life coach and NLP expert Trudy Hill suggests that, just as you'd mirror body language to help connect, you can use tone to your advantage, too.
Others traced it back to music, to the imitation of animal grunts, or to birdsong.
With a control group, the researchers made no attempt to copy behaviors; instead, they adopted a neutral tone and body language.
It is difficult to consciously replicate unconscious actions, for example in compensating for limited body language they may appear over-animated and over-eager in responses.
You can follow the breathing patterns of a person, you can mirror his/her body language (not too obviously, of course) or you can use similar words that the other person uses.
The language's syntax was modeled after HTML, making it easy to learn.
All future languages should learn from this: either create a culture where you can be refactored (as Python and Ruby have done) or allow competitive species to thrive.
Others that man’s mastery of language or his capacity for imitation and social learning hold the key.
If so, it should be possible to find clues about how human language evolved from grunts or gestures by observing the communication of our close primate relatives.
Self-help books, persuasion manuals and glossy magazine articles often advise that mimicking body language can increase how much others like us.
So, that's one small way in the language that they practiced tried to imitate the experience that they were immersing themselves in.
Then again, this just describes bodylanguage that honest people tend to use. It doesn't mean dishonest peoplecouldn't ape that behavior to lie to you.
The goal is to imitate the wording and turns of phrase, as well as the ways of organizing information, that are most appreciated in a particular language and culture.
Her dark bobbed hair, the perfect complexion, the infinitely expressive face and graceful movement made her a much-imitated fashion icon.
He speaks 15 languages, has a cheeky sense of humour and can even do impressions.
Imitate the TT player player source code, multimedia programming easy language to write, a good reference.
The HTML (HyperText Markup Language) pages that were used to implement various features on a web site could be easily saved and imitated.
All she could do was parrot a garbled abbreviation in a language she didn't even understand.
Many scholars both abroad and at home, studying language acquisition and foreign language teaching, find out the importance of imitation in language learning.
Just as babies learn to produce language by hearing and parroting sounds, language learners need to practise listening in order to learn.
Mirror neuron system plays important roles in language evolution, action recognition and understanding, behavior imitation and so on.
The Bow-wow theory sees primitive language as an imitation of natural sounds, such as the cries of animals, like quack, cuckoo.
The main methods include practice courage, perfect basic skill, imitation and repeat, creating language environment, improving interest, etc.