• 假设需要不同段落样式

    Let's say I need a variety of paragraph styles.


  • 获取或设置“即功能应用于文档中文本的默认段落样式

    The default paragraph style applied to text by the Click and Type feature in the document.


  • 在这里我们了解几个特点包括段落样式字符样式使我们设计有效完成过程

    Here we'll learn about several features, including paragraph styles and character styles that will make the process of completing our design more efficient.


  • 段落样式字体名称字号;字体颜色加粗;倾斜;下划线对齐居中对齐;对齐;项目符号编号列表减少进量;增加缩进量。

    Paragraph Styles; Font Names; Font Size; Font Color; Bold ; Italic; Underline; Align Left; Center; Align Right; Bullets; Numbered List; Decrease Indent; Increase Indent.


  • 所需要的,网络样式模板(CSS以及XSL)的一些知识编辑哪里哪个文件,以及编辑什么段落

    All it takes is some knowledge of Web style sheets (CSS and XSL), where and which files to edit, and what sections to edit.


  • 类似地HTML中,作者编写工具可能段落其他元素应用不同样式属性不是定义可以重用css

    Similarly, in HTML, an author or tool might have applied individual style attributes to paragraphs and other elements rather than defining reusable CSS classes.


  • 当然,任何时候可以通过修改样式修改设计需要重新编写单个段落

    Of course, you can change the styles whenever necessary to modify design without re-coding individual paragraphs.


  • 首先使用一个非常好的干净html结构运用简单CSS样式构建标题段落等等

    First, you start with a nice clean HTML structure with simple CSS styling pointing to headings, paragraphs, and so forth.


  • 不仅可以保存语言信息(比如标题段落),可以保存图形格式样式等等

    You can not only maintain the language information (such as titles and paragraphs), but you can also maintain images, formatting, styling, and so on.


  • 话说,根本需要使用T4样式标记文本,只要保留这些段落作为PCDATA就可以了。

    In other words, you don't need to mark text with the T4 style as opposed to leaving it as PCDATA for the surrounding paragraph.


  • 定义了网页结构(使用段落标题列表)以及结构样式(颜色边框字体)。

    It defines both a structure for a Web page (using paragraphs, headings, lists, and the like) and the styling (colors, borders, and fonts) of that structure.


  • rtf文件并不使用任何已知word样式因此左边窗格中的层级结构文档所提到段落编号并不匹配

    The RTF document did not use any known Word style thus the hierarchy in the left pane does not match the section Numbers mentioned in the document.


  • 这个HTML示例包含一个简单样式,它设置文档背景颜色H 1标题格式段落格式。

    HTML sample showing a simple style sheet that sets body background color, H1 head format, and paragraph format.


  • 不能改变目标段落样式因为可能影响全部所以被迫命名一个特殊class应用第一

    You can't just change the global paragraph style because that would affect them all, so you are forced to place a special class name on all those first paragraphs to specifically control them.


  • 比方说,如果调试一个只有遇到包含行内图像段落才会出现问题样式

    For instance, suppose you're debugging a stylesheet that seems to have trouble when a paragraph contains an inline image.


  • CSSxsl格式化对象(XSL - FO)都假设它们把各种样式文字安排中,比如章节段落句子等等

    Both CSS and XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) assume that they're styling words in a row: chapters, paragraphs, sentences, and so on.


  • 样式必须需要转义(escape)的所有项目放置名为decodeable” 的段落中。

    Your stylesheet must also place every item that needs escaping in paragraphs with the name "decodeable."


  • 文档追踪段落编号以及样式

    Graphic of file lacking section Numbers, with a style.


  • 注释下面部分当前一些可视化用户代理格式化段落行为非正式描述样式可以段落格式化进行更好地控制

    Note. The following section is an informative description of the behavior of some current visual user agents when formatting paragraphs. Style sheets allow better control of paragraph formatting.


  • 清单1摘录一个样式使用keep特性防止标题段落之间标签与图像之间换页。

    Listing 1 is an excerpt from a stylesheet that USES the keep properties to prevent breaks between the title and the section or breaks between the label and the image.


  • 当然文本文件没有丰富样式属性不行,文本字体段落布局项目符号

    Certainly, a text file cannot do without rich style attributes, such as text fonts, paragraph layout, and bullets. Therefore, ODFDOM has a method to deal with these style attributes.


  • 可以在这里更改文章段落样式,您可以选择字体调整字体大小以及更改字体颜色

    If you'd like to change the formatting of your paragraph text, this is where you can choose the font, adjust the size, and change the color.


  • 样式提供了对字体大小以及样式、扉页留白段落前后空格缩进,对齐以及其他很多细节信息丰富控制

    Style sheets provide rich control over the size and style of a font, the margins, space before and after a paragraph, the first line indent, justification and many other details.


  • 检索段落及其样式为基础。

    Retrieving the Paragraphs and Their Styles.


  • 比如文档不同样式段落一种是右对齐,另外是中的。

    Say that you would like to have two types of paragraphs in your document: one right-aligned paragraph, and one center-aligned paragraph.


  • 首先打开文档学习如何改变一个段落标记建立一个样式重新定义标记显示

    Start this tutorial by opening a document and learning how to change tags for a paragraph and create a style that redefines the appearance a tag.


  • 当然可以编写查询,使之包含检索段落每个段落样式以及每个段落文本这些功能

    Of course, it would be possible to write a single query that contains the functionality to retrieve the paragraphs, the style of each paragraph, and the text of each paragraph.


  • 不同具有迥然不同构造变形样式平衡剖面分析可以估算出不同段落缩短缩短明显差异

    Distinct structural styles occur in different segments. The analysis of balanced cross section may estimate differential amounts and rates of shortening in different segments.


  • 不同具有迥然不同构造变形样式平衡剖面分析可以估算出不同段落缩短缩短明显差异

    Distinct structural styles occur in different segments. The analysis of balanced cross section may estimate differential amounts and rates of shortening in different segments.


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