The operating principle of hydrogen fuel - cells, problems needing to be tackled before putting them on vehicles and advantages of these vehicles are explained.
The recent R & D in H2 fuel cell FCX - V4 car and the H2 filling station of the Japanese Honda Motor Co. are reported.
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are electric vehicles; they use a fuel cell instead of a battery to provide juice.
It is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell that generates water as the final mechanical waste and can be collected in a holding tank for later use.
Intelligent Energy, leading the consortium for the new hydrogen taxi, has designed and built the fuel cell, which USES hydrogen to make electricity.
We still can’t figure out how to make hydrogen fuel cells efficient, safe and practical and hybrids/deisal cars are yesterday’s news.
A taxi cab that runs on the latest hydrogen fuel cell technology is being developed with the aim of being ready for full road trials in time for the 2012 Olympics.
燃料电池计程车最高时速达81英里,14秒内完成0 – 60迈的提速过程,一满罐氢燃料能跑足250英里。
The fuel cell taxi can hit a top speed of 81mph, go from 0-60mph in 14 seconds and has a range of more than 250 miles on a full tank of hydrogen.
The FCX Clarity is based on Honda's first-generation hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle, the FCX concept car.
和其他氢能源车一样,Riversimple Ur banCar (RUC)采用燃料电池,电池将来自空气的氢和氧进行混合释放能量,除了水不排放任何有害物质。
Like other hydrogen cars, the Riversimple Urban car (RUC) is powered by a fuel cell that combines hydrogen with oxygen from the air to release energy and nothing more toxic than water.
Furthermore, the development of alternative fuel sources, like electric traction and hydrogen fuel cells, have reduced the carbon footprint of industrial trucks, making them a greener solution.
This article describe constructive idea of adding hydrogen station on Chinese fuel cell auto and view of hydrogen source choice by auto and relate to suggestion.
对海军来说,真是个好消息。 另外,这也是为氢燃料电池电动车提供持续氢气的又一方法。
That's good news for the Navy, and that thing about the hydrogen could also mean there's another pathway to sustainable hydrogen for fuel cell electric vehicles.
Then there are all-electric cars that don't use any petrol at all, and hydrogen-powered ones, some of them using fuel cells.
对海军来说,真是个好消息。 另外 ,这也是为氢燃料电池电动车提供持续氢气的又一方法。
That'sgood news for the Navy, and that thing about the hydrogen could also meanthere's another pathway to sustainable hydrogen for fuel cell electricvehicles.
对海军来说,真是个好消息。 另外 ,这也是为氢燃料电池电动车提供持续氢气的又一方法。
That'sgood news for the Navy, and that thing about the hydrogen could also meanthere's another pathway to sustainable hydrogen for fuel cell electricvehicles.