• 开头写道,“听见歇斯底里她们厌恶调色板提琴弓,厌恶那些永远快乐人们。”

    It's a poem that begins, "I have heard that hysterical women say they are sick of the palette and fiddle-bow, of poets that are always gay."


  • 男人女人表达方式不同如果学会用男人喜欢方式他们,你永远不会孤独

    Men and women love differently, and if you learn how to love men the way they need to be loved, you'll never be lonely.


  • 具有讽刺意味的詹姆斯男友过去说个人永远不会胆量接近其他女人

    The irony, James says, is that her boyfriend admitted he would never have had the nerve to approach other women in person.


  • 现在才明白若是梅尔乔理发馆的话,他可能永远都不会见到那个法国女人的,就不会有人他说三道四了。

    Now I realize that if he'd gone to Old Melchor's he might never have met the French Woman, and no one would have gossiped about them.


  • 坐车肯定坐前排插队也是允许的,还要感谢那个蓝色徽章停车也方便而且免费的。而11鞋子永远那么便宜一个女人除了这些还要什么呢?

    Front-row seats are a guarantee, queue jumping is allowed, parking is flexible and free thanks to the blue badge and, with size 11 feet, my shoes will always be cheap - what more could a woman want?


  • 几年Oprah一个坐在前排女人抱怨说,“永远也无法脱身了——孩子,老公、工作,她根本没有一刻闲暇。”

    When I was on the Oprah show several years ago, there was a woman in the front row complaining that she could never get away... "she had children, a husband, a job, and no time for leisure."


  • 我们倾向认为可能适合现在它却不适合永远如果Gell故事真的,那么妻子女人这个范围就是一个例外,而不是常态

    If Gell's story is true - and while we're inclined to believe it may be for now, it will likely not be forever - his wife is an exception on the woman spectrum, not the rule.


  • 没有永远不会妻子,我认为殴打他人人非常令人反感尤其是女人

    I have never beaten my wife and never will. I find assault of others completely repugnant, and assault of women especially so.


  • 这种疯子女人永远不会放弃,他们会会把拖进她们自己关于感情生活不安中。

    The Psycho will never give up, and will drown you in her own insecurities about relationships and life.


  • 机器人秘密世界里,理想的女人——或者男人——有着深情凝视的眼眸,可活动肢体而且绝对永远不会抛弃

    In the secretive world of robot fetishists, the ideal woman - or man - has a fixed stare, movable limbs and definitely won't ever dump you.


  • 女人浪漫头发永远干净清香服饰永远大方得体的,鞋子也总是亮亮地,眼里也总是藏有一丝丝温暖自信

    A woman's romance, is the clean and fragrant hair, and generous and decent clothing. The eyes of laughter are always in possession of the slightest warmth and self-confidence.


  • 三分之一日本女人30出头的时候没有结婚她们之中或许有一半的人永远结婚

    They are not marrying at all.Almost a third of Japanese women in their early 30s are unmarried; probably half of those will always be.


  • 个人而言,我永远无法抗拒威尔·史密斯阳光灿烂的笑容——但是显然并不是所有女人这样认为

    We personally could never resist Will Smith's chirpy smile - but it seems not all women feel the same way.


  • 永远不要感受如果是个试着一个女人结婚隐瞒下去,永远爱的孤单下去,只是因为上帝成为那样

    Never to feel real love, to try and fake it by marrying a woman if you're a gay man, and live an entire life alone and without love because God made you born that way!


  • 如果真有哪个男人永远爱着一个女人的话亨利是会做到这一步的。

    If any man ever loved a woman for ever, I think Henry will do as much for you.


  • ,“女人永远不该相信男人即使自己丈夫女人只能相信自己”。

    “A woman should never trust a man, even ifit's her husband,” she said. “A woman can only trust herself.”


  • 开头写道,听见歇斯底里她们厌恶调色板提琴弓,厌恶那些永远快乐人们。

    It's a poem which begins, "I have heard that hysterical women say they are sick of the palette and fiddle-bow, of poets that are always gay..."


  • 男人女人之间较量输家永远女人不是因为不够聪明仅仅是因为更爱

    Contest between men and women, the loser is always a woman. Not because she was not smart, just because she loved him.


  • 爱人有权杀死女人可是嘉尔曼永远自由的。

    You are my lover, have the right to kill your woman, but jiarman is forever free.


  • 至少古代总是女人女人,在普遍想法下,女人不会生育,而永远不是男人

    At least that'sin the ancient world it was always the women — woman's fault, it was the woman who was barren, never the man in common ways of thinking.


  • 那些45以上男人,那些超过40女人,要永远靠边站

    All those guys over 45, and all those women over 40, all sidelined forever?


  • 除了钻石、如果一种东西是女人永远喜欢的,就是恭维

    If there's one thing women will always love - aside from diamonds - it's a compliment.


  • 我们力量蕴藏为了均衡他们家庭工作努力的,每天着手工作男人女人中,他们曾永远不会忘记

    And our strength lies in the men and women who go to work every day, who struggle to balance their family and their jobs, and who should never, ever be forgotten.


  • 尽管越来越多的英国女性变得对逛街无法忍受,但是此次调查也有个例外,就是女人仍然鞋子——各式各样的鞋子,一个不争的事实,恐怕也是个永远不会改变的事实,这说明瞭为什麽伦敦全世界的鞋店总能让们趋之若骛

    Despite these revelations, one thing from the report remains clear and will probably never change - women still love shoes, which is why shoe outlets remain the most popular stores in London.


  • 尽管越来越多的英国女性变得对逛街无法忍受,但是此次调查也有个例外,就是女人仍然鞋子——各式各样的鞋子,一个不争的事实,恐怕也是个永远不会改变的事实,这说明瞭为什麽伦敦全世界的鞋店总能让们趋之若骛

    Despite these revelations, one thing from the report remains clear and will probably never change - women still love shoes, which is why shoe outlets remain the most popular stores in London.


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