• 太多项目失败就是因为它们没有明确目标开始了。

    All too many projects fail because they begin without a clear idea of where they're going.


  • 这么多人工作变得富裕没有明确目标心态以外他们有钱

    So many people work at becoming wealthy with no clear objective in mind other than they want to be wealthy.


  • 现在优化网站,说明执行没有明确目标规定优化网站。

    Now optimize website not to, I not strong executive power, there is no clear goal to optimize the website.


  • 古老石头堆积实践基础上,本场比赛中没有明确的目标成就失败奖励过程本身

    Based on the ancient Zen practice of stone stacking, this game contains no explicit goals, achievements or failures, the reward is the process itself.


  • 如果什么都不做没有明确目标仅仅生活自己展开得到的结果也许并非你所喜欢的。

    If you simply sit back and let life unfold without a clear focus, the results may not be to your liking.


  • 大学生空谈理想,应该认真为之奋斗,没有明确目标则会一个人度过他至关紧要几年后头脑空空

    Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind, but also seriously strive towards them. Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one's studies.


  • 没有明确目标我们不能贴切看待课程商业原因或者说我们不能区分哪些可以引导我们的目标行为

    No clear goal: we don't look closely enough at the business reason for the course (there is one, right?), or we don't identify the behaviors that will lead to that goal.


  • 学生自身对于学习没有明确目标只是接受家长老师填鸭式灌输学习带有盲目性,自然就缺乏学习动力

    Students to learn without clear objectives, just accept the indoctrination of parents and teachers "cramming", learning with blindness, lack of motivation to learn naturally.


  • 杰克:职业规划对于我们所有来说,都重要如果没有明确目标可能会失去方向无法自己未来铺平道路。

    Jack: it is quite important for all of us. Without clear goals, one may lose direction and cannot pave the way for their future.


  • 没有明确目标没有任何动机仅仅是出于一个疯子任性冲动摩洛克冲向墙边摸索已经上膛来复枪毫无目标扫射

    With no definite intent, from no motive but the wayward impulse of a madman, Murlock sprang to the wall, with a little groping seized his loaded rifle, and without aim discharged it.


  • 尽管如此的神态目光里,隐藏着某种混乱、模糊心不在焉的东西,看就知道他这个也许未来的物质生活,既没有明确目标怎么关心。

    Nevertheless, something nebulous, preoccupied, vague, in his bearing and regard, marked him as one who probably had no very definite aim or concern about his material future.


  • 白人枪击犯的枪击对象人群随意射击:他们目标在于射杀人数,而并没有一个明确目标

    White shooters more often kill en masse and randomly: They're aiming for high body counts, not for a particular target.


  • 虽然目标十分明确,但实现目标方法却并非如此,因为没有受到广泛接受soa方法学

    Although the goal is clear, the way to reach the goal is not, since there is no broadly accepted SOA methodology.


  • 没有简单地对立-的,的,可以说我把焦点集中在最终结果上(成竹在胸目标明确)。

    Instead of simply pitting him against me - he's wrong and I'm right, so to speak - I focused on the desired end result (start with the end in mind).


  • 没有其他不要考虑经验水平比赛热情目标时候明确最好

    Nevertheless, regardless of your experience level and race aspirations, it is best to be as specific as possible when setting goals.


  • 也许是因为我们没有一个明确目标,我们才会被其它事分心。

    Perhaps it's because we don't have a sense of purpose, so we distract ourselves with doing.


  • 出生的时候,没有能够绘制明确定义他职业目标成就

    No one has their careers, goals, and accomplishments all plotted and well-defined at birth.


  • 这里似乎一个空余的公园没有明确的标志或者目标引来那些无家可归的人,反倒是有几个路人

    It felt like a leftover space, without a distinct identity or purpose that attracted the homeless but few others.


  • 事实上无法坚持开一个没有明确目标议程(agenda)相对中立的建导师(facilitator)的会议

    In fact, I can no longer sit through a meeting that has no stated purpose, agenda or reasonably neutral facilitator.


  • 员工没有简单明确方向他们永远都认为自己无法完成任务目标,他们就会失败

    Without clear, simple direction for your employees, they'll never feel like they can accomplish tasks or goals, and they will fail.


  • 超市清洁剂变得更外向如果没有一个明确目标工作会乏善可陈。

    Selling detergent in a supermarket can make you more extroverted, " said Chen, "If you lose sight of your aim, it`s just a boring task."


  • CBO提出众多不足的确存在这样的事实就是成立IMAC提议没有明确成本削减目标没有引发自动实现削减开支的“扳机”。

    Among the shortcomings the agency identifies is the fact that the IMAC proposal does not contain specific cost-cutting targets or "triggers" that would act to cut costs automatically.


  • 《死亡圣器(上)》剧情并没有地奇锦标赛上逮捕金色飞贼捕手那样目标明确反而法术的游走球一样漫无目的,而且得到的也是观众一阵抱怨。

    Instead of scooting like a Golden Snitch during a Quidditch championship, DH1 is struck with a long spell of aimlessness, and the viewer with the curse of ennui.


  • 早期阶段,也许我们没有好的掌握平衡,但是好的迹象并且我们继续努力明确目标

    There will be times when it doesn't quite work at these early stages but there are some very good signs and definitely stuff for us to work on.


  • 梦想告诉别人只要别人没有厌烦,得越多越好。你把梦想大声说出来目标就会变得切实明确

    Tell people your dreams, as often as they are willing to listen. Goals become more tangible when we say them aloud.


  • 梦想告诉别人只要别人没有厌烦,得越多越好。你把梦想大声说出来目标就会变得切实明确

    Tell people your dreams, as often as they are willing to listen. Goals become more tangible when we say them aloud.


- 来自原声例句

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