Located on the coast of the Baltic sea, this new 4-star hotel offers views of the sea and the old town of Tallinn.
More significantly, it has pushed NATO into agreeing to draw up military contingency plans to defend the Baltic states.
The Baltics said they should not raise their pension age as fast as west Europeans because their people tend to die younger.
He has lobbied hard for new candidates, including the Baltic states, which joined NATO in 2004, and most recently for Georgia.
For years after the cold war, the orthodoxy was that Russia did not pose a threat, so NATO did not need to draw up contingency plans to protect newer members, such as the Baltic states.
The original forced conversion of pagan Livonia, what is now the Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia, was carried out by a military order known as the Brethren of the Sword.
Estonian companies have done well elsewhere in the Baltic states, but no Estonian-run firm has ever been as international in its staff, outlook and activities.
Estonian companies have done well elsewhere in the Baltic states, but no Estonian-run firm has ever been as international in its staff, outlook and activities.