• 微软批评认为大型科技公司往往消灭潜在竞争对手

    Microsoft's critics believe that the big tech companies tend to eliminate their potential competitors.


  • 因此多样性角度来看,将种主要捕食从一个群落中彻底消灭通常一个错误

    Therefore, from the stand point of diversity, it is usually a mistake to eliminate a major predator from a community.


  • 大多数水鸟捕食都有机会捕食鸣禽巢穴消灭这些捕食可以直接提高鸣禽筑巢成功率

    Most predators of waterfowl nests prey opportunistically on songbird nests, and removing these predators could directly increase songbird nesting success.


  • 实验种群简单实验室条件下建立起来时捕食往往消灭猎物然后自己也走向灭绝,因为没有东西可以

    When experimental populations are set up under simple laboratory conditions, the predator often exterminates its prey and then becomes extinct itself, having nothing left to eat.


  • 一旦君主的家族消灭,征服也就无所畏惧了,因为其他人人民的心目中没有份量

    Once it has been wiped out, there remains no one else to be feared, for the others have no credit with the people.


  • 谈到袭击事件组织时说,他们根本野兽我们找到他们把他们消灭干净。

    'They are simply beasts,' he said of those who organized the attacks. 'We will find and destroy them all.'


  • 如果癌细胞确实穿过胎盘屏障孩子免疫系统应该它们视为入侵从而消灭它们。

    If the cells did cross the placental barrier, the child's immune system should have recognised them as foreign invaders and destroyed them.


  • 如果一个擅自占用占用弃耕地连续不断长达12,原土地所有人的产权消灭

    Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner’s title to land is destroyed.


  • 商业加工采用的的另一个策略高温烹饪”,压力下高温烹饪消灭孢子

    Another strategy used by big commercial processors is a "bot cook," which involves cooking foods at high temperatures under pressure to wipe out spores.


  • 印第安纳里奇蒙德已经开始了消灭路边车库交易标志行动。该市显著灯杆上贴上了警告竖立标志违法罚款的告示。

    Richmond, Ind., has had such an onslaught of garage sale signs posted in the right of way that the city has placed stickers on prominent light poles warning of violations and fines.


  • 意味着通过消灭较弱竞争领头公司巨大的空间成长增加利润

    But that means there is plenty of scope for the leading firms to grow, and magnify their profits, by mopping up smaller competitors.


  • 卡梅伦切断欧洲公投联系可能将二一起消灭

    Mr Cameron has broken the link between Europe and referendums, but he cannot kill the issue altogether.


  • 自然资源保护警告高达70%植物可能消灭许多爬行动物两栖动物处于极度濒危当中。

    Many reptiles and amphibians also critically endangered, while up to 70% of plants could be wiped out, say conservationists


  • 比尔·盖茨也就是过去上司探索消灭疟疾方法2007年的一次头脑风暴构想Wood博士建议激光对付蚊子。

    His old boss, Mr. Gates, had asked him to explore new ways of combating malaria. At a brainstorming session in 2007, Dr. Wood, the Star Wars architect, suggested using lasers on mosquitoes.


  • 那段黑暗时期里维德部下消灭绝地武士团幸存

    During these dark times, Vader and his agents destroyed the remnants of Jedi order.


  • 如果一个擅自战用被遗弃土地连续不受干涉地占用12土地所有人产权消灭

    Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner's title to land is destroyed.


  • 改善安全滑下并且附上真空阻碍被密封联络消灭潜在危险起因被暴露环境污染

    Improved Safety: No arc chutes and enclosed vacuum interrupters with sealed contacts eliminate potential hazards resulting from exposed arcs or environmental contamination.


  • 英国,内政大臣发誓要“消灭派出卧底警察在酒吧闲逛,使同性恋落入陷阱,他们监狱。

    In Britain, on the orders of a home secretary who vowed to "eradicate" it, undercover police were sent out to loiter in bars, entrap gay men and put them in jail.


  • 如果一个擅自占用占有被遗弃土地连续不受干涉地占用12土地所有人产权消灭

    Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner's title to land is destroyed.


  • 李小姐有没有医学手段能够消灭艾滋病HIV带菌

    Miss Li: is there any medical method which is able to wipe out AIDS and HIV carriers?


  • 因为不会奉承,不然,立即消灭

    For I know not how long I shall continue, and whether after a while my Maker may take me away.


  • 呈现角色唯利是图并且消灭攻击空间外部角落的领导并且在他们后面发现相异的主脑

    You take on the role of the mercenary and head into the outer corners of space destroying the alien attackers and find the alien masterminds behind them.


  • 剥削已经受到重击,没有消灭

    The exploiters have been smashed, but not destroyed.


  • 这些交易明白别人成功不会消灭他们成功,所以他们愿意告诉他们是怎么的。

    These traders know that their success will not be diminished by the success of others, which is why they are willing to show you what they do.


  • 寻找幸福安康证据成为一个幸福安康的鼓吹不是去鼓吹消灭那些感觉像是幸福安康的东西。

    Look for the evidence of the Well-being, and be an advocate for Well-being rather than an advocate for getting rid of what does not feel like Well-being.


  • 但因重划致设定地役权目的不存在地役权视为消灭,地役权人得土地所权人请求相当之补偿

    Unless the purpose has been eliminated for the readjustment, the easement is deemed as eliminated and the easement obligee shall apply the equivalent compensation to the landowner.


  • 但因重划致设定地役权目的不存在地役权视为消灭,地役权人得土地所权人请求相当之补偿

    Unless the purpose has been eliminated for the readjustment, the easement is deemed as eliminated and the easement obligee shall apply the equivalent compensation to the landowner.


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