• 河马无法淹没几个水坑里

    Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.


  • 他们欢呼声淹没示威者抗议

    Their cheers drowned out the protests of demonstrators.


  • 海堤溃决,海水淹没低洼地区

    Sea walls collapsed, and low-lying areas were flooded.


  • 一个大坝决堤淹没他们的村子

    A dam burst and flooded their villages.


  • 我们只得绕道避开被洪水淹没田野

    We had to make a detour around the flooded fields.


  • 毁坏大坝可能淹没武汉这样下游城市

    Breaking the dam could submerge downstream cities such as Wuhan.


  • 漫过了河堤淹没了蒙特古特75%地区。

    Water poured over a levee and flooded about 75 percent of Montegut.


  • 农田洪水淹没了。

    The fields had been submerged by floodwater.


  • 他们的临近区域科罗拉多不断上涨河水淹没

    Their neighbourhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.


  • 暴风雨这个岛屿,彻底摧毁房屋淹没街道

    A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.


  • 他们被困一点空气弹丸之地,再40分钟洪水就会淹没这间屋子了。

    Trapped in a pocket of air, they had only 40 minutes before the tide flooded the chamber.


  • 成年人理解杂事淹没感觉

    Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects.


  • 沙子涨潮淹没之前硅藻再次钻入

    Just before the sand is inundated by the rising tide, the diatoms burrow again.


  • 苍鹭洪水淹没首尔生态公园里。

    A heron is at a flooded ecology park in Seoul.


  • 雨水淹没庄稼

    Heavy rainfalls flooded the crops.


  • 道路淹没

    Roads will be drowned.


  • 他们涨潮被淹死因为那时岩石海水被淹没了。

    They drown when the tide rises, for then it is submerged.


  • 想我现在要为此受罚,让我淹没自己眼泪里

    I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears!


  • 市中心里那些被洪水淹没街道上的汽车拉了出来。

    Cars were pulled from flooded streets in downtown.


  • 孩子们互相大声喊叫,狂风雷鸣他们声音完全淹没了。

    The boys cried out to each other, but the roaring wind and the booming thunderblasts drowned their voices utterly.


  • 通常歌,这里形象是一个沉没淹没芦苇的海洋。

    This is often referred to as the song of the sea, and here the image is one of sinking and drowning in the sea of reeds.


  • 几个月湖水漫过河岸,淹没这个地区我们不得不进行整修

    We had to renovate this after the lake overflowed its banks a couple of months ago and flooded the area.


  • 海平面上升了400英尺淹没沿海居住地迫使人们内陆迁移

    Sea levels shot up nearly 400 feet, flooding coastal settlements and forcing people to migrate inland.


  • 它们蓄水池阻止河流流动,于是经常淹没城镇农场历史遗迹

    Their storage reservoirs stop the flow of rivers and often submerge towns, farms, and historic sites.


  • 任何特定频率接收无线信号设备可能来自同一频率的强的信号淹没

    Any device that's built to receive a wireless signal at a specific frequency can be overwhelmed by a stronger signal coming in on the same frequency.


  • 第一季节洪水泛滥季,这时候的尼罗河流域基本上会被水淹没几个左右。

    The first season was the flooding, or inundation, when the Nile valley was essentially submerged in water for a few months or so.


  • 巴基斯坦五分之一产出来自于农业产量农田中已有许多淹没变成沼泽

    Pakistan derives about a fifth of its output from agriculture, and much of its most productive cropland is submerged or turned to the bog.


  • 如果这种发生两极开始融化从而使海平面上升严重淹没沿海城市

    If this warming up took place, the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt, thus raising sea level several metres and severely flooding coastal cities.


  • 瑞士政府一个小组建议该国出售大约一半黄金储备引发了其他国家采取同样做法淹没市场的担忧。

    A Swiss government panel recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves and this raised fears of other countries that do the same and inundate the market.


  • 想到潮水涨上来,淹没潮湿沙滩

    She thought of the tide rushing in, covering the wet sand.


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