• 犯有敲诈勒索滥用职权

    He has been charged with extortion and abusing his powers.


  • 滥用职权客观行为表现形式司法实践具争议一个问题

    The form of the objective behavior of crime of abuse of power is a disputable question in the judicial operation.


  • 一部分,通过对学界各种有关滥用职权概念比较分析探究滥用职权罪正确表述

    Frist of all, it tries to probe and research the right description of abusing-power crime by comparing and analysing the various concepts about the crime already available in the academic circles.


  • 滥用职权玩忽职守客观方面界限主要在于:二者的表现形式行为方式均有不同

    The main difference in objective between the crime abusing one's power and the crime neglecting one's duty is that they take different form of expression and different mode of action.


  • 因此,应当将行为人重大损失一危害结构心理态度作为滥用职权过形式认定标准

    We should adopt the view that determination criteria of offence on the crime of abusing the office should be leveled by the doer's mental attitude to the heavy loss.


  • 滥用职权罪行为规范立足于规范的实质根据价值取向,构造义务规范,旨在保障职权的安全行使

    The behavior norms of abuse of official powers are based on its substantive authorities and values, which in practice appear as obligatory norms, purporting to exercise official powers smoothly.


  • 文章滥用职权构成中的一些争议问题进行了探讨,对该主体主观客观方面等构成要件进行界定。

    In this thesis, I inquired into some disputing questions about constitution of crime of abuse of authority. I delimitated the constitutions of the crime of subject subjectivity and object.


  • 滥用职权罪主观方面刑法理论界争议较多笔者认为滥用职权罪的主观方面间接故意过失,且过失只限于过于自信的过失。

    As for this question, there are many discussions, the author thinks that the subjective aspects are indirect intention and negligence and the negligence only refers to over-confident error.


  • 老贝滥用职权使被控偷窃鲁比免于警方拘留,帮助掩盖行。

    He is also accused of abusing his office to have Ruby released from police custody where she was accused of theft, as part of a cover-up.


  • 司法工作人员滥用职权犯前款的,从重处罚

    Any judicial officer who abuses his power and commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment.


  • 司法工作人员滥用职权前款的,从重处罚

    Judicial workers committing crimes stipulated in the above paragraph by abusing their authority are to be severely punished.


  • 实践中滥用职权渎职玩忽职守型渎职产生既有共性原因与其构成相联系特有原因

    In practice, there are common factors in abuse of power and dereliction of duty, but also specific reasons to constitute the crime.


  • 关于渎职因果关系,对玩忽职守滥用职权渎职因果关系司法认定进行探讨。

    The crime of dereliction of duty on the causal relationship between the negligence of dereliction of duty and abuse of the causal link between the judicial cognizance of the actual conduct.


  • 关于渎职因果关系,对玩忽职守滥用职权渎职因果关系司法认定进行探讨。

    The crime of dereliction of duty on the causal relationship between the negligence of dereliction of duty and abuse of the causal link between the judicial cognizance of the actual conduct.


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