• 演员照片装点着餐馆墙壁

    Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant.


  • 两位聋哑演员只靠打手势语交谈。

    The two deaf actors converse solely in signing.


  • 演员可是父母不同意

    She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove.


  • 演员退场灯光便亮了起来。

    As the actors exited the stage the lights went on.


  • 突然所有演员非常反感

    He had a sudden outburst against the whole tribe of actors.


  • 电影业对女演员来说机会有限

    Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses.


  • 多数演员都会偶尔念错台词

    Most actors fluff their lines occasionally.


  • 演员多姆·德卢斯谈论喜剧事业

    Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.


  • 选了两个没有经验演员饰演主角

    She chose two untried actors for the leading roles.


  • 演员们的热情鼓舞孩子们

    The actors' enthusiasm inspired the kids.


  • 一直演员爸爸总是同意

    I've always wanted to be an actor but Dad wouldn't hear of it.


  • 过去演员小说家们调情

    In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists.


  • 报上文章这位演员带来极大痛苦

    The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress.


  • 演员热情鼓舞孩子们

    The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm.


  • 接受过演员训练没有坚持下去。

    I was trained to be an actress but I didn't follow it through.


  • 销售经理屈才了,你本应该演员

    You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor.


  • 已经成长这个国家优秀的演员

    She has matured into one of the country's finest actresses.


  • 作为演员得很惨。

    He failed miserably as an actor.


  • 被看作是英国最好古典剧目演员之一。

    He numbers among the best classical actors in Britain.


  • 年纪更小一些时曾闹着玩似地过当演员

    She flirted with the idea of becoming an actress when she was younger.


  • 演员派崔克史都华秀顶好久了,而且以此豪。

    The actor Patrick Stewart is a long-time baldy and proud of it.


  • 出身演员世家

    He comes from a family of actors.


  • 现在10演员丹尼斯·劳森同居

    She now lives with actor Denis Lawson, 10 years her junior.


  • 这些片段当地演员真实当事人拍摄的。

    The segments are filmed using either local actors or the actual people involved.


  • 演员排练得不够。

    The actors were poorly rehearsed.


  • 次年陪那个情绪反复无常演员去了好莱坞

    He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year.


  • 那位演员认为这些照片是隐私权侵犯

    The actress described the photographs of her as an invasion of privacy.


  • 演员希望通过访问学校鼓励孩子演出自己的作品。

    By visiting schools, the actors hope to inspire children to put on their own productions.


  • 这位演员参加任何一项活动都引起媒体广泛关注

    Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage.


  • 这座建筑示威者们包围了起来,其中著名演员

    The building was picketed by demonstrators, several of whom were well-known actors.


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