• 呼吁北约摧毁卡扎菲上校的远程火箭炮发射器

    He called on Nato to destroy Colonel Gaddafi's long-range Grad rocket launchers.


  • 火箭炮,响紫色时雨柳,蓝色时雨柳。

    Assorted rockets with big purple peony, blue peony burst and a very spectacular fiery tail.


  • 如果射不完的火箭炮蟑螂会管你

    If you use the proverbial bazooka to kill cockroaches, then who CARES?


  • 以方袭击的三小时休战期哈马斯方面同样停止火箭炮攻击

    During the three-hour lull in fighting by Israel, Hamas also held its rocket fire.


  • 因此方法计算远程火箭炮毁伤效能的一种有效方法。

    Therefore, this method ADAPTS to computing long-range rocket gun damage efficiency very well.


  • 他们移动火箭炮放了5发火箭然而,最终却发现杀错了

    But the five rockets they launched from a mobile rocket launcher ended up killing the wrong people.


  • 采用永磁同步伺服电动机,构成火箭炮交流位置伺服系统

    The permanent magnetism synchronous servomotor was adopted to construct the AC position servo system of multiple launch rockets.


  • 所有这些争论都赞成火箭炮选择(将其国有化)唯一纳税人公平的选择。

    All of which argues in favour of the bazooka option, nationalisation, as the only one that is fair to the taxpayer.


  • 以方目的旨在阻止哈马斯燃放火箭炮日益扩大袭击范围攻击以色列南部城镇。

    Its aim, it says, was to stop Hamas firing rockets, with increasing range, at towns in southern Israel.


  • 该文研究了某舰载火箭炮舰船摇摆情况系统调炮时火箭炮受力问题。

    The servo motion dynamics of the ship-borne rocket launcher under the condition of ship sway is studied.


  • 该文研究了某舰载火箭炮舰船摇摆情况随动系统调时的火箭炮受力问题。

    Secondly, the principle of strap down inertial navigation for a rocket or cannon artillery is analyzed in details.


  • 今天部分问题可能由于长期以来叛军首次派出如此多重武器,坦克火箭炮被送上阵地。

    Part of the problem today may have been that the rebel forces sent in for the first time in a long time a lot of very heavy armour. Tanks and rocket launchers were sent in on the ground.


  • 气象站配置位置合适与否远程火箭炮发射产生重大影响,进而影响射击效果。

    The problem whether meteorological station collocating position is suitable has important effect on firing process and result of long range rocket launcher system.


  • 针对多管火箭炮发射恶劣负载特性设计了一种模糊神经网络适应位置控制器

    Considering the atrocious load property when the rocket is launched, an adaptive position controller based on fuzzy neural network is designed.


  • 文中利用ADAMS软件,对多管火箭炮齐射过程中不同发射间隔进行仿真研究

    Tins paper were described an simulation investigation that is carried out by adapting ADAMS software to simulate varied launch intervals during MRLS 'ripple fire.


  • 雷达末端防御系统中的搜索雷达、跟踪雷达、光电以及火箭炮参数进行设置

    It can set up the parameters of the Recovery System of Radar End's equipment: the search radar, tracking radar, photoelectric tracker and four rocket's gun.


  • 有一很晚才回家发觉路上尽是苏联装甲师坦克火箭炮机动步兵团深夜中隆隆前进

    Returning home late one night he found the road crowded with Soviet armoured divisions; tanks, rocket launchers, motorised infantry, rumbling along in the deep dead of night.


  • 本文式爆破器”课题一个部分主要是研究装备火箭炮的车辆在越野状态下行驶时的平顺性。

    This thesis is a part of the project "Net Exploder" . It mainly discusses ride performance of the off-road-vehicle, which equipped with a rocket emitter.


  • 通过对某型火箭炮武器系统试验可信性分析,对类似武器系统的试验设计及试验具有一定的借鉴作用。

    It has a practical meaning in actual test. By creditability analysis of this weapon system, it can be used for reference to the test design of similar weapon systems.


  • 通过火箭炮武器系统试验可信性分析,对类似武器系统的试验设计及试验具有一定借鉴作用。

    By creditability analysis of this weapon system, it can be used for reference to the test design of similar wea.


  • 雅典当地时间今天早上快到6坦克火箭炮袭击了美国驻希腊大使馆没有人员伤亡建筑损坏较小

    An anti- tank rocket hit the US embassy in Athens just before 6 a. m . local time this morning . There were no injuries and minimal structural damage .


  • 本文统计大量故障数据火箭炮结构设计分析基础上,建立火箭炮传动系统发火系统故障模型

    Based on large amount of fault data and the analysis of the rocket launcher's structure and design, this paper presents the fault models of electrical drive system and fire system.


  • 现代战争火箭炮线膛重迭射击应用较多两者火力分配方法现行《地面炮兵射击教程》却无明确规定

    Overlapping firing of rocket gun and rifle gun is applied frequently in the modern warfare, but the common method of fire distribution is definitely prescribed in the existing Artillery Firing Manual.


  • 巴勒斯坦方面报道,截止到目前为止至少65名巴勒斯坦火箭炮袭击,仅今天的袭击就造成11死亡

    Reports from the Palestinian territory say at least 65 Palestinians have died in rocket attacks so far and 11 people were killed today.


  • 城里一夜之间就出现了许多商贩,叫卖一切可以东西,红色挂鞭、像烟卷儿粗的炮竹一米多高的火箭炮应有尽有。

    Street vendors suddenly pop up in the downtown area, selling everything explosive, from big double strings of red, cigarette-sized firecrackers to meter-long bottle rockets.


  • 也许,或是应当减缓,最好解除加沙地区围攻,加沙在不承认以色列的巴方组织哈马斯控制之下,哈马斯停止了以方火箭炮攻击。

    He may-and should-loosen and preferably lift the siege of Gaza, which is run by the Islamists of Hamas, who, while refusing to recognise Israel, have generally stopped firing rockets at it.


  • 也许,或是应当减缓,最好解除加沙地区围攻,加沙在不承认以色列的巴方组织哈马斯控制之下,哈马斯停止了以方火箭炮攻击。

    He may-and should-loosen and preferably lift the siege of Gaza, which is run by the Islamists of Hamas, who, while refusing to recognise Israel, have generally stopped firing rockets at it.


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