The Americans, discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat.
The purpose that I write these hopes to have bit of depress SEOER namely must hearten, hold to.
The opposite is also true: When you don't have a heart for what you're doing, you're easily discouraged.
For hours, the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away.
Another is that despite the dangers, and America’s downturn, there are still hundreds of thousands of people frustrated enough to risk everything.
Mother saw me frustrated appearance, as if through my mind, and came and said to me: "day jiao, discouraged?"
Lord, when I am discouraged, take away the blindness of my wavering faith. You are with me always. Forgive my ungrateful heart. of Christ's unifying love.
It is not too much of a stretch to relate the deflated build-up to the World Cup in England this time to the wider, sombre atmosphere.
Because I know we can win that competition. I know we can out-compete any other nation on Earth.
But employees on the way out aren't actually as big of a threat to a healthy corporate culture as the growing ranks of disillusioned and frustrated workers who simply stay put.
The Moral of This Story: It's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of our pain and suffering.
You may hear from people around you, you may receive much negativity from the TV and newspapers. Many will back down from doing something they want because of that outer atmosphere of discouragement.
He well knew the futility of trying to contend against witches, so he gave up discouraged.
Applying for an export license involved so much rigamarole that we became quite frustrated.
Because she's also under pressure, she wants to talk about her problems, which frustrates him even more.
However, if this trait puts you in too many compromising situations, makes you feel frustrated or disappointed in yourself for being treated like this, it may be time to abandon ship.
Yes, they certainly have moments of elation, but it is not an exaggeration to say that most of the time they are in a state of fear, anger, frustration, anxiety, disappointment, betrayal, and regret.
The emails reveal that the scientists who wrote them were frustrated by the attacks of critics and, like Mendel, were anxious to sharpen the strength of their conclusions.
Don't be discouraged if what you produce initially is something other people dismiss as a toy.
The fourth pitfall you will face during your Decade of Destiny is discouraging delays.
With the exception of Croatia, the others have many years of work before they can even come close to joining the EU, so today’s hostile mood may be less worrisome and discouraging than it appears.
You may be going through difficult times right now. You're discouraged because the situation you face seems unmanageable, unreasonable, or unfair.
It is easy to be swayed and take on too much when we haven't clearly identified what we value.
And don't worry or get discouraged if you miss a day due to other more important commitments.
And don't worry or get discouraged if you miss a day due to other more important commitments.