Also a glowing letter of recommendation from a linguistics professor wouldn't hurt, which I'd be more than happy to write up for you.
The enthusiastic company sales representatives and scientists saw the "press" tags affixed to our convention passes and suddenly had very little to say.
In the auditorium, university President Zuhal delivered an enthusiastic welcome speech.
removed all the special schemes he was offering to the customers and was no longer as enthusiastic.
Bill was so passionate about explaining his vision that he was leaping over the campfire.
The poorest people in the world want and deserve a commitment that goes beyond warm words.
The sponsors and last but certainly not least you, the inspirational spectators.
Unlike the curated and subsidised International Festival, the Fringe is open to anyone with a little money and plenty of passion.
Gus has no symptoms that the audience can see except once losing his place in a voluble, earnest and moving speech.
Has no employee with genuine passion, expertise, and customer relation skills, to act as the company's blogger.
Every year many new businesses, the so called "start-ups" are founded by enthusiastic people counting with a great idea for a product or service.
Of course, this approach assumes that you do have other erstwhile bosses and colleagues who would be happy to give you a glowing recommendation.
Yet some of us started off with enthusiasm, but we've gotten distracted and we're slipping back into the way we've always lived.
Brandeis was never a practising Jew, but he was a passionate convert to Zionism.
"I love it," she started with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.
His colleague needed one of Mr. Hargis's customers to furnish him with some glowing testimonial that he could spin into a marketing brochure.
This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for all the members of my delegation.
Keep an enthusiastic and positive attitude, don't come across as too eager or discuss the difficulty of the job market.
For enthusiasts conversation is an art, one of the great pleasures of life, even the basis of civilised society.
“People love us or hate us,” said Lena, the soulful8 redhead9 in the group. “But nobody think nothing about us.”
Those eleven burning words summed up the nature of Britain's war, turned Britain's back on the weaknesses of the past, set her face toward the unknown future.
“What you see playing out in the marketplace today is the result of turning the wheel many years ago, ” says an ebullient Mr Otellini.
But the reality is that you, me, everyone needs to be reminded every once in a while that having a dedication and passion for what we do in life is key to happiness.
Muybridge was certainly a wonderful photographer, as enthusiastic and curious about his own medium as about the world he photographed.
And to all who serve on this board, obviously, if you want a good introduction, come to a place where you appoint a third of the board.
And to all who serve on this board, obviously, if you want a good introduction, come to a place where you appoint a third of the board.