• 羊毛用热水往往受到损伤

    Wool usually damages if washed in hot water.


  • 他们帐篷里着干粮,热水

    They lived in tents, ate dried food, and took baths with heated water.


  • 如果能够擦去手上试着热水

    If the paper doesn't remove the oil, try washing your hands with warm water.


  • 不要热水灯罩因为热水对灯罩损害

    Don't use hot water washing chimney, because hot water to the damage of the chimney is too big.


  • 每个小朋友被教导每天热水可以去除身上危险微生物

    From a young age, we're taught that the daily use of a hot shower, copious amounts of soap and a scratchy washcloth are necessary to rid ourselves of dangerous microorganisms.


  • 结果表明:织物上的涂覆丝素经过交联处理可以使涂层具有水洗性能。

    The results indicate that the fibroin membrane formed under suitable condition has a good fastness to hot washing.


  • 用有芥末的热水脚是再不过的了,因为它可以减轻感冒症状鼻塞

    You can't better a hot mustard footbath for easing cold symptoms such as a blocked nose.


  • 全自动控制水温0- 400可调满足游泳池多人同时热水需求

    Automatic control, water temperature 0-400 degrees adjustable, meet the swimming pool and many people also hot water bath demand.


  • 1月21日停止供应热水直到2月27日每个楼层热水正常供应热水

    January 21 stopped supplying hot water bath until February 27, each floor of the normal supply of hot water heaters.


  • 甲醇处理后,具有良好性、耐酸碱性,部分物理机械性能有所改善。

    It has good acid and alkali resistance and hot water washing resistance. Part of the physics mechanical properties are therefore improved.


  • 经甲醇处理后,具有良好性、耐酸碱性部分物理机械性能有所改善。

    It has good acid and alkali resistance and hot water washing resistance. Part of the physics mechanical properties are therefore impro...


  • 因此经常热水增强机体免疫力抵抗力具有强身健体延年益寿的功效。

    Therefore, often feet with hot water, can enhance the body immunity and resistance, with physical fitness, prolong life.


  • 从小到大很多东西都认为理所当然比如平稳马路光线明亮的教室热水

    Growing up, I took many things for granted: smooth roads, bright classrooms and hot showers.


  • 目的通过微波预处理过程以及热水过程影响因素分析,得到最佳提取工艺参数。

    Objective: the best operation condition of extraction was found through analyzing the influences of both process of microwave pretreatment and hot wave washing.


  • 对于一般程度病情,可以用热水洗保持洁净在内嵌指甲棉花使离开皮肤

    For mild cases, soak the foot in warm water, keep it clean, and wedge a small piece of cotton under the corner of the ingrown nail to lift it off the skin.


  • 大部分衣服温水,但是亚麻白色衣服好用热水,那样可以除掉细菌粘质泥土

    While warm water is fine for most clothes, linens and dirty white clothing are best washed in hot water to remove germs and heavy soil.


  • 适用助剂:纯棉衣料,聚衣料,绵和聚脂混纺衣料,各类人造纤维家用衣料,热水衣料

    For What Kinds of fabrics: Pure cotton clothing, polyester clothing, polyester cotton blend, synthetic fiber, household clothing, fabrics that are washed in cold or hot water.


  • 热水干净衣物如果只是热水洗还会伤害到衣物的布料,又特别是莱卡布料的衣物有弹性的衣物。

    Clothes won't get cleaner if you use hot water. You are simply wasting hot water, and actually damaging the fibers in your clothing, especially items made with lycra or elastic.


  • 适用衣料纯棉衣料、聚衣料、绵和聚脂混纺衣料、名人造纤维家用衣料、羊毛衣料、冷热水衣料。

    For What Kinds of fabrics: Pure cotton clothing, polyester clothing, polyester cotton blend, synthetic fiber, household clothing, wool fabrics and clothing that is washed in cold or hot water.


  • 用布钥匙记号但是,她热水钥匙,记号还是不掉,她又石头钥匙,可是记号仍旧去不了。

    She rubbed the key with a cloth, but the mark did not go away. She washed the key in hot water, but the mark was not washed away. She rubbed the key on a stone, but she could not rub the mark away.


  • 如果美国所有家庭都衣机热水洗涤模式,切换成温水冷水清模式,可以节省相当于10万桶石油产生能量

    If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100, 000 barrels of oil a day.


  • 48Kimura先生家人还有些小方法减少家里的能源支出比如用泡热水衣服骑自行车日用杂货

    And then Mr. Kimura, 48, says there are the little things that his family of four does to squeeze fuel bills, like reusing warm bath water to wash laundry and bicycling to buy groceries.


  • 温水或冷水衣服,不要用热水

    Wash your clothes in warm or cold water, not hot water.


  • 有效的减排餐具节约热水低温

    Hence the most effective way to cut emissions is simply to be sparing with hot water when washing up and to use low temperature cycles for laundry.


  • 女人们经常非常头发觉得热水头发得更干净,”巴顿先生

    'Women often wash their hair with water which is too hot, thinking it will make hair cleaner,' said Mr Barton.


  • 女人们经常非常头发觉得热水头发得更干净,”巴顿先生

    'Women often wash their hair with water which is too hot, thinking it will make hair cleaner,' said Mr Barton.


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