• 这个新的金字塔进来12版本取决于一个活跃性热量需要

    The new pyramid comes in 12 versions, depending on a person's activity level and caloric need.


  • 2000卡路里常人所需的平均值人们需要热量大大不同的。

    One is that 2,000 calories are the average for the typical person, but people have greatly differing calorie needs.


  • 一位一般体形身高更年期女性每天需要1600–2400热量

    A menopausal woman of average build and height requires 1600 – 2400 calories daily.


  • 完成一壮举需要适应体内产生热量防止周围水域

    Accomplishing this feat requires adaptations both to generate heat in the turtle's body and to keep it from escaping into the surrounding waters.


  • 20之后,人很少继续长高,长高需要热量营养物质——特别是蛋白质——满足身体组织生长需要

    Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrientsnotably, proteinto feed expanding tissues.


  • 金星自转一周需要243个地球日,因此来自太阳热量悠闲、更容易观察到速度被吸收分配

    The planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace.


  • 洞穴形成需要火山气体热量稳定释放海拔到足以防止每年大量降雪夏季融化

    The cave-making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer.


  • 比如,不是有种说法男人女人需要更多热量,而且喝酒吗?“一个文化故事。”

    For example, the idea that men need more calories than women, or can drink more alcohol, "These are cultural stories about gender."


  • 基于一原因需要谨慎考虑单纯的把热量反射太空的基因工程的做法

    For this reason, approaches to geo-engineering that merely reflect heat back into space need to be viewed cautiously.


  • 而且生物角度来看棕色脂肪非常低效的脂肪,因为细胞需要热量运行相反它们利用三磷酸腺苷——线粒体产生另一种化学品

    From a biological perspective, also, brown fat is highly inefficient, since cells don't need heat to run; rather, they use ATP, another chemical produced by mitochondria.


  • 由于需要二十岁时更少保持体重,因此计算需要每份热量

    Because you'll probably need to eat less than in your 20s to maintain a healthy weight, every calorie needs to count.


  • 它们所产生热量(减少冷却系统需要)放射性也更小。

    They produce both less heat (reducing the need for cooling systems) and less radioactivity.


  • 减肥时,热量需求变化因为更少热量需要维持你的体重

    As you lose weight, your calorie needs change because it takes fewer calories to maintain your weight.


  • 幸运如果身体需要热量可以燃烧更多卡路里意味着实际上更好的,所以应该选择暖气下降一些温度

    Luckily, if your body needs to heat up more, you will burn more calories, so this might mean that it is actually better for you if you should choose to turn the heating down a couple of degrees.


  • 还有很清楚地许多不同燃料组件你们沸水型加压水式反应堆看到的,燃料组件不同的,所有产生个燃料的,热量需要除去

    And clearly, many different types of fuel assemblies, as you will see a BWR and PWR fuel assemblies are different and all heat that is generated in that one fuel pin needs to be removed.


  • 很多计算方式可以根据身高体重还有活动系数一个基础代谢率。就是,你每天需要热量

    There are many calculators available that take your weight, height and level of activity and give you a fairly accurate idea of your daily calorie need.


  • 燃烧了更多卡路里所以身体需要摄入更多的热量

    You're burning more calories, so your body needs to take more in.


  • 怀孕的时候,身体每天额外需要300——500卡路里热量怀孕前期可能少。

    Your body needs 300-500 extra calories a day when you're pregnant, even less in the first trimester.


  • 怀孕的时候,身体每天额外需要300——500卡路里热量怀孕前期可能少。

    Your body needs 300-500 extra calories a day when you're pregnant even less in the first trimester.


  • 仅测定几个活跃分子热量无法得出准确温度需要数十亿个分子甚至更多

    The energy of a few molecules bouncing around doesn't give a good indication of heat, you need billions or more.


  • 芯片速度逾来逾快,它们需要更多产生更多的热量

    As chips get faster, they consume more power and generate more heat.


  • 估计,生产单位卡路里热量牛肉需要以上谷物饲料,而且肉类消费的增长会引起谷物需求的乘数效应。

    Producing a single calorie of beef can, by some estimates, require eight or more calories of grain feed, and expanded meat consumption therefore has a multiplier effect on demand for grains.


  • 不是一项非常高效技术需要大量管子灯泡热量进行基本数学计算

    It wasn't a very efficient technology, and [it] required a lot of tubes and bulbs and heat to do basic mathematically calculations.


  • 没有多余的热量浪费,所以一口食物需要充满营养

    There are no extra calories to spare, so every bite of food needs to be packed with nutrition.


  • 制造颜料,烘干需要热量照明电力传动带电动机一家工厂所需要一切设备,等等,所有一切需要多少技能

    How many skills went into the making of the tint and the kilns, into supplying the heat, the light and power, the belts, motors, and all the other things a mill requires?


  • 研究团队只是计算他们使用细菌水解作为肌肉细胞生长时所需要营养热量而已。

    The research team based their calculations on a process using the bacterium Cyanobacteria hydrolysate as a nutrient and energy source for growing muscle cells.


  • 个人能量需要这些食物获取40%的热量十分健康的。

    Obtaining up to 40% of calories from these foods according to individual energy needs should be perfectly healthful.


  • 由于这些反应堆不会地聚集太多热量需要主动冷却系统冷却它们,过热的热量周围空气消散

    Because these reactors don't concentrate too much heat in one place, no active cooling systems would be necessary to cool them — excess heat would be dispersed in the ambient air.


  • 实际上一个现代能量有效利用工厂模式可以回收浪费热量生成厂里自己需要电量

    But it is actually a model of modern energy efficiency, harnessing its waste heat to generate much of its own electricity.


  • 实际上一个现代能量有效利用工厂模式可以回收浪费热量生成厂里自己需要电量

    But it is actually a model of modern energy efficiency, harnessing its waste heat to generate much of its own electricity.


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